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post AFW (SPOILERS WILL HAPPEN!) [07 Jan 2016|06:19pm]


Will had been quiet for a bit as they walked out of the theater. He was like that though, analyzing the movie a bit before talking, usually that wasn't a problem, Rachel was used to it and would chat up a storm with the others they went with.

He wasn't sure if that would work with Robin though. He glanced at his brother to see what he thought.

Log: A return [21 Dec 2015|10:13pm]

Three years and finally he was able to return home. The only reason why? He got something to use over his father's head. Another spawn of Lord Harold Loxley was on its way, but this time, it was much darker than even Will's birth and when new's reached Robin in New York he packed his backs told his guards to fuck off and hit the airport. As much as he would have loved to have gone straight to the Little's house he knew now was not the time.

His first day started with screaming and ended with one dejected old man swearing that Will would be safe from his wrath and Robin was free to do as he wanted under the one condition Harold had made, Robin was going to take the fall in a way but it would at least protect the old man and set both brother's free. AND protected one victim and her unborn child.

It was on the third morning a saturday no less, that a heavy knock hit the door of the Little's home. Molly opened the door in rollers and a robe and screamed bloody murder and slammed the door.

John had been asleep and fell out of bed with a loud thud at the sound of his wife's scream pushing up he ran downstairs in his boxers expecting an intruder instead Molly was standing there looking horrified pointing at the door.

backdated to 2013; Robin's gone [21 Dec 2015|09:17pm]

Everyone knew dark times where coming when Hammy had busted into Robin's house party after he had agreed to being house arrested to get Will free. The cops had detained everyone and forced them out, but the real trouble had been outside waiting when Robin was yanked out in cuffs. Arrested in his own house, he knew he wasn't allowed to drink under house arrest but he had been holding a glass of wine for a toast when Hammy came in.

Lord Loxley was waiting outside and Robin was shoved into the limo and none to gently. The man didn't even spare Will a look as Hammy and the lord drove off with Robin. The party was released by morning mostly because Rachel showed up raising hell. Molly had managed to get a text sent off before she was cuffed. Rachel had gotten to her house to stay with her kids and gotten one of the other merry men to do what Robin always made them swear... she reformatted the drives. and busted up the computers.

A week without contact and finally it was clear something was wrong. The Loxley's were not even in the news. It was days later when John came home and fell into his favorite chair.

"Mol, go get Will for me." Will's car was outside he knew his little brother was home. Will was what made the joke as a kid with Rob true, they were brothers, but now because they both saw Will as their kid brother. Molly looked worried and hurried through the house.

"Willy, Johnny's home, he looks a mite unhappy. He's asked for you." She spoke motioning for him to follow as she walked to get her husband a beer.

Where Robin almost loses it all. [07 Mar 2012|05:39pm]

[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | Fergie - Clumsy ]

The fight with his father had been worse then he had expected. The young Loxley heir had never been struck by his father before so when the man's hand went across his cheek Robin had saw red and punched the man in the face. Robin thought of himself as lover, not a fighter but with the first strike thrown he lashed back out. The help had had to tear the father and son apart to keep them from killing one another. It took two men to hold Robin down as he yelled and screamed at his father, calling him every foul name his pretty little mouth would throw out at him.

Lord Loxley had had enough of his son's attitude and told him he was to leave the estate the rest of the month and not to use any month that was not his own. Robin did have his own money, his inhartence from his mother's side and the money from his side projects besides the hacking. His father thought his son was on drugs and out being a man whore to the night. With his dandy hair cut and overly colorful suits. He had Robin banished to his mother's childhood home. NOt the cottage, but the villa his mother had been raised in. Robin was ordered to cut his hair off or else his father was going to go to Will and demand the boy take Robin's place as the heir, Robin didn't care about Will taking his place, but he did care about his father bothering Will.

Hammy and his father escorted him from the Salone his hair was cut at to the Villa, a tracking braclet like used for those under serious house arrest was placed on him at the lords request, Robin was miserable. He had called John and Tuck earlier that week asking them to take down the computer system until he was safe to travel again. Molly and John were given the address and told to bring Will and Tuck and Join him for dinner. The message to Will was told he could bring his pretty friend from work too if he wanted. Everyone was invited to the party at the Villa.

Two drunk brothers? This can't be good. [01 Mar 2012|11:26pm]

Will stepped into the pub, watching the reflection on the window. The feeling he was being watched hadn’t stopped since he left the café.

Stepping into the pub he waited a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dimmer light before searching for his brother.

[26 Feb 2012|10:16am]

Tuck sits next to a dingy beat up old impala. The engine is up on a cherry picker and Tucks covered in grease. Scattered around his scuffed cowboy boots lay bits and pieces of mechanics and there is a boombox behind him blaring old rock. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning. Tuck smiles as he leans into the hood the car, fiddling with something against the front quarter panel.

Alistair's diary post (Week one) [21 Feb 2012|03:08pm]

I know that it was not exactly fair with how I proved my point to Loxley, but after finding the information he had asked me to look into I could not resist it. The timing was the tricky part, but luck was on my side when the tracking device lead us to Scarlett's garage. I knew what ever charges I stuck him with wouldn't hold too long, but it was long enough for me to get Loxley in the same room with him. Will be interesting to see how that plays out. I just didn't expect Robin and that thug of his John to show up so soon.

On a side note, met the most charming young lady today at the coffee shop. 

Will's weekly update [21 Feb 2012|02:30pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | 19-2000 - Gorillaz ]

Robin dropped off his car at the shop (okay well it died in the shop) and Will agrees to fix it for him. While staying late working on the BMW Nottingham pays a visit and arrests Will claiming the garage is a chop shop to get him in custody.

Will makes a call to John to try to get him out of there. John gets his brother, by the time they get there, Loxley himself tells Will who's been paying for his schooling and room and board all this time.  Of course it's a shock to Will, though he's more pissed that they upset Molly, who's been like a mother to him since she married John.

Robin and Will meet at the cafe.  Will is a little protective over Marian, only because he knows Robin's reputation and doesn't want another good friend's emotions hurt because of Robin. 

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