January 28th, 2013


[No Subject]

i know this is unlikely but would anyone play chris colfer against his 'rumoured' boyfriend will sherrod aka disneyland boy



[No Subject]


Looking for more Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel characters to join [info]f_rogers. We've got Buffy and Faith just joined, so there is a lot of plot open. Also, since both ladies are taken from different points in canon it makes things more interesting. Any of the Scoobies, Giles, Wesley, Angel, or Spike would be greatly appreciated.

It's a laid-back game that works in real time. It's a lot of fun and the mods are nice and easygoing. I highly recommend it.

If you have any questions concerning the game or either Buffy or Faith, feel free to comment here, to the mods in their page, or my dropbox.


[No Subject]


Being a post-grad isn't easy. Between job training and apartment hunting, the first couple of years after graduating from Hogwarts is a transitional hell for most witches and wizards.

Or, at least, it used to be.

Thanks to Minister Shacklebolt, Hogwarts students can now spend their last two years of school living in Diagon Alley and working at a variety of internships under the watchful guidance of mentors and professors. Come graduation, students will have been trained enough to be immediately placed on the payroll, cutting out those pesky in-between blues.

From budgeting their monthly stipends to terrifying evaluations on their job performance, this is one "real world" experience students will never forget!


HP lines?? (x-posted)

Hi there! I am search of HP roleplay. The thing is, I haven't roleplayed HP-verse in a long time. I kind of got... distracted by other fandoms, haha. But recently, I've had an itch to return to HP roleplay, and I don't know where to start! I don't feel confident enough to play any HP characters to join a game; hence, why I'm asking for a private line or several! :-)

HP characters I've played in the past:

Remus (both Harry & Marauder era)
Snape (both Harry & Marauder era)

I've also played others, but only on very minor scales.

'Ships that I like (bolded are faaavourites, italics are 'ships I'm super curious to play; ):
Remus/Sirius, Harry/Hermione, Harry/Draco, Snape/Lily, Snape/Sirius, Lucius/Snape, Remus/Harry (particularly post-Hogwarts), Snape/Bellatrix, Lucius/Bellatrix, Marauder-era in general.

I love plotty RP. I love character development. I love a little darkness. I also love a bit of pr0n.

Please leave a comment if you're interested, and let me know what HP characters you play! :-)