April 10th, 2009

[info]vf_draco in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: Is that really you?

When:10 April, 2005
Who: Draco, Severus
Where: Howarts
Private/Public: Private
Summary: Draco goes to Hogwarts to find a solution for his potions but finds Severus instead.

Is that really you? )

[info]vf_anthony in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: I Need A Drink

When: 10 April 2004
Who: Anthony and Open
Where: The Elephant and Wheelbarrow, Muggle London
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBD
Warnings: None yet
Summary: Anthony escapes into the Muggle world for a drink.

In a place where I can relax. )

[info]vf_daphne in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: Daphne goes out.

When: 10 April 2005; evening
Who: Daphne and Open
Where: The Hogs Head; Hogsmeade
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBD
Warnings: None, so far.
Summary: Daphne just wanted to be out for a bit. Even pureblood girls need their fun.

she knew someone would show up eventually )