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October 1st, 2014

[info]letgonow in [info]wanna_psl

Seeking PSLs/Group PSLs

Check the journal! I am seeking for PSL's and GPSL's in both original and fandom lines. Het, general and (very limited) femme SL's wanted. I am not limited to the lines below, as there are plenty more in the journal and I am always up for brainstorming.

The original line I am most looking forward to playing is here (there are more listed in the journal):

Shots have been fired. The boat is sinking. The first explosion has gone off.
Whatever the crisis, two people have been thrown together, forced to rely on
one another to get out of the situation. They could be strangers, estranged
friends, whatever. Perhaps it's happened in a foreign country. Nothing matters in
that moment more than survival. This could be just a general line or even a zombie/apocalyptic line.

The fandom line and I looking forward to playing most is here (there are more listed in the journal):

Chicago Fire
Losing Leslie Shay had been a hard loss for House 51, but no one felt
that pain more than Kelly Severide. In the year since her death, he
had changed. Hardened. Withdrew. Quieted. The House was trying to pull
him back, but it was starting to seem as if this was the Kelly they were
going to be stuck with. It isn't until Emily Morgan shows up as head medic
and- unlike the revolving door of EMT's Truck 61 had been experiencing since
Shay's death- actually stays that a glimmer of the old
Kelly starts to shine through.
Emily isn't an immediate fix. She doesn't want to be a fix at
all, immediate or otherwise. In fact, her and Kelly don't exactly get
along, and the two spend more time bickering than anything else. It
isn't until she runs into him in the next town over at a bar, so drunk
he can't even hold himself up, that things change. She brings him to Casey's,
listening to him complain about her the entire way home, and after making sure
he wasn't going to choke to death on his own vomit she goes to leave. Kelly, in
his drunken state, asks her to stay, and for whatever reason (maybe he gets loud,
maybe she feels bad for him) she does. Nothing happens, they just lay together.
Then it happens again. And again. And then it's more than that.
