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April 3rd, 2014

[info]shanti_writes in [info]wanna_psl

Looking for a line for Severus Snape

Mature, serious writers only, must be willing to write the 'good stuff' after reasonable plot build up. Slash preferred. I am especially looking to write with a strong Harry Potter or a strong Remus Lupin post-DH/EWE canon. OC's will be considered.

I have no patience for weak writers. No poor grammar, netspeak, no IM's of any kind. IJ format preferred.

Conversely, I would be willing to write Harry against a strong Severus.

Life is busy. I am not online 24/7 nor do I expect a co-writer to be. Having said that, if you don't have time and dedication to reply several times per week, please do not respond.

Please contact by reply here with links to writing samples and I will provide the same. I've had far too many false-starts - I would like some discussion and careful vetting before we decide if we are compatible to write together.

[info]rhymerspups in [info]wanna_psl

Looking for a PSL partner

I'm studying psych, and working part time, but I like to RP to relax. I'm looking for someone who has about the same amount of time as me, who is interested in creating something unique, original, and purely for pleasure.

I am interested in something futuristic, dystopian, possibly involving a circus of some description. I'm also interested in more than just threads - but also expanding on the 'verse with found images, locations, histories...

I would like to start off with one character each, and expand to maybe include more. I want to create a full, vibrant world with unique character, and have someone to play in it with who uses RP to escape RL, like me.

I am not available for hours at a time, but am available to post at least once a day, sometimes more.