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January 23rd, 2014

[info]upmysleeves in [info]wanna_psl

Who am I?
Melly | This journal!

What I want and other details
Here in my journal! Basically I would love to play fandom OCs against one another in an established setting -- which happens to be another steampunk-ish Lovecraft Lite world in Victorian England -- and I have a few ideas already for it. But I'm also open to other things potential players have in mind as well!

Who I'll play
Andrea Weaver. PB'd by Lin Chi-ling.

What I will allow
Sex, cursing and graphic depiction of violence.

Contact info
Can be found in the link. Please also feel free to contact me here through this post too!

Anything else
No need to know the game this is based from. I'm quite open with winging the world details as we go along if you're alright with that!

I'm a slowish writer thanks to school. I do my best to give quality tags but I am slow. I take a few days to reply back to something if I'm busy with projects and terms but I won't give up on a PSL of mine if the other writer still shows interest in it. Especially for something like this since I hope to have this be a long-term PSL.

[info]ifuwantitigotit in [info]wanna_psl

Brother/sister incest line anyone? Up to playing any of the girls in my journal and have some guys there I'd prefer to play against, but will consider others.