April 2nd, 2009

[info]vf_harry in [info]volte_face_rpg


When: 2 April 2005
Who: Harry Potter & Ernie MacMillan
Where: St. Mungo's
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Mild reference to duelling violence & subsequent injury
Summary: Harry got burned by an Auror trainee. Ernie's going to patch him up.

Arkwright was an arrogant, hot-headed, and somewhat crass trainee who Harry had to admit was rather quick on the draw. )

[info]vf_anthony in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: A Day In The Life Of Anthony

When: 1 April 2005
Who: Anthony Goldstein and open to anyone using the checkpoint today
Where: The checkpoint, Hogsmeade
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBD
Warnings: None
Summary: Anthony gets more food for thought and asks more questions of himself

You know... it seemed like a good idea at the time )

[info]vf_aberforth in [info]volte_face_rpg

RP: I Can Hear A Strange Noise

When: 1 April 2005
Who: Aberforth Dumbledore
Where: The Hog's Head
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Aberforth wonders about the world he's living in now.

I think it's my brother turning in his grave )