Monday, July 9th, 2012

Week Seven -- Sunday -- Eagle Nest

Who: Cat and Open
Where: Red Cherry Diner, and out on the town
When: Late Sunday Evening
Why: Almost done with his shift and looking for something to do.
Rating: TBD

Cat stood behind the counter, his elbows resting on the edge, his open palms holding up his head. )
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Week Seven -- Thursday -- Eagle Nest

Who: Cat and June
Where: Club Hermes kitchen
When: Thursday late evening
Why: Kitchen cleaning shenanigans
Rating: TBD

Cat was happy to be home, but things felt different. )
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Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

Week Six - Friday- Eagle Nest

Who: Rett and Cat
Where: Club Hermes
When: Friday morning
Why: Reunion!
Rating: G

Rett was having one of the worst weeks of his life. )
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Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

Week 6 :: Thursday :: Eagle Nest

WHO: June and Cat
WHAT: She meets someone new
WHERE: Club Hermes
WHEN: Thursday, Late afternoon

What was all the commotion? )
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