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January 3rd, 2014

[info]pawesome in [info]wanna_psl

Hey everyone! I mod over at the lovely game [info]lostfables, which is a modern day fairytale reincarnation game set in Newport, Oregon! We've got a LOT of open spaces, and we'd really love to see some of them filled!

We're especially looking for BAD GUYS. That's right. Those evil characters that make the hero or heroine's lives absolutely miserable are missing! Some of those characters need their bad guys to complete their story!

Bad guys that are missing include (but are not limited to):
• Jafar
• Cinderella's Step Sisters
• Gaston
• Captain Hook
• The Big Bad Wolf
• Ursula the Sea Witch

But they are not the baddest of the bad. Oh no. Something much more sinister has found its way to Newport; a force called The Darkness, which is what drove the fables from their home in the first place. THe Horned BEast has come looking to eliminate the fables once and for all, and he's brought a few of his friends along.

• The Temptress - A dark mermaid
• False Innocence - Usually takes the appearance of a younger person or someone very naive, lures fools to their deaths.
• The Shadow Figure - The ghostly shadows that haunt us
• The Trickster
• The Windego (the impersonator)
• The witch in the woods

If you guys have any questions, feel free to hit up the dropbox on the mod journal, or this post!