June 10th, 2008

[info]voicemods in [info]voicesooc

Okay! Things have been something of a mess lately. I've got some family issues going on, and therefore have had relatives from out of town staying with me for quite some time. It's been sort of all-encompassing.

But right now I have my house back to myself, which means buckling down and really getting things organized and moving here!

First things I'm going to concentrate on are advertising and getting together that player contact list. Second priority will be updating all of my kids, and working out a few more plot details with the folks who are involved in that, so that we can get some overall storyline moving.

After all that, I'll start doing activity checks, getting in touch with individual players, etc. I'm sorry I haven't been around as much as I want to be, but this game is really important to me, and I'm ready to get it completely rockin'.

If there is ANYTHING you need, or anything you'd like to suggest, pretty please comment this post. I'll probably also send out a quick email just to get in touch with anyone who's not keeping up with their friends list.

Sound good? Okay, I'm off to do some game work!

[info]voicemods in [info]voicesooc

Friend Update

New today is Lucy Ethelbert, future Mrs. Lovegood. Friend add tool is here.

[info]voicemods in [info]voicesooc

Contact List Info

So that I can put together a contact list, please fill out the following and post it in a reply to this entry.

Feel free to leave any fields blank if you don't wish to share that information!

Time Zone:
Email address:
Instant messengers: (list any that apply)

The list will be friends-locked so that only members can read it.

[info]lucy_unloved in [info]voicesooc

Hi! I'm new, so I thought I'd introduce myself and my character.

I play Lucy Ethelbert, a fifth-year Ravenclaw. (Later in life she'll be Lucy Lovegood). She can be very shy at times, but that doesn't stop her from talking a lot. She rambles when she's nervous so she'll talk your character's head off, because she is always nervous. She doesn't have any friends, yet, but she wants to make some. She also is really smart and offers tutoring to those who need help, although her definition of tutoring is usually her doing the work for the other person out of sympathy. And that's the basics of her, all her info is in her journal; or you can ask me and I'll be more than willing to answer any questions about her.

As for me, my name is Tracey. I'm 19 and live in southern California. My aim is sillysnugglebear. Don't ask. I'm always signed onto AIM with my phone and always willing to plot, even if I'm not at a computer. I like to think I'm a fairly easy person to talk to, although I do have a tendency to ramble just like Lucy. As if you haven't noticed yet.

June 2009

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