January 19th, 2010


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we want to know.

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[info]precinct19 Come and join this growing, fun and active game. We're looking for more Chicago people. Quite a few of our players are looking for lines. ~ethanr,~evannr, and ~alexrn are looking for their parents. ~olliemac and ~sammyj are looking for their older brother who was a junkie the last time they saw him. Line comes with a babymomma, ~brickners.  ~linleed is looking for a younger brother. And ~reggiewns is looking for two best friends to help run his mechanic shop with him.

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Enter This Deserted House
But please walk softly as you do.
Frogs dwell here and crickets too.

Ain't no ceiling, only blue.
Jays dwell here and sunbeams too.

Floors are flowers - take a few
Ferns grow here and daisies too.

Swoosh, whoosh - too-whit, too-woo
Bats dwell here and hoot owls too.

Ha-ha-ha, hee-hee, hoo-hoooo,
Gnomes dwell here and goblins too.

And my child, I thought you knew
I dwell here...and so do you
~shel silverstein

(Premise) (Rules) (Taken/Held) (FAQ) (House Layout) (Application)
(Mod Contact) (Friends Button/Player Contact)*

A panfandom game.
Another set of adds next Monday.



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Welcome to Sangria City. Where the kindred spirits of the damned linger among the living either hiding in the shadows or putting themselves out on display for all the world to see. All of those things that go bump in the night are real and just waiting for you to join their haven here in the City of Blood.

Sangria City is an alternate universe city that is a mix between Hollywood and Gotham City where Vampires, Witches, and the rest of the supernatural world live along side the mortals. The macabre pulse of Sangria City is fueled by the blood that pumps through every being, giving life to a lost world that thrives on love, lust and greed. Come play but be warned, it's not going to be pretty.

First and foremost, this is a community for role playing purposes only. Everything is fake and for creative writing purposes only.

We welcome all races, ethnicity, and sexual orientations!!!

Communties: [info]kindredmod[info]kindredooc[info]kndredspiritsrp



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::: [ A CLAMP-centric RPG ] :::

Main community | OOC | Logs
The Rules|FAQ|Taken Characters|Wanted Characters|Applications

Causa Mortis - an alternate universe MWPP HP game!



In 1967, Tom Riddle was elected Minister for Magic and the Golden Age began. Thirteen years later, Riddle and the network of Ministry representatives who serve him as Death Eaters are ready to make their move. Project Utopia has been in the works for years. An experimental program designed to strip muggleborns of their magic, Project Utopia has been testing on the muggleborns the Death Eaters have been kidnapping for months. Lily Potter. Ted Tonks. Alastor Gumboil. Mary Truman. Gilbert Vance. Hestia Jones. The project has not yet seen a success, but with over half the Wizengamot under their thumb, the Death Eaters see precious little reason to worry. The wizarding world is in the palms of their hands.

Unbeknownst to them, the Order of the Phoenix trains under Albus Dumbledore, Alastor Moody, and the Longbottoms. Meeting weekly, the group — formed in September and composed of everything from pet shop workers to Unspeakables to artefact hunters — has been training in secret, rushing against the clock to prepare for war.

Combatting the most powerful Dark wizard of the 20th century is difficult enough. Taking Him down when he has the power of the state twirled around his little finger seems impossible. When the wands are out, who will you have up against the wall?

Causa Mortis reopens January 22.
Apply Today!


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[info]aftertheend Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace, Jeremy Renner or Joshua Jackson for a line? Or anyone else, for that matter!

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#20 - Christopher Entwhistle, my worst enemy, told me he'd kill me if I even looked at his sister. We have a date with a broom closet later.

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We can only appreciate the miracle of sunrise...

...if we have waited in the darkness of sunset.




Most Needed Characters

Hermione Granger
Hestia Jones
Rodolphus Lestrange
Alice Longbottom
Neville Longbottom
Remus Lupin
Narcissa Malfoy
Peter Pettigrew
Evan Rosier
Severus Snape
Ted Tonks
Bill Weasley
Ron Weasley
Everyone knows the story of Harry Potter. Born to Lily and James Potter, left a scarred orphan before his second birthday, and deemed The Chosen One after Voldemort's return. The boy who spent a year scouring the country for the remaining Horcruxes while war raged and countless died.

But what if you could change history?

Shortly before his death in 1997, Albus Dumbledore held a meeting with the Order of the Phoenix, and he invited several of the adult members of the D.A. as well. With the help of the Department of Mysteries, he was able to procure what few time turners remained, and he asked more of the Order than he ever has before. To go back in time, hunt down the Horcruxes, and defeat Voldemort before the second war ever happens. To prevent the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands. To change the course of history.

Most agree, but there are dangers none of them could have foreseen. There is no guarantee they will be able to return to their own time--or survive long enough to try. Darkness permeates every aspect of the wizarding world, and no one outside of the Order can discover who they are. But most importantly, the combined Order must work together and hunt down the Horcruxes before it's too late.

History is changing right before their eyes. But the war isn't over yet--and things are only getting started.




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Seeking out a Meta Crisis Tenth Doctor to play against a Rose either in a line or for a panfandom game. Long term or short. If you're interested please just respond at the journal. Thank you. :)

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I have a Dr. John Watson that is seeking out a slash PSL with a Sherlock Holmes. Preferably movie-verse as it has been some time since I had read the canon, though I am beginning to work my way back through it again.

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home? psl? anything?

Cheshire Crossing; a Pan-Fandom Asylum-based IJ RPG


As children, we're expected not just to believe in fairy tales, but to embrace them. Boys can fly and live as children forever, girls can be rescued from their evil step-mothers and whisked away to castles in pumpkin coaches; the world is an endless stretch of possibility set against a backdrop of inherent freedom.

It is only a fiction. The world eventually reveals itself to be an unkind place, the villains not easily defeated, no fairy godmother to come to the rescue. The loss of innocence is taken in stride by some, and those fortunate masses go on to become grown-ups, to live out their lives in some boring profession or another, to forget magic after passing it along to their own children.

But what of those who grow older without growing up? What if Alice witnessed something so terrifying that she never wanted to leave Wonderland? What if Belle's beast was so cunning and so cruel that she could not bear to part from him, his murder of her father aside? For all of those who fell through the cracks, for the most unique and the least privileged, the untouchable and the uncared for, for the most heartbreaking and horrifying, there exists a refuge. The shelter? A deceptively quiet New England hospital; Cheshire Crossing.