May 15th, 2013



[No Subject]


Creatures of fantasy now called 'supernaturals' interact every day with humans through the mystical protection of THE VEIL.

Some were once known as gods and goddesses, the inspiration for human fairy tales, and the foundation of human folklore. Most have adapted to a mundane life beyond THE VEIL masquerading as humans. Others have chosen to remain behind it outside of the prying reach of humanity out of fear.

Yet, not all the supernaturals are content to have humans deceived by this convenient 'gift'. There are those who would see it destroyed along with the AGE OF REASON. A global corporation called AEGIS exists to train individuals capable of piercing THE VEIL to handle these uprisings.

Welcome to San Francisco, CA. A very bizarre city setting established as the heart of this struggle in modern day for original fantasy, folklore, paranormal, and supernatural characters.

The community has been around since 2010.
Game is currently OPEN for applications from active players.




Destruction Island


Destruction Island


an original character mutant rpg







In 2008, the picturesque state of Washington was turned upside-down when a nuclear reactor suddenly began to overheat and meltdown. All neighboring residences were immediately evacuated while officials began the cleanup. Unfortunately, in the process of re-stabilizing the power plant, it became clear that unknown levels of radiation had been leaking into the atmosphere for several months, if not longer, before the plant was deemed to be a danger. Anyone living within a 100 mile radius was strongly encouraged to seek medical attention to screen for resulting medical problems. The response was overwhelming and the hundreds of people believed to be affected were offered a refuge on an island off the coast, Destruction Island. Here, a typical suburban town was established in place of the former wildlife preserve, in the hopes of offering some sense of normalcy. The cornerstone of Destruction is a special facility, where 'victims' of the radiation contamination receive treatment and training to assist in adjusting to their new lives. However, all is not well on the Island. Throughout the community, tensions run rampant, and without the presence of an official police force, vigilante justice keeps society in order.

Destruction Island is a modern-day, genetic-mutation based SL set on a real-life island off the coast of Washington state. All characters are human, with or without genetic mutation. Each character may choose a mutation must pick one power from the list. Over the course of game play, additional associated powers may develop. Also, if the player so chooses, their character may be entered into a mod-controlled lottery to pick initial abilities, secondary abilities, or "regular" human identity. All types of characters are encouraged, both human and super powered. All occupations and roles are welcome and connections with existing characters are encouraged. Multiple opportunities for play will be available each month, both for group and individual interaction, with characters who know each other and with strangers.