May 6th, 2009


[No Subject]


Welcome to Revolve
We are a small, very active community looking for talented writers! The setting is dark and we encourage characters to push their limits, fight the system or even crack under the pressure. Enthusiastic mods, lots of canons open, OCs and humans are more than welcome and only limited comic book knowledge is needed. We've had at least one thread a day for over two months!

[No Subject]


story/limbo/f.a.q. | rules | characters | holds | application | friend all
[info]wristcutterrp | [info]wristcutterooc | [info]wristcutterline | [info]wristcuttermod


Over 1,000,000,000 people die by suicide worldwide each year. On an average, a person dies by suicide every 40 seconds somewhere in the world. 1.8% of worldwide deaths are suicides, and these rates have increased 60% in the past 45 years. What could bring a person to act like this? Why would they throw their lives away? Were their problems so devastating, death was the only answer?

Most importantly, what happens to these lost souls after the deed is done?

These are their stories. The people who live in an after-life very similar to the real world - only worse. Cities have a impoverish appearance, there are no flowers, and it is impossible to smile. Every single person here has killed themselves. They all have a story. But there is no one around to listen.

profile code © by butterflybox




Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Recuperatio RPG

“Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle, and then you choose. You can live in the wreckage and pretend it's still the mansion you remember. Or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild. Because after disaster strikes, the important thing is that you move on. But if you're like me, you just keep chasing the storm. The problem with chasing the storm is that it wears you down, breaks your spirit. Even the experts agree. A girl needs closure.”-Veronica Mars

Seven years ago, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell, finally bringing an end to his vicious reign of power and terror. Yet, the war did not end with his death. For years, the Wizarding World has worked to repair the damages left during the aftermath of war. Emotional burdens have yet to fully heal, too many lives destroyed, families torn apart, and friends lost. Hogwarts was left in rubble, unable to reopen for years, the damage too great, endless sweat and tears shed as people worked to rebuild the foundations to give their children a future. Death Eaters still roam free, cunningly avoiding even the best Aurors, leaving many in fear that another war will be on the horizon.

As things begin to resemble some semblance of normalcy, an old follower of Voldemort is in the wings, plotting his revenge, gathering the remaining Death Eaters and new followers, planning to unleash a new war, wanting to finish his master’s vision. In the Ministry, a serial killer is murdering powerful political figures, leaving everyone pointing fingers and letting things slip through the cracks. Fenrir Greyback has escaped from Azkaban, butchering countless individuals as he runs from Aurors, gathering and making new werewolves in his travels, gathering an army to strike against the Ministry. All the while, the Muggle World is at war, affecting the Wizarding World as it heightens. The world is in complete chaos.

Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt is determined to rebuild the Wizarding Community into a vision of peace and has called forth some of the best Aurors from around the world in an effort to clean up the United Kingdom, determined to capture and imprison the remaining Death Eaters and send a clear message of constant vigilance to those seeking to do more harm. Many are unhappy with the Minister’s plans, many seeking to replace him and other important individuals, some willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals.

The Wizarding World is torn between fully recovering and moving forward and taking two steps back, arriving right back where they left off seven years ago. A new war is on the brink, which side will you choose?

Recuperatio is a canon, non-epilogue compliant game taking place in 2005. Game opens June 06, 2009.

Most Wanted: Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan, Angelina Johnson, Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, Luna Lovegood, Draco, Lucius, and Narcissa Malfoy, Ernie McMillan, Adrian Pucey, Alicia Spinnet, Bill, Charlie Weasley (contact mods before applying), Fleur, George, Molly, Percy, and Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, and many others!

[No Subject]


(Rules) ∫∫ (Citizens) ∫∫ (Taken/Held) ∫∫ (Application) ∫∫
(Things To Do) ∫∫ (Pick-A-Place) ∫∫ (Plantations) ∫∫
(Business Directory) ∫∫ (Questions)

Storyline Ideas:

Looking for someone to play her 22 year old brother, Paul. I'd love to have Shia LaBeouf but anyone who looks like they could be related to Sophia would be great.



[info]landing_rpg | [info]landing_ooc
the game has been RE-VAMPED!
| Characters | Parent List | PB's | Rules | Application |
| FAQ | Wanted | Quidditch | Prefects |
all new characters and families added!

a social future era harry potter game

THE GAME HAS BEEN REVAMPED!! All new characters opened for play! NEED FRESH FACES!

WANTED: PAUL CREEVEY, Dominique Weasley, Grace Alderton, SARAH DAVIES, Patrick Weasley, Bridget Abercrombie, Rose Weasley, Cloby Sloper, Peyton Pucey, DALLAS MACMILLAN, MIKAYLA DAVIES, ALBUS POTTER, Corbin Jordan, Harper Jordan, CHRISTOPHER CREEVEY, Denver MacMillan, CALEB BLETCHLEY, Elizabeth Hannover, Jenna Towler, Nicole Whitby, HOLLY FINNIGAN, Amanda Weasley, more fifth years!

a social, friendly playing environment!


[No Subject]

It's been 1 year since the ending of Breaking Dawn. The Volturi went back to Italy to regroup and come up with a better strategy. Aro wants half of Carlisle's family. He's determined to destroy what he sees as a threat and get what he wants on his side.

The volturi are slowly abandoning Aro, Joining the Cullens in being vegetarians, or just going their own way. Or so everyone is led to believe. This is all part of Aro's ploy to get what he wants. how far will he go, and will he win?

Pandora's Box - A Post DH, AU Harry Potter RPG

overall premise;
It is the year 2001, and the Wizarding World has been free of the influences of Lord Voldemort for three years. Free, as far as they know. Many believed that Lord Voldemort had been killed at the Battle of Hogwarts, when he attempted to use the Elder Wand on Harry Potter and was rebuffed. The Wizarding World has lived with the safety of this belief for years. But they're about to find out that they're not as safe as they believe.

What no one in the Wizarding world knew was that Voldemort, aware that his Horcruxes were being hunted and destroyed, used the death of Severus Snape to create one last Horcrux. No one but he knows what the Horcrux looked like, and immediately upon its creation he hid it as best he could. Upon his believed death at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort was turned yet again into a roaming, bodyless soul. But this time, his Death Eaters were prepared. Aware of the newly created Horcrux (but not its appearance), Rabastan Lestrange immediately ordered his fellow Death Eaters to flee Hogwarts. The remaining Death Eaters gathered in Bulgaria, a country they considered a safe haven, and began their plans to resurrect their fallen Lord.

Now, rumors of darkness have begun to spread again. Rumors that involve dark magical acts being performed in Bulgaria, a sudden increase in the number of werewolf attacks, and the disturbing disappearance of the family of a young Muggleborn wizard. But there is one rumor that is even more worrisome. The rumor of a hunt for an object once thought to be only a myth. Because Lord Voldemort knows that with his diminished power, he cannot rise to take over the Wizarding World on his own. And with the loss of the Sorcerer's Stone, he has only one hope. An object rumoured to contain evils the world has never seen before. And object he hopes will turn the tides in his favor yet again. An object known as Pandora's Box.
pandora's box;
According to mythology, Pandora's Box was a gift to Pandora by Zeus, who instructed her never to open it. Unfortunately, Pandora was also gifted with curiosity, and ultimately gave in to her desires and opened the box. As the stories go, by opening the box, Pandora released all of the evils, ills and diseases that humankind had previously not known. It is said that at the bottom of the box was also hope. Upon seeing what was inside the box, Pandora immediately closed it. And that was supposedly the end of the tale.

But the myths are not entirely true, or so the rumors say. Perhaps, Pandora's Box wasn't quite empty when she closed it. Perhaps it still contains powerful diseases, illnesses and evils that, while not as strong as those originally released, are still powerful enough to cause potent damage. It is this potential pain that has caused the darkest wizard in human history to seek out the box in the hopes of using its contents to further his gains of taking over the wizarding world.

Whether the box contains evil or not, one thing is certain. The Order of the Phoenix cannot let Lord Voldemort find it.
the game;
Pandora's Box is a post-Deathly Hallows, non-epilogue compliant game that has just opened on Tuesday, May 5th. We are accepting applications for most characters listed in the Harry Potter Lexicon, but are especially seeking:

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Katie Bell, Neville Longbottom, George Weasley, Ernie MacMillan, Zacharias Smith, Cho Chang, Marietta Edgecombe, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Draco Malfoy, Millicent Bulstrode, Adrian Pucey and Gregory Goyle.

Fr a full list of characters available for application, please see our Master Character List.



[No Subject]






Empty Earth RP


Does your multi-fandom character want to be saved from the darkness and destruction?

Bring them to. . . .

Existence is made up of many different realities, and each of these is unaware of its hidden counterparts. Every reality contains its own worlds, its own stories; some realities even contain parallel universes within themselves. But each reality is separate, and never before has any reality interacted with another.

Beyond Existence itself there is something else. Something more. Something terrible.

Now, all of Existence has been devastated by an unknown and unimaginable force, ripped to shreds and left floating in the void.

But hope remains.

Something else is out there, and it's trying to fix things. This force is finding whatever survivors it can, and tucking them away in a new reality, to keep them safe, while it works to fix the damage.

If the damage can be fixed.

Game Info - Holds - Application
Taken Characters - Rules - Q&A


[No Subject]


The day after the Nuclear Holocaust.

The beginnings of 2010 were a turnaround for the United States economy. An unconventional ally had reached out to lend a hand and donate money to a few secretive Government projects taking place all over the country. It is only four months though before things begin to sour, turning worse when an unnamed terrorist group releases a video worldwide depicting US citizens being tortured and killed at the recognizable hands of the Government, doctors and even the US army. The talks go nowhere and questions go unanswered. Angered and embarrassed, the once-allies strike May 20th in the early morning with nuclear force, leveling major cities and killing millions. The President is missing. The secret Government projects begin to stir and wake. With the borders closed there is no way out and no one answering questions. Civilians versus the military versus the others, and one side has been waiting a long time for their freedom.

It is May 21st. Today is Day Zero.
Game Info || Characters Wanted
Mod Journal || IC Journal || OOC Journal
Character Roster

[No Subject]

We could use more women!



The Host Storyline Wanted

Has anoyone heard of the Book 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer?
Spoiler Alert )



[No Subject]



At the mark of the 22nd century, the human race finally cracked the code on intergalactic space travel, allowing anyone and everyone to explore the deep levels of space. New galaxies were found as alien races were discovered. Humans finally realized that they weren’t the only people in the universe, let alone the smartest race. Humanity struggled to find its place in the newly discovered community of races and most humans dwindled away, never to be seen again. As new technologies were discovered, the 'aliens' found out how much they really held a distaste for the humans. In a way to destroy their connections, they decided to implode the earth, leaving many humans stranded and alone.



[No Subject]


ROB KARDASHIAN - all three of your sisters request your presence
JASON SEGEL - Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell would like to see you
SETH GREEN - Sarah Gellar and Mila Kunis want to looooove you
ISLA FISHER - Ryan Reynolds misses your face
ZAC EFRON - Ours is override ready, comes with Vanessa SL

Check the wanted list for other character ideas. :)

NO SUCH PLACE: An original fantasy/supernatural game.


“ . . . All that was left in Pandora’s box was hope.”

During the 21st century, a global pandemic swept over the world. They dubbed it the “Pandora virus,” or PV for short, because of its devastating nature. The virus tore through the world’s population. It killed almost one-third of humanity in its first month alone. Countries everywhere grew panicked, believing it to be a work of biological terrorism. Nation stood against nation, and a worldwide war began. Much of earth was laid to waste within just a handful of months by the combined effects of nuclear war and the Pandora virus. Survivors immune to the virus found the world uninhabitable, and many of them perished due to radiation poisoning or famine.

There were other creatures who inhabited this planet along with human beings, though. They had just been in hiding for many centuries. Praeternaturals, they were called. Legendary beings and creatures believed to be nothing more than myth. They were also biologically immune to the Pandora virus. With the foresight of the oracle Euryale, groups of praeternaturals learned of what was to come and prepared for the preordained onslaught. They had built safe havens protected by magic in hidden areas across the world. Taking in as many humans and praeternaturals alike as they could before the war, these communities provided a stable living environment for the survival of all species.

One such safe haven is an ancient land once inhabited by elves, abandoned by them long ago, and renovated into a sanctuary. They call it Elysium. Located in the modern-day Republic of Macedonia near Lake Ohrid, it was once a part of Greece. Now, it is a part of the process to one day rebuild the world.

Game Objective.
No Such Place is an original fantasy role-playing game catering to various genres, but it has action oriented game-wide plots that affect all of its players. The world is completely interactive and reactive. Whether you prefer action, drama, romance, or horror — this game allows you to play all and pick your favorite to explore. Your objective is to create your own story. However, beware the setting. Everything affects everything, and like a domino effect, No Such Place will affect every character and player with things beyond their control.

Go ahead, take refuge in the land of Elysium. We promise you'll be safe.

Important Links.



[No Subject]

[♠ Liberty City RPG - a multifandom rpg]

Liberty City RPG is a multifandom game based off the setting and (loosely) the events of Grand Theft Auto III™.

Characters arrive with whatever clothing they had on their back from the point in which they are taken, one personal item, a cell phone, and a baseball bat. That's right. A baseball bat.

So what will they do? Who can they trust? Will they work their way through odd jobs to try and find a way out of here? Will they accept life in Liberty City and try to settle in? Will they join a gang? Will they start their own gang? Would they rather try to establish order amongst the chaos? Or is the dangerous lifestyle too much for them, and they'd rather content themselves to hiding out?

Reservations are OPEN.
Applications are OPEN.

Game opens: Friday, May 8th
RulesF.A.Q.Game InfoMap



[No Subject]


Characters | Application | Full Plot | In-Game Laws | Rules | Resources
Friends Add | Contact List


Harry Potter is gone. Those who followed him are imprisoned, enslaved to trusted servants of the new regime, or dead. This is the dawn of a new age, where the Pure have reclaimed their world and the filth of the magical community are put in their place. Defy it at your own peril.

Our game has an amazing amount of writing talent, activity, and creativity. Come get to know us courtesy of:

Our Game Trailer for Unforgiven: The RPG

Note: Unforgiven is an Alternate Universe game and is not Deathly Hallows canon. Events are accurate up to the end of Half Blood Prince, but from there our story diverges. This is a dark Harry Potter game.

Wanted: We have an amazing selection of characters in play, but there is always room for more and our player base is very welcoming. We are especially in need of Blaise Zabini as is missed by his betrothed, Dean Thomas is being screamed for by Gryffindors far and wide, Theodore Nott is up for grabs (recently married to our esteemed Asteria Greengrass), Urquhart is someone else who can fall into place with DE activity and is requested by his betrothed, and Justin Finch-Fletchley is being demanded. This is only a sampling and we'd welcome others to help enrich our world. We hear tale that Myron wouldn't mind a few of his Weird Sisters around either. Band reunion?

Erased: Where Cartoons Meet Reality!


It started with Pixar. While Woody felt himself being swiftly replaced by a shiny, new Rocketman, the two dimensional cartoon world saw the beginning of what would be their end. Some cartoons had already slipped into a comfortable retirement, but most saw the death of their own genre as the shiny, three dimensional world took over. But, instead of being erased from pop culture history, the old world entered the new. Broke through it, in fact.

Roger Rabbit was the first to leave Toontown. He had always been known for having one foot in the door and one out, but better for being completely obsolete as soon as his movie ended. One morning he woke up in the real life body of Roger Baxter, an up and coming television star. The two Rogers were forced to make sense of each other, exist in the same body and help other cartoons that were jumping off the page into the streets of Los Angeles.

This is Erased. A game about your childhood and how it just can't seem to slip away.

Nostalgia can never be Erased...

[No Subject]


(Rules) ∫∫ (Citizens) ∫∫ (Taken/Held) ∫∫ (Application) ∫∫
(Things To Do) ∫∫ (Pick-A-Place) ∫∫ (Plantations) ∫∫
(Business Directory) ∫∫ (Questions)

Storyline Ideas:

Eric Dane or Justin Chambers for a line please! If you're interested, I can provide details.