February 8th, 2012


[No Subject]

[info]realitycrash game-wide plot is just kicking off!

[No Subject]

A Necessary Evil.

"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."
- Jimmy Carter.

A Necessary Evil is a Harry Potter RPG set during the first war. It is February 1981 and the war is growing in intensity as we head towards October 31st. A Necessary Evil is a game that embraces canon but will diverging into an AU future. Dumbledore has a plan that (with Peter Pettigrew's help) will change the war completely.

MOST WANTED: James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Regulus Black, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, and other Order and Death Eater characters.

Game starts February 15th
Application. Available/Holds. Cast List.
Drop Box. Premise. Rules.
Taken PBs. Wanted.
[info]necessarymods | [info]necessary_rpg | [info]necessary_ooc

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Come help us get on our feet!


Brand new community!! Plenty of open and free spots! So far we have most of BigBang, bring the rest of their friends and fellow musicians/actors/whoever you feel fit!

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new verse city
who says you have to sacrifice quality for crack?
Panfandom game seeking well written canon, au, and original fandom characters.
Remember kids, just because it's crack, doesn't mean it has to be whack.
premise & faqsguidelinesholdapply

[No Subject]

People are starting to realize that it isn't a series of freak accidents anymore. Something is happening, and someone is behind it all. Monsters exist, so do angels, and demons, and everything else that the mind can possibly create, or fear. The superhero's are trying to stop it, the scientists are trying to explain it, and the humans are just trying to survive. There's a place for everyone to fit in, if they're brave (or crazy) enough to try.

Highway to Hell RPG is still recruiting for all characters from all different fandoms! We're looking for:

Bobby Singer, Ruby, Anna, Ellen Harvelle, Balthazar and Lucifer from Supernatural
Moriarty from Sherlock
Captain America and The Hulk from The Avengers
Lee Adama aka Apollo from Battlestar Galactica

And everyone else!