June 27th, 2010


[No Subject]

[info]mitochondrion My boy here desperately needs his sister! She would be about sixteen or seventeen and she'd be very protective of him. The problem is, he's slowly going insane over the course of the game because he's genetically mutated to see the future. His sister herself also has a genetic mutation that would give her some sort of power, but exactly what the power is is up to you.
a bit more information )

Comment or contact me at ofnumberlessdreams@gmail.com if you're interested!

[No Subject]



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"Every law that curbs my basic human freedom; every lie about the things I care for; every crime committed against me by their politics; that what's makes me get up and hound these fuckers, and I'll do that until the day I die... or until my brain dries up or something."

In 1946, the aliens came to earth and brought with them a virus that changed everything. A virus designed to enhance the psychic powers of a race genetically identical to humans, the Wild Card virus created Earth's first metahumans, giving superpowers to aces, and deformities to jokers.

At first, aces were revered and jokers were hated. Both sides were seen as property – useful for the public good, or useful to beat up. No one thought long-term about what they meant to the world; everyone thought that the first generation would die and take their mutations with them.

But the wild card didn’t die out. Instead, they’ve been increasing, ever more of the population, ever more present.

Ever more useful, to those who think that way. Technology hasn’t caught up to the gifts that the wild card can give, yet. That’s the new arms race: to make your own wild cards, rather than wait for them to be born. Both the government and free science – if science can be said to be free in an age of corporate control – want that power.

Both are on the brink of achieving it.

It has been 150 years since the virus fell like rain over New York City and over the world.

People have adapted.

We Float is a superhero game for original characters. Have a question about what we're looking for? You can reach either of the mods via PM, a comment to this post, or by emailing the main community address – wefloatmods@gmail.com.

[No Subject]

Before you, Bella,
We all know the story of New Moon, but what if things didn't end the way that they did?

The year is 20052006, and emotions are running high. Edward left Bella in a state of heartbreak and confusion, which only pushed her closer to Jacob Black. Even after learning about Jacob's little secret, Bella found that she couldn't keep herself away from him. He had become her best friend and the source of light in her life, and eventually feelings began to develop between the two of them. Meanwhile, Edward stayed away from Bella as he had promised her, and therefore couldn't see how broken she had been during his absence. It was only after Bella's cliff-diving mistake that her life began to turn upside down again. Rosalie told Edward that Bella had died, which forced him to make an irrational decision to go to Italy and face the Volturi. Alice came to check on Charlie, and instead found Bella alive and well when Jake had taken her to her house.

But what if Bella had never gone to Italy? What if Edward returned to Forks the day after Alice came to check up on Chief Swan because he just had to see the truth for himself? And what if the recent murders in Seattle reached Edward's ears once Carlisle found out about them? Will the battle against this new threat be the greatest one of their lives, or will the task that Edward has to face in order to get Bella to believe him be greater?
my life was like a moonless night.

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[No Subject]


Character Directory
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FAQ/Drop Box
With the television season reaching an end and the Summer firing up, it's time to join [info]new_directions to get your Glee fix during the long months until September.

We've got all sorts of fun stuff planned, and the only thing missing is you.

We're the oldest Glee RPG on IJ and have been open for active play since September '09, so we won't be going anywhere any time soon. We've still got some canon characters open, and also accept OCs (students, teachers, anything that you can think of to fit in the setting.) The application is fairly simple. We're a friendly, active group and hope to find more people to join the fun!


[No Subject]


Fidelity RPG



Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button
Kingsley Shacklebolt, once renowned Minister for Magic, was found guilty of lying, stealing, and cheating the witches and wizards of Britain. Though he claimed innocence, there was far too much evidence against him. Kingsley agreed to step down from the position in early 2023. His replacement, Lucretia Rowle; widow of the deceased Death Eater Thorfinn, claimed to be ready to right every wrong Kingsley Shacklebolt had ever made and has done little to help the poor image that Kingsley now faces every day. Lucretia Rowle has started making changes, drastic changes... especially to the courses at Hogwarts. One of the courses, now a mandatory requirement to graduate for all Muggleborns, is a Wizarding How To class, basically treating all Muggleborns as incompetent and unable to grasp the wizarding world. Each year, all Muggleborns will have to take this course and will not be able to graduate without it. It has also been theorized that the Head Boy and Head Girl were chosen by their blood, not their achievements in school, as well as the new Fifth Year Prefects. No Muggleborns have been chosen as Prefect this year. Who's side will you join? What else will change in the Wizarding World? Will people finally see the light and realize Lucretia Rowle is really a blood purist?

Game Opening July 1st or when we get 5 applications!

WANTED: Hugo Weasley, Roxanne Weasley, Lily Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Lorcan and Lysander Scamander + much more!


[No Subject]


[No Subject]

[info]unpaid | [info]interns | [info]interns_ooc

premise | faq | rules | available | cast | application | dropbox
hogwarts resources | internship resources
friends generator | contact list

[No Subject]

Activity Clean Out & First Come, First Serve Adds today. Plenty of popular roles open and always excited to have rare characters. [info]encircle.

Welcome to Harmony


And in our bones, in our heads, we can't escape it anymore

You can’t remember how you heard of this place, yet, here you are. You can remember where you came from. Maybe you’ve come to escape. Maybe you’re running from your past, your enemies, your friends, or maybe even yourself. Maybe you just want a new chance, a new life, a change of pace. Maybe you didn’t come for yourself. You came for your family, for your significant other. Maybe you came to find someone you have lost.

Maybe you didn’t come here on your own at all, and someone else brought you here. Perhaps for your own good, or maybe just to get rid of you. Maybe they want to try and change you, for better or worse. Maybe you came from a different time, place, or existence, and when the offer was given to come here, you couldn’t say no. Perhaps you were given a new lease on life, literally, a chance to do it all again. To do it all right.

But everything comes at a price.

Welcome to Harmony, a newly reworked panfandom, high literacy RPG. We are so happy to have you here.

--One year and still going strong! We are in need of male characters.--
Join today!

It's all about the break down, and baby, we're breaking down piece by piece

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Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal


[No Subject]


Here at Brick By Brick, we offer marriage and couples counseling with both private and group sessions with a professional couples therapist. Brick By Brick is a relationship coaching program that will help you and your significant other overcome obstacles in your relationship. This is a program for couples who are willing to go through rigorous exercises and truly want their relationship to succeed. Our ultimate goal is simple, we want to provide couples on the brink with a stress free environment to improve their relationship by working on several key areas: communication, problem solving, building trust, letting go of the past, and reclaiming affection/intimacy.

Take on one of our pre-made couples or join with a partner with your own unique story. We open at five couples!

Pre-Mades - Taken / Held - Application - Rules

[No Subject]


After the near destruction of Hogwarts in the summer of 1998, several changes were decided upon during its reconstruction. Hogwarts had always been a great place for learning, but lacked what some of the other magical schools had: a well-rounded education that focused on more than just magical mastery. With a helping hand from the newly established Ministry, several elective clubs and activities were created and formed to encourage expanded learning.

These changes have evolved over the years, slightly changing as professors came and went at the school, but never quite disappearing. In fact, Hogwarts has become very event-oriented and is now hailed as a hands-on teaching school.

There is still some harsh criticism from certain media outlets and former Hogwarts students that remember how the school used to be run. In fact, some would call the need to implement art as something required for learning to be quite piffling.


Piffled is a game set in the school year 2022-2023, focusing on students from 5th to 7th year. An event oriented game, students are encouraged to participate in as many clubs, school activities, and events as possible. As a reminder, all students are required to take one fine art elective "club" to keep up with Ministry requirements.



[No Subject]

Is there anyone out there that wants a smutty/kinky het aim line for the night? I'm looking to play Bradley Cooper and he needs a lady.

[No Subject]

[info]reboots: where taking your beloved Marvel characters and reinventing them is only part of the fun!

[No Subject]

War of Wings.

Known as the angel who interpreted the visions of Daniel, and the angel who announced the birth of John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ; Gabriel was once God's most trusted messenger. At one point a caring, and gentle spirit; the absence of God has turned the angel into a ruthless monster. No longer willing to be the messenger to mankind, Gabriel has seen fit to become their destroyer. Where he would once sooth a person in distress, he now feels it suitable to slaughter them.

Many say that Gabriel is the left hand of God, the hand which deals swift punishment, and attribution. God may be gone, but Gabriel is still his left hand.

G A B R I E L.
Wanted Lines

The Acceptable

Gabriel hates humans, but this particularly human is tolerable, and to be tolerated by Gabriel is as worrying as it is honoring. The Acceptable is the only human Gabriel has chosen to mark alone, and probably the only human he will ever choose to mark, which brings up the question of what kind of odd human would actually enjoy being in the presence of an angel so enthusiastic over humanity's demise. Even Gabriel, though he'll likely never admit it, is a bit perplexed by The Acceptable, which makes him both wary and interested in the human.

The Tool

Unlike The Acceptable, Gabriel could care less about trying to actually enjoy The Tool's company. The Tool is simply the definition of its title, a half mark being used to spy on the rebels, and bring down their numbers. More out of intimidation and fear than a general taste for destruction, The Tool may be somewhat redeemable for their lying, and likely feels some amount of guilt for betraying their own race.

The Turncoat

The Turncoat was a Rebel for all of a month and a half before they decided they weren't cut for martyrdom and promptly high-tailed it back into The Voice's good graces. This has earned them a black mark with the Rebels (who probably would rather have them titled The Coward), and they are often treated warily by fellow Destroyers. The Turncoat just considers themselves misunderstood. However, what really pissed the Rebels off more than their betrayal was the fact that the two humans The Turncoat had all but eagerly marked were required to die before they could return to the Destoryers. As a testimony to their ruthlessness, The Turncoat murdered their own marks right before The Voice's eyes.


[No Subject]

Disney: Fables in Exile
a disney/fables crossover RPG


The world that the stories of Disney inhabit is a large one, and has remained largely undisturbed for decades. Fairy tales were allowed to flourish, capturing the imagination of all those who witnessed them. After all, a story never really dies..

How can it?

A man named Kevin Thorn has a magickal pen, one that tells the stories he wants it to. And Mr. Thorn wants to wipe clean these sanitized, simplified tales and bring back his older, darker creations. To flee this destruction, the fairy tale creatures of many a world have disappeared into parts unknown, finding refuge in other books, other art. Those in the world of Disney's creation have done the same, only they have retreated into Thorn's own world, seeking to hide under his very nose. If they remain three-dimensional, and move among the normal humans he sees every day, perhaps he will not notice their disappearance.

Their path is a tricky one. Despite being drawn as perhaps a fox, a cat, or even a fish in their own world, those Disney creatures had to take human form to exist in this new place of tenuous safety. They must work to buy food and shelter, and pass among the humans unnoticed. And all along, they have to fear Thorn and those who would wipe out their stories completely..

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Game Starts July 12th!