May 15th, 2009

[info]vf_pansy in [info]volte_face_rpg

Owl/RP: Always Be Prepared

When: May 15, 2005
Who: Pansy Parkinson & Tracey Davis
Where: Hogsmeade
Private/Public: Private owl spelled only for Tracey’s eyes
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Pansy checks up on a Slytherin friend

Always Be Prepared )

[info]vf_npc in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: I hope you know better

When: 15 May, 2005
Who: Michael, Adrian, Stephen
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Michael has been thinking about Adrian's suggestions.

I hope you know better )

[info]vf_luna in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: We need a newsletter...

When: 15 May, 2005, afternoon
Who: Luna & Erine
Where: Hogsmede parade grounds/open park area
Private/Public: Public
Rating: ?
Summary: Luna is...well, being Luna.

She knew people might think it strange, picnicing during a crisis, but Luna didn't particularly care. )