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November 7th, 2014

[info]spiderboy in [info]wanna_psl

My character, character A, is a famous rap artist, constantly on the news for controversies and allegations against him and his crew. He's well known for being a playboy, on and off alcoholic and junkie, has been arrested on assault charges more than once, and is frequently accused of being a neo-Nazi (he isn't).

Several options for character B:
B is an openly gay man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Character A happens to be at the party where B is taken after being grabbed off the street. Character A breaks up the beating and takes B home, doctors him up, and leaves. They end up meeting again when A can't stop worrying if B was okay. Relationship builds from there. Warnings: violence, abuse, drug use, homophobia, racism, non-con elements.
B is a fresh university grad and A's new publicist (he's been through a half a dozen, the stress of A's lifestyle makes them quit) determined to do a good job and help make A's reputation better. He ends up unprepared for what he gets. Their relationship is rocky and A doesn't respect B at all, knowing B will just quit when he gets tired of A's bullshit. B refuses to give in. Warnings: violence, abuse, drug use, homophobia, racism, sexual harassment.

[info]sammessiah in [info]wanna_psl

Are there any RPs out there dealing with an AU version of Supernatural - and that don't contain characters from every fandom and genre imaginable?

If not, would anyone be interested in plotting with my Sam? I'd love characters from similar-themed shows and from writers who want to go AU.
