June 20th, 2013


[No Subject]


Blame it on poor leadership, or America's need for excess. To claim ownership of those material things; the water and land and resources. That which wasn't always ours to gather up and put our name on. This wasn't just our world to use up, abuse and strip and mine. As humans, we were doing little to make a better world for all that we were taking.

The Authority, as we would come to know them, took matters into their own hands. A collective representation of species more evolved than our own has taken our freedoms from us. For our own good. Humans are now with purpose, be it for food or labor, companionship or entertainment, they have been tagged and gathered up. And auctioned to the highest bidder.


PremiseHeld/TakenApplication WantedFAQsSpecies/World



[No Subject]

[info]altamontmod Benjamin McKenzie for this girls big brother. Whitney, Audrina and any of the Hills cast members for friendship/co-worker storylines.

Many other faces are wanted in the community! We're a friendly, well established city/town based community looking for fresh faces and more writers. Come check us out! [info]altamontorlando



[No Subject]

[info]arching could use more caped crusaders!



Looking for long-term 1:1 RP partner

Hi everyone. I go by Kou on the interwebs, and I’m looking for one or maybe two long term RP partners. I am a 30-year-old female who lives in the Bay Area of California, USA, and my undergrad majors were in anthropology and psychology, if that gives you an approximation of my demographic and possible political ideals/interests. I work full-time as a school-based speech-language pathologist. As such, I do get summers off, which is why I’m even here. :)

About me, about what I am looking for, writing sample included: Warning - Wall of Text )

Thank you for your time!

[No Subject]

I know this is a long shot, but I am a HUGE fan of the Killjoys 'verse in My Chemical Romance fandom and I would love to do an original PSL or GPSL based on the world they built up with that. We could play original characters or established ones in the 'verse.

I'd like to do a futuristic post-apocalyptic SL heavily influenced by punk aesthetics, a mix of Mad Max and Tank Girl. Jive talk, improbable fashion, laser blaster weapons, fast muscle cars, etc. Let's start a revolution!

I'm down for slash, het, kinks/adult, lots of plot, action, angst, romance, adventure, horror, fluff and more. I'd like to get something going, whether it's long term or short, that pushes us both as writers and makes us eager to find out what happens next.

I've been writing for 15 years and I don't 'vanish' or 'flake'. I'm on AIM nightly and tag back within a few hours on journal threads.

PM me or comment if you're into the idea and we can work from there!

Sorry for x-posting.