May 2024

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May 26th, 2014

[info]tardisly in [info]wanna_psl

apologies in advance for the cross post! desperate times.

I've had this idea for a supernatural psl for a long time now, and I would absolutely kill for someone to flesh it out with. Het or femme.

I'm envisioning a multimillionaire Bruce Wayne type (played by you) that takes no shit from anyone This could be really fun in other time periods, especially Victorian-era England or 1920's America, but totally down for modern times as well. Your Bruce Wayne and his/her occupation is totally up to you, but I was envisioning something very illegal or aided by whatever supernatural prowess your character could potentially posses. Perhaps they are a hit man or political assassin, an art thief, a proficient smuggler or bank robber.

His/her current assistant who is in charge of running his day-to-day life, schedule, the upkeep of his house and the management of the other household staff has met an ...untimely end. Your char posts an ad quickly, because he/she is in the middle of a 'job'. The first girl interviewed (a terrifying process indeed) is given the position despite the big boss' misgivings. From the first morning, it is clear not everything is as it seems. Certain parts of the manor are off limits, no questions are to be asked under any circumstances, not to mention the non-disclosure agreement that was as dense as one of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings installments. Odd things begin to happen, and despite all the dire warnings, the New Girl gets curious and discovers a lot more than she bargained for. One day she could save her employer's life or become a liability, and after that it's impossible to quell her enthusiasm to become her boss' new partner in crime...Even if said boss can't stand her, and is something of a wet blanket.

feel free to check the journal or comment here! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER PLEASE AND THANK YOU BYE.