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Okay. I'm totally nervous about this, because I'm just a newbie, but does anyone have any characters available who might be interested in plot with Myles? Thanks to Fae's pestering inspiring me, I actually have a plot arc in development. So!

Myles, his quest, and his madness function much like is seen here. Like some of the others, he is currently searching for holy relics in order to rebuild the world. Only problem is, Myles is crazy.

Details and such will be discussed and change depending on who's interested and available, but the plot would be a tragic one, an exercise in futility and madness.


Oh look, a newbie!


Some of you may have heard murmurs of my approach already (possibly in connection with Steve, who has yet to get his lazy ass done with that app). I'll let the rumors speak for themselves (except for the rumor regarding me and the cauliflower, because that's absolutely true), and just say that I'm Genevieve, and this is Myles Agincor, a Defender in the service of Armas.

I look forward to playing with all of you!

Saw this pic and couldn't resist adding some stuff

elemmire copy

Aeotha Easaahae [userpic]
the h0rs of Skandra

I always have a problem writing titles for posts. ALWAYS. So I always ask people what they think I should do. Never. Ever. EVER. Should Q and I be allowed to title posts while being amused by love triangles and incest.

Here's the convo:

me: I need to think of a title.
lucentstreak: estrogen brigade
me: lolol
lucentstreak: skandra's bewbies gerls
me: oh gosh.
lucentstreak: ?
me: Skandra's whores, and his sister
two elves and an immortal walk into a temple
lucentstreak: his sister is his HOR TOO !
me: LOL
lucentstreak: hahahahah
me: incest and infidelity
lucentstreak: Double Is
me: lol
lucentstreak: better than any porn tape evah
me: way better
lucentstreak: uh huh
me: I hate titles!
lucentstreak: titties coterie!
me: what about
ticking away
lucentstreak: or trickling?
me: aeotha thinks a lot about time ticking away in my pot
lucentstreak: up to you. what works for you
me: *post
there, tag elemmire
lucentstreak: whee.. seen it

-dead- it my turn again? @_@

Ding dong, the witch is back

Well, you guys were writing a whole lot which had me really tempted and conflicted in terms of commitment. It took a hell lot but hey! Guess whose back.

I'm up for plot and all to re-introduce the character and all.

It's good to be back.

Tanist Leoncour [userpic]

Not to kiss his ass too much and more than it already is, but I was going through some old things tonight, and I stumbled across/went looking for what is my favorite, all time, Skandra post. This is it.

I particularly love the beating of Skan's heart while he fights. Marvelous.

And now I will cease his praise and climb back up on my own high horse.

Thank you.

Caeleste Mods [userpic]
In case you're finding it hard to keep up....


Hello everyone! Ali here with character number 3! This is Loria Reddan, Trade Advisor for Kenyon. I'm really excited to be playing with the amazing people who are there! Loria has been around Kenyon for 10 years, around Trone for 5 years, and mostly around the old Ashara before that if anyone wants history plot.

Beware O Kenyonites! She honestly does not jest.

Ranulf Ilyien [userpic]
Ali Ali Ali Ali

When you're around online, kick me!

Caeleste Mods [userpic]


Hey guys

Just wanted to check in. I'll be hitting my tags later tonight, it's been a busy week. When real people say "busy" they mean bills and shopping and relationships; when I say busy it means I'm too tired to do anything but masturbate and watch blu-rays. Anyway didn't want to throw anyone into a panic, especially Bryce since he's doing a lot of work.

Rayne Kenyon [userpic]

Fae: I expect next round, we'll have Saedus come in before or after Court. Which do you prefer?
JAN: well, he can show up depending on where he is, he can say she passed him by and delivered the message and went to find the others
JAN: or
JAN: he can just show up
JAN: and she can show up after everyone else all "I couldn't fi--oh"
JAN: "._."
Fae: i love it!
Fae: I think he should just show up after everyone else.
Fae: Court: "Here's the air mage. Here's the lorien mage. Sorry, I couldn't find------ Saedus!"
Fae: LOL
JAN: "couldn't find --"
JAN: Court: ...Sa--I quit.

Tanist Leoncour [userpic]
Just a heads up

I am ditching my old email of for

That is all.


Just a quick comment to check in. Skandra's new thread is pretty good, so read it even if you're not Sita. Of course I trust that you all read every single one of my posts already, so I won't hype them. That's all.


Current Mood: hot

Anyone want to do a random history thread with Onainat? :D :D

Caeleste Mods [userpic]
A Short Modly Update

All tags should now be up to date. All storylines are now in the memories of the Caeleste community as well.

The cast page should be updated by Sunday, God willing (lol).

Someone apply for another character.

That is all.

Well god damn.

Don't piss Sita off.

Petra Thiele [userpic]


WOO! (and plot)

As some of you know, I'm back from management purgatory. I should be posting pretty regularly by the beginning of this upcoming week. I am caught up with reading the game, at least, and all the storylines are turning out pretty awesome!

I know there are maybe some of you that have characters that aren't involved in much. I am going to be running a type of sea adventure thing with Vera. I haven't completely planned it out yet (in true Mog fashion) so if anyone wants to be involved, I'd want to talk to you about what you might like to see so maybe I can incorporate some other ideas! Let me know if you're interested.

Also, on a more modly note, I'm going to try try try to get up some locations that I owe. And do the character wall. Yes. I am full of shame.

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