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November 14th, 2020

[info]harlequeen in [info]wanna_psl

PSLs for Harley Quinn, Harleen Quinzel, or Punchline?

Harley Quinn (dceu): [info]harlequeen
Harleen Quinzel (dceu or comics): [info]harlequindoll
Harley Quinn (comics): [info]revyourharley
Harley Quinn (dcu): [info]pornclown
Punchline (comics): [info]sawtrick

I can use LA pbs for any character from a canon without them (just lmk you’d prefer that) and can also write Harley from a mishmash or sources and/or adjust Punchline to fit into the dceu.

Some line ideas for Harley/Harleen can be found here. Ideas for Punchline can be found here. Though I’m also happy to write these types of lines with characters other than the ones mentioned! (I’m most familiar with DC, Marvel, and other superhero/supervillain type genres). Or we can come up with something specific to our characters.

I love to brainstorm and love incorporating things like texts, emails, etc., however, I also use GDocs. I do prefer long-term PSLs with lots of character development over one-shots. Flashback scenes are <3. Shipping is <3. Angst is <3. I'm also always up for pulling in other characters as NPCs to supplement the story we're creating.

Some of my favorite stuff includes: darker lines (usually the more twisted something is the better), apocalyptic settings, the occasional badass fight scene, angst, fluff, star-crossed love, D/s dynamics, power dynamics, soulmate-y things, AUs. But there’s plenty more I’d be interested in writing.