April 17th, 2009

[info]vf_ginny in [info]volte_face_rpg

WHEN: April 17, 2005
WHO: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter
WHERE: Hermione and Ginny's flat, Wandsworth District, London, England
SUMMARY: A week after her fight with Ron, and a week without seeing Harry has Ginny standing on the edge of a very large cliff of 'what ifs'. So naturally she needs her boyfriend.

i'll gladly climb your walls if you'll meet me halfway... )

[info]vf_mandy in [info]volte_face_rpg

Am I doing the right thing? (Text to Stephen)

When: 17th April, 2005
Who: Mandy Brocklehurst & Stephen Cornfoot
Where: Um. Sky I suppose.
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Mandy catches up with one of her oldest friends.

SMS to Stephen Cornfoot. Help! )

[info]vf_bellatrix in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: Weaving Plans

When: April 17, 2005
Who: Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange
Where: Their current residence
Private/Public: Private
Rating: Adult
Summary: Husband and wife discuss plans and the future

Can we really coexist with Mudbloods? )

[info]vf_adrian in [info]volte_face_rpg

OWL: Adrian Pucey to Stephen Cornfoot

When: 17th April, 2005 (late)
Who: Adrian Pucey & Stephen Cornfoot
Where: Sky
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Adrian sends a package to Stephen after work.

Owl to Stephen. )