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Aug. 9th, 2008



Hellllooooo Dark Voices!

Molly here, player of James, and.... your new co-mod! Genna asked me for some help, and of course I was more than happy to take on the job! I think this community is great and I think there's a ton of potential, but we've been talking and we're thinking of making some changes that will hopefully make the community even better-- more engaging, more active, and more FUN!

Firstly, Genna and I have decided to make backstorying mandatory. Backstorying, for those of you who don't know, is figuring out what your character and another have been up to in their past years of Hogwarts concerning each other. It really isn't all that hard to do and would take about five minutes (if you didn't want to put some effort in... :P) 

And, to make things even easier, a step-by-step guide! :P


1. First, introduce your character in the OOC comm. If you're a new player, introduce yourself as well! We want to be a close game, right? That means knowing each other!

2. Direct other players to a post you've made in your character's journal containing either their Application or, if you prefer, a table in which you'd classify their relationship in the school. Just make sure your character's profile is visible so everyone else can read about them and check them out!

3. The most important-- BACKSTORY! It doesn't need to be long! Something like this would be perfect: "I think Remus would really like Sirius. Best friends, even! They might get in arguments sometimes, but I can really see them being great friends. What do you think?"

  REMBMER-- backstorying is not only done when you think your character will like someone. Enemies, friends, your-character-is-obsessed-with-mine, my-character-thinks-yours-is-crazy, anything! 

4. Reply to any backstory comments someone leaves in your characters journal! Its imperative!

ALSO, you know, READ OTHER APPLICATIONS!! This is really, really, REALLY important and can avoid any possible drama about the way characters are being played. It takes just a few minutes, so please make the effort! :)


Activity. It's what makes a game work. We understand people have busy lives and RP is far from the center of everything, but we all neeed to step it up. In my old game, every player put up a "threadlist" listing threads they wanted to do in the upcoming week, or threads that they had planned on already. That might be a good idea if you guys wanted to try that! Otherwise, just try to put up more open threads or jump into some, write journal entries for your character, even think of something fun for the whole comm to do in OOC! In-character net surveys, maybe? Manips and drabbles? A picture of the outfit your character is wearing to Sirius' party? Anything!

ALSO, we should all really try to expand who we play with. We all have our niches and our friends, but remember, this isn't a PSL community! We should all try to play together, outside of our own zone, and try to reach other characters that we havent gotten a change to thread with before.

FRIEND UPDATE. Its easy. One button. Press it MORE than once, if you wish! :P

And now that's it... for now, at least, until we come up with more stuff to talk to you guys about :P If you have any questions, concerns, support, or just comments, feel free to comment here or IM either of us! Me on Gtalk at hedlundomatic, Genna... well, you all talk to her already :P

I love this game, and i hope you guys will love me as a mod, too! :P

<3 Molly



Alright everyone! I am here to try and bring up community/player morale. So everyone CHEER UP! +best attempt+

So I have a little game for you all which you might remember from when you were a little kid. However, this version is a LITTLE BIT different. The game is duck duck goose and here is the basic outline for the game.

We start off with duck-ing people. One person posts DUCK the next the next the next until someone posts goose. When you post goose, you goose-ed the person who posted before you. You can even goose the person who just goosed

For example:
Lily: Duck
James: Duck
Sirius: Goose

or Marlene: Duck
Remus: Duck
Regulus: Goose
Alecto: Goose.

When you goose someone you can have them do whatever you want to an extent. You can make their character post about something ridiculous in their journal. Or Make them put an image in their info. Or make them say something in context. It must be remembered that everything has to be acceptable. If I don't like something I will tell you to change your goose thingy. ((Does not know what to call it))

So here we go. I'll start.

Aug. 7th, 2008



New characters! New Memebers!

Update Update UPDATE


Jul. 30th, 2008


Hi again! Could everyone add me to their friends? I still can't see some of your journal entries to tag on them with Peter! XD Sorryyyy


Update peoples!

Remember no one character is an island. Unless that's their name Interaction is needed for a fun and ACTIVE game. So update update update!

Don't forget to thread. You wouldn't want a recluse for a character.

Jul. 27th, 2008



Loooook. It's the fourth Marauder! Remember him!

Peter Pettigrew would love to thread and plot with anyone and everyone, specially his mates. :)

It's C. Rose again and I'm excited to take on the Wormy!



Welcome Damocles Belby! Ravenclaw 5th year, member of the slug club and inventor of the wolfbane potion.


Jul. 25th, 2008


Hi everyone!

My name is C. Rose and I picked up Amycus Carrow! He is a greasy slimy, crazy weasel and is available for plotting. XD

His info is in his profile and feel free to AIM me at: twistedkissed

Looking forward to playing with you!


Jul. 24th, 2008


Hello All, This is Kai-Kai.

Well, I rp as Merideth and I speak Korean 8D

I can balance on one foot and am extermly random.


after you read this, add my AIM: PrincexssxKai and MSN: Don't be afraid to messae me 'cause I wanna make plots just as much as the next person.

Umm..I like Unicorns =]

That is all


Hi there. I have to attend a funeral tomorrow night because I just received news about my friend. So I may be out of commission for a few days.. Most if not all know my contacts and feel free to get in touch with me if you need to.

Jul. 22nd, 2008


Everyone welcome Becca! She is a love of mine. She will be playing Regulus Black.

Don't forget to add her at [info]properheir

Jul. 21st, 2008


Hiatus Note!

Hi! Just a quickie note dropped that I'll be MIA for about 5 days. I'm leaving on Wednesday night for Comic Con and I'll be back on Sunday night. . That'll put Evan, Bellatrix, Edgar and Charity out of commission for a little bit. I hope they aren't missed too much!! See you all next week!

Jul. 20th, 2008


New Player! Let's all welcome Madeline Malkin.


Jul. 6th, 2008


Hi there!

Some of you may have noticed that you have been nudged. It has been done so because you haven't updated your character's journal in quiet a while. One way for characters to interact is through journals which is why it is important that you update as often as possible. It may not be enough with just threading so please try to update. We like to hear the mind workings of the people.

On a second note, if the characters that have been nudged do not update by the end of the week, post a thread, or make an effort to contact the mods then steps will be taken to rectify this situation. It isn't fair to everyone in the game to have some players come play for a week or two then never respond again. This is going to be done every so often to make room for new people to take up inactive characters.

Third, though I should have probably mentioned this first. It is Genna here! I am now the new co-mod. I have ocd with a few things and activity is one of them so if I don't see your character being active in the community for at least two weeks, expect a nudge or me contacting you in some way or another. Just in case if you all forgot, I play Lily Evans and Narcissa Black.

If you need to get in touch with me here are all the possible ways.
Email: or the mod email
AIM Sounaffectionate
Gtalk theuntoldtruth

Thank you!


Jul. 1st, 2008


Hello, hello, beautiful people.

I wish I knew where to start. Life is insane right now. As emo as this might sound, my career, my family, and my future plans have all fallen down around my ears in the last few months, and it keeps getting worse even when I think it's as bad as it can get.

I still REALLY want to keep this comm going, and I want to get my characters active, and I want to make things AWESOME here, it just might take a bit more time than I thought it was going to.

In the meantime, when it comes to things like activity checks and warnings, etc, is there someone who would like to co-mod the game? Just so the day to day stuff is under observation while I'm busy freaking out.

Let me know if you're interested.

HERE is the friend add tool in its most recent update. Please use it!

Love to all of you.

Jun. 23rd, 2008



Hi guys. My name's Mel (short for Melynda) and I'm old and I am bringing you Remus Lupin. I'm on the East coast, well, mid-west I guess in Ohio. I enjoy reading, The Office (US), and tons and tons of music. I am always on AIM with the username RJLMoony so feel free to IM me at any time. I'm also constantly on MSN and Yahoo messenger whenever I am using my desktop... On MSN I'm and on Yahoo its tinuviel1981. Feel free to hunt me down there as well. I work really early in the morning (I should really be asleep right now) so I'm not on very late at night on workdays but I'm up almost all night when I don't work the next day. This is getting kind of ramble-y.

If there's anything I need to be caught up on as far as the previous Remus, please let me know!

Jun. 22nd, 2008



I love this game so much that I had to get another character!

Hey everyone, this is Madeline (the crazy one who writes the equally crazy Sirius Black), and I have a new character to throw at everyone!

Meet Marlene McKinnon, 6th year Ravenclaw - chronic procrastinator, hypochondriac, muggle pop music afficionado (and Bruce Springsteen worshipper). Flirty, friendly, dorky, clever. . .

Well a whole lot of things, really. You'll just have to read and backstory!


And if you haven't already, Sirius Black ([info]ohsiriuslynow) is seeking fans friends and enemies as well!

Feel free to comment here, there, anywhere, or drop me a line by email or googlechat or AIM or anything!




Joining today are Remus Lupin and Marlene McKinnon. Updated friends tool is here.

Jun. 19th, 2008



Hi! It's Tracey again(Lucy's player). I'm bringing you all the beautiful, wild, and friendly Rosmerta March aka Madam Rosmerta. If you have any line ideas or questions or whatever feel free to contact me.


Today is a farewell to Remus Lupin and Rabastan Lestrange. Both writers had their own reasons for leaving the game. However, we're welcoming Madam Rosmerta March, and Narcissa Black. Updated friends tool is here.

Jun. 10th, 2008


Hi! I'm new, so I thought I'd introduce myself and my character.

I play Lucy Ethelbert, a fifth-year Ravenclaw. (Later in life she'll be Lucy Lovegood). She can be very shy at times, but that doesn't stop her from talking a lot. She rambles when she's nervous so she'll talk your character's head off, because she is always nervous. She doesn't have any friends, yet, but she wants to make some. She also is really smart and offers tutoring to those who need help, although her definition of tutoring is usually her doing the work for the other person out of sympathy. And that's the basics of her, all her info is in her journal; or you can ask me and I'll be more than willing to answer any questions about her.

As for me, my name is Tracey. I'm 19 and live in southern California. My aim is sillysnugglebear. Don't ask. I'm always signed onto AIM with my phone and always willing to plot, even if I'm not at a computer. I like to think I'm a fairly easy person to talk to, although I do have a tendency to ramble just like Lucy. As if you haven't noticed yet.


Contact List Info

So that I can put together a contact list, please fill out the following and post it in a reply to this entry.

Feel free to leave any fields blank if you don't wish to share that information!

Time Zone:
Email address:
Instant messengers: (list any that apply)

The list will be friends-locked so that only members can read it.


Friend Update

New today is Lucy Ethelbert, future Mrs. Lovegood. Friend add tool is here.


Okay! Things have been something of a mess lately. I've got some family issues going on, and therefore have had relatives from out of town staying with me for quite some time. It's been sort of all-encompassing.

But right now I have my house back to myself, which means buckling down and really getting things organized and moving here!

First things I'm going to concentrate on are advertising and getting together that player contact list. Second priority will be updating all of my kids, and working out a few more plot details with the folks who are involved in that, so that we can get some overall storyline moving.

After all that, I'll start doing activity checks, getting in touch with individual players, etc. I'm sorry I haven't been around as much as I want to be, but this game is really important to me, and I'm ready to get it completely rockin'.

If there is ANYTHING you need, or anything you'd like to suggest, pretty please comment this post. I'll probably also send out a quick email just to get in touch with anyone who's not keeping up with their friends list.

Sound good? Okay, I'm off to do some game work!

Jun. 2nd, 2008


Hi all! After a crazy few days, I'm looking forward to doing some RPing!

Remember, with the way things are dated here, it is now Monday, September 2, 1975 - the first day of classes at Hogwarts!

May. 31st, 2008


Hey ladies,
Just letting you know that I'll be away for the weekend, presumably without computer access. (I'm going to a show that requires a bit of traveling.) But I'll be back on Monday. :)


May. 29th, 2008


Hey Genna. I don't have much time on the internet but I just wanted to say that I'll be back on Tuesday and ready to back read and see what is going on.

Currently the internet service on the ship is crappy and the satillite went down three times today. I have to do classes tomorrow so I might be able to check anything.

I just wanted to remind you all that I am still around

Much love,

May. 27th, 2008


Welcome today to Sirius Black. Updated friends list is here.

May. 26th, 2008


Welcome today to James Potter and Zoey Nettles! Updated friends tool is here.

May. 21st, 2008


Welcome today to Adalene Reinard and Caradoc Dearborn. Friend add tool is here.

May. 20th, 2008


I guess this is the part where I introduce myself. :-P I've been kinda quiet lately, because real life has sort of bitten me in the ass the last week or so. But here I am, friendly neighbourhood mod-lady with a whole thwack of kids that I'm playing in the game too.

My name is Pixie, I've been RPing in various areas/styles since high school, and I made this game because the last one I was in died and I missed my characters too much. The characters that I brought over to this game are Rolanda Hooch (Huffle 7), Severus Snape (Slyth 5), Septima Vector (Claw 7) and Lucius Malfoy (DE). My two new kids this game are Frank Longbottom (OotP, Auror) and Elladora Guffy (Gryff 7).

So essentially, I have kids all over the board who are looking for friends, storylines, etc. Right now, particularly, it would be nice to have a Narcissa for Lucius.

Outside of RPing, my life gets wrapped up in music, knitting, video games, and various other things. I work part time and have my own home-based business. I'm online pretty much all day, but can't use AIM at work so I'm not on it often at all.

On the rare occasion that I turn up on AIM, (like today when I'm home sick,) the screen name is ms pixie riot. The best way to reach me, however, is as on gchat. Or if I'm logged into the mod account (which I do a lot) as on gchat.

I'm really happy that you're all here, I love the fact that things are really getting off the ground, and I am totally ready to play!

May. 19th, 2008


Someone want plotties? I really want to play here! I don't know what to post though, I feel overwhelmed >_her riddle</b> D;

May. 18th, 2008


on meetings

As far as the dinner tonight between Voldemort and Bella, I'll be available to RP between 8:30 pm and 12:30 am est tonight. IM me on aim as lordsignaserpens


I am a dick, I never introduced myself. The game was a little slow and I never checked it because I'm an asshat. I came back to look and I was amazed! I apologize! Anyhow, I'm Juanita and I play Rodolphus Lestrange. He's a particularly odd boy and when Kit gets her arse about, we'll set up something properly.

You may contact me at: seiymour on AIM or

May. 16th, 2008



And last but definitely not least is my lovely Charity Burbage. 6th year Huffle. Think of her as the welcoming committee! Or like a cheerleader at high school except not fake and annoying!!!! Hard to imagine right! Well she's a bucket of sunshine!

And here's the link to Charity's Bio but it's not done yet, but will be shortly! Sans graphics like Evan's until I get graphics for them!

And I'm spent!



Sexy. Charming. Evil as evil gets. This, ladies and gents is Evan Rosier.

Evan Rosier



She is of course everything you'd except Bella to be. Beautiful, cunning and truly evil. Say hello! She might not bite if you treat her right. *winkwink*

Bella's Bio



Hi everyone, I am Jax and I have four kids here. I am going to post each kid separately so you can see their icons and learn who they are!

As for me, I am a legal secretary in Los Angeles, I'm probably the oldest RPer here at 32. I am trying desperately to get an opera career off the ground and that right now is going slowly.

But anyways, thought I'd intro me, and then intro the kids!!!



So Let's start with Edgar:

Edgar Bones: Head Boy, Quidditch Captain for Ravenclaw and the HP Puppet I have had longest recently, though I have played many, many characters in my five years rping HP.

Edgar is fun loving and out going. He's a ladies man, but he's looking for love. He's an extreme romantic, very funny and a joy to be around. And even though he is head boy, he gets into some antics, especially if he has a partner or two to help him out!

Edgar's bio is done, as is his personal history and such. I've had him longest so I have the most info on him. Check out his bio (which thanks to Pixie for graphics help!!!!!) I worked really hard on. I'm not a fan of html writing, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! Edgar's Bio

May. 15th, 2008


whew. Hello! I'm just winding down from an extremely hectic week, and now I have the time for an introduction. My name is Allison and I'll be bringing Remus Lupin to this lovely game. He's - well, he's Remus. I could say a lot about him, but I'll be posting up a bio shortly so if you're interested, you can read that. Let's just say that he is sweet, kind, and caring, but there's also a great deal more to him than what's on the surface.

So, me? I'm a high school sophomore at a college prep school in northern Minnesota. That sounds way more pretentious than it actually is, believe me. Anyway, I'm very excited to be here! If anyone needs to contact me you can do so on AIM at macadamia pancake or email me at


Introducing the Dark Lord

Hello to Everyone. Taking a moment to introduce myself. I'm LeeAnn and I'll be playing Lord Voldemort. I'm very excited to be a part of this, I've heard good things about the players who came over from the older game. I will be available most nights from 8pm to 1am and daytimes sporadically while my two month old naps. you can get me on my aim, on on gmail messanger if I'm needed. thanks and have fun!


Also welcome today, Charity Burbage and Evan Rosier. Friend add tool is updated here.


Schedules have now been posted for 5th-7th years!

Please check the mod journal, and copy and paste your character's schedule into a journal entry, their userinfo, or somewhere easy to find.

You can also customize the schedule by removing classes your character is not taking, etc.


Schedules for characters will be posted later today in the mod journal.

Until then, here's a question: do you know your character's birthday? I'd like to collect them all in one place. A great resource to use to find out when your character was born is Harry Potter Astrology. Tommy and I have been going through and reading them all to see where our characters fit best. So, I'm going to start making a list, and please comment this post with your character's birthday!

Birthday List )


The game is growing by leaps and bounds this week, and I'm absolutely thrilled! Welcome this morning goes to Remus Lupin, Cyrus Montague, Gabriel Craven, and Lord Voldemort himself. The updated friends list is here.

Players - how would you feel about a contact list, that would have your name, the characters you play, and your email address/AIM? For behind the scenes plotting, etc etc. Let me know!

Also, if you haven't yet updated your character's journal, please do so.

May. 14th, 2008


Also welcome today Silas Croaker and Emmeline Vance. Friend add tool is updated here.


Welcome to Frank and Alice Longbottom, Elladora Guffy, Desdemona Xavier and Aurora Sinistra. All can be found at the friend add button here.

May. 10th, 2008



Hi there everyone, I will be the controller of Miss Evans for this lovely game here. My name is Genna, though I will answer to pretty much anything that you call me as long as you are consistent with it.

Anywhooooo, there are many ways of contacting me seeing as I am a fiend for instant messenger services. I do infact have three screen names running simultaneously so if I don't answer to one, I probably won't answer to the others. The main two that I will answer on because I just don't like the third anymore are Kissbelowtheneck and Sounaffectionate. You can also reach me through MSN or Google Talk. and, respectively. I will also accept emails to both of them.

If anyone wants to do plotting or what not. The best times for me are nights seeing as I work almost 40 hours a week plus going to school full time. I do have to warn you though that around the 22 I will be like a chicken without it's head because I will be rushing to pack and making sure I didn't forget anything for my summer session abroad.

So if I missed anything you would like to know. Or if there is nothing else. Then I guess we'll all have fun playing with each other soon enough.


New today is Lily Evans. Friend add tool is here. Over this weekend I'm going to write updates for all of my characters, and I definitely encourage the rest of you to get out there and start posting with your characters!

If you need anything, I check about a dozen times a day, so you can always reach me there!

Tommy is working on some great plot ideas, and if you have any suggestions, or things you definitely don't want to see, or anything - just let us know.

Apr. 30th, 2008


Alright, so in discussing things with Tommy tonight, we're trying to make a decision.

Being that we're still just growing, trying to recruit more writers and players, should we hold off and make June 1st realtime = September 1st gametime? Both months have 30 days, and then we get a month to play with our kids in summertime when they can goof off and not have to worry about school yet. For the adult characters, it doesn't really affect as much.

I just want to have everyone weigh in first! So can you let me know: would you rather have May 1st, tomorrow, be the first day of school in game? Or should it happen on June 1st, so that we can mess around with our kids having some freedom before schedules start up again?


Welcome to all of the new players at Dark Voices! Right now, the plan is to kick off the game with May 1st in realtime being September 1st, and the first day of school, in gametime. However, as things are just getting started, I absolutely welcome suggestions from any of our players on the subject.

Class schedules have been created to help make the game a more authentic environment, and I'll be posting those before the end of the day today. It would be great if, for easy reference, you posted your character's schedule in their journal.

There isn't a schedule for fourth years yet, but as our fourth years are both in the same house, it shouldn't take me too long to work up a schedule for them as well.

If you need anything, please PM me or email the mod address. I'm Eri, and I'll be your host for the wackiness that is a day in the life of Hogwarts (and beyond)! Your other mods are Jackie and Tom, but their capacity in this game is where the plot and moving of story is concerned. So if you have plot questions, by all means, ask them! If it's about day-to-day game things, applications, etc, I'm your gal!

Enjoy your stay, and I'm really looking forward to playing with all of you!

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