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April 6th, 2014

[info]rhymerspups in [info]wanna_psl

Concept: In the labyrinthine Low End slums of an unnamed city, a rag-tag group of performers come together to increase their chances of survival. If they can build a strong troupe, they are in for a shot at the Kirmess - the annual Festival of Night - performed in the High End, where they can win enough credit to keep themselves out of the slums for good.

Premise: Dana and Nathaniel have left a travelling circus to set up a performance troupe of their own. They have nothing to their names except their acts and a desperate need to survive. Setting up in an abandoned, fire damaged brothel, they begin work transforming the half collapsed building into a working theatre space.

They are looking for performers. Hard workers, unique talents. Those who are willing to expand their repertoire, to include what others might call a 'less than desirable' skill set. For in the Low End, crime does pay, but a conscience does not.

They don't know what to expect. They don't know who to trust. But there is a plan. They're just not all that willing to part with it.

Characters I am interested in developing:
Ringmaster - PB: John Rhys Meyers
Aerial Silks - PB: Tilda Swinton

Other character suggestions:
Contortionists - Animal Trainer - Fire Breather - Clown - Strongman - Sword Swallower - Erotic Dancers...

Please read over my requirements at my journal first if you are interested in this thread.