April 13th, 2009

[info]vf_percy in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: Being a Workaholic is Bad for your Health

When: April 13, 2005
Who:Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood
Where: In an alleyway outside of the Ministry in London, to start
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Percy finds out what it’s really like to be a known pureblood

Excuse me, but have you seen my teeth? )

[info]vf_bellatrix in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: Against the Odds

When: April 13, 2005 - evening
Who: Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange
Where: Draco’s residence
Private/Public: Private
Rating: All Ages
Summary: Unable to wait, Bellatrix contacts her nephew

House Elves are still useful )

[info]vf_mandy in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: Play-date for three.

When: April 13th, 2005
Who: Mandy & Thomas Brocklehurst, Draco Malfoy
Where: Winchester
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Draco meets his son for the first time.

Day of reckoning. )