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March 30th, 2014

[info]please_dont_ask in [info]wanna_psl

Looking for some long-term PSL players. Hoping to find someone interested in detailed writing, with something plot-driven and fun. Some ideas below:

Harry Potter (Ron/Hermione preferred): Mostly AU. What if Harry didn't win? Or what if Hogwarts never happened? There's a LOT of places one can go with this type of format, and I'm willing to explore. My only requirement is that my partner be willing to help plot out lines, play characters, and know a thing or two about descriptive writing.

Doctor Who: I love this series, but I found playing the Doctor as a main character is a bit daunting. He's sometimes a bit too god-like. I'd prefer to have the Doctor WITH some companion time. I'm willing to work with most new-season companions, so long as they don't mind a bit of story-driven plot, and can come up with complex scenarios worth of the Doctor with me.

Glee (yes, glee: Finn/Rachel preferred): I know it's hard for many people, but I miss Finn and Rachel in a lot of ways. I'd be willing to talk about plots, but I'm pretty flexible with this one. I just miss the big lug!

Wizard of Oz: I love this universe! Let's talk ideas/stories. I love playing Tin Man or Scarecrow...and AUs are good, too!

Robin Hood: I prefer to keep Robin in the Middle Ages, and this is my 'historical' character (ta-dah!). I can play Robin with almost anyone, so let's chat lines!

Peter/Wendy: This one is a bit darker. Looking for someone willing to play alongside a gang-land, drug addicted Peter. This isn't your children's fairy tale (you see what I did there). ;)

Other Lines: I'm open to discussion if you've read the list and have another idea in mind.