February 25th, 2014


long shot

does anyone play Geordon Nicol or would be willing to try?



[No Subject]

[info]slushees: Santana, Dani, Artie, Mercedes, Jake, Ryder, Unique, Cooper, Joe, Bree, Dottie, Biff, Jean-Baptiste, Hunter & the Warblers, Brody, Adam, Jesse St. James, and original characters too.

We are a Glee group psl where the writers take control of their favorite characters and create fun and exciting story lines.

We offer nightly and weekly activities, AIM convos/scenes/group chats, a monthly talk show, a Chatzy room, as well as frequent group scenes and individual play.



[No Subject]

a wacky evil demon is killing off people left and right and causing a stir in the community. come join the fun. [info]amongus we're searching for more fandom characters to be filled, but oc's are welcome and encouraged. we definitely need some fallen angels around this joint, so come on down!