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Getting Started

I'm trying to read through what's going on and figure out where to come into the story. I know a lot of Adusta is... slightly before Lucy's time, but if anyone is willing, I would like to do a little there before leaping into current storylines out of nowhere.

Caeleste Mods [userpic]

We have fresh blood! BWHAHAHAHA!

I mean. Ahem. Everyone be nice to the noob, Tchivai, and say hello. She will be playing a young music-maker named Lucille...who also uses her instrument as a blunt weapon. >.> Her journal is [info]tight_strung. I will be putting her profile up shortly, but I have updated the friends list so please go hit that up.

Ranulf Ilyien [userpic]
She's back!

Hello, darling Caeleste players! Hello, friends! Hello there, ladies and gentlemen!

After a huge IRL stress-fest, I am finally back in a place where I can RP again! HUZZAH! Triple huzzah!

I intend on getting Rayne, Thiele, and Ilyien back in action this week.

For those in the "Exiles" storyline, I intend on getting a new group thread started with Ilyien this week. Lace your boots tight, darling ones -- it's gonna get wicked!

For those in the Kenyonite "Remnants" storyline, I intend on getting our current Loria/Rayne/Shade thread wrapped up, starting a Rayne/Shade thread, and coordinating with Bill to get Graelin back in play before we can call this storyline done. Then it's on to the next storyline - and I think it'll be good!

For Thiele, I'm not 100% sure how to get her back in the storyline - or even if I should - so I think my next thread will be either a narrative or a threadline open to Tanist. From there we'll see where we end up!

AND BONUS -- I've got a new character in my head for Caeleste, and he's going to be wicked-keen. My app will need to be vetted by a few peoplez first, but I should have it in to the mod by next week at the latest! DUN DUN DUN.


*scampers off, undramatically*

Sabev Kimyxa [userpic]

Sorry everybody I'm in that big thread with! I sort of spaced out that I was doing anything. I threw in a short reply just now.

And if anybody wants to do something one on one while they've made camp (I'm assuming they're in the mountains now?) let me know.

Sorry again!

Rayne Kenyon [userpic]

"But for the most part he looked like he was just patiently waiting for everything to grow old and wither and his aura spelled out a certainty: he himself wouldn't be touched by time. Here was someone who had no need for the world around him."


ILU Andy. Marry me and be responsible for my abortions.


I'm really sorry for my absence in all of the threads we've been working on. I just moved from Dallas to Baltimore, and as I'm getting settled into something like a routine I should be able to post again from here on out. So I hope that between myself and Fae we haven't managed to slaughter your enthusiasm for the stories that we're working on. Rest assured that I'm ready to hold up my end from here on out.


For the thread involving Sabev, Shine, Ithacles, Vedette, Ilyien and Koe in Caeleste:

Expect a reply tonight for the group thread. This story will soon pick up some steam and the point of it will hopefully become a little more clear. I'll be NPCing Ilyien for the remainder of this particular plot - I know that robs Sabev and Shine, who started out in Ilyien's party, of some character developement that is due them. I don't really want to write Ilyien in one-on-one threads, so I don't think I'll be very much help in this regard.

It sucks, and it's not the best position to be left in, but we will get some interaction going between all of the characters in this storyline.This will not be an especially long arc, and once things come to a head I think everyone will have an opportunity to direct their own stories without waiting on jerks like me.

After my next reply in the group thread, I would suggest a few threads with one-on-one interaction. Koe is open for anyone to do a thread with, and you should use this post here to badger people into doing threads - or hit each other up on AIM. Hopefully we can get this train a-rollin' once again if everyone's still on board.

For the thread involving Tanist, Thiele, Eithne and Eragos in Caeleste:

Expect a reply tonight and a brand new post either tonight or tomorrow. The plan was originally to split the threads up, but with Thiele being NPCed by yours truly and Tanist not having replied since the 29th it seems to make more sense to keep everything together in one thread. There isn't much else to say about this, aside from the obvious.

For the thread(s) involving Elemmire, Leironuoth, Onainat, Aeotha and Skandra:

Expect a new post that will tag all of these characters either tonight or tomorrow. This is another storyline that bogged down because of my move, but we will get this one chugging along very soon. The next few threads are going to be action-oriented. Translation - don't be afraid to let some motherfuckers have it, and go with the flow. I promise everyone will get a chance to savagely destroy something.

For Adusta threads:

These replies will probably happen late tonight (after new posts in Caeleste) or tomorrow.

Petra Thiele [userpic]

Hey guys,

While I'm otherwise engaged, I've asked Bryce to NPC Thiele and Ilyien for me. Of everyone, he knows them (and me!) the best, so those characters are in good hands.

Rayne... ah. Well, I'll do my best with her, in the time that I have free.

Heart, heart,


Ranulf Ilyien [userpic]

x-posted liek whoa

Hey Everyone,

I need to be gone for a month-ish, while I get my living situation sorted out and ready to go. I'll try really hard to reply when I can - so you may be getting some replies regardless - but please don't count on me and don't wait in threads for me. I just can't do it right now. I want to, but I just can't.

I'm sorry.

Hope to see you soon.


Cross posting because of below

Apologies for the MIA...

Was sent on the conference to Malaysia - needless to say, no internet around.
Have not slept much in the last 5 days either and just stepped off the bus about 1 hour ago.

And it's 1.50 am and I have to sleep and work in a few hours. (in some order or another)

Mog> I got an end post for Nieve tha tI will put up for the old log. As to the new log, let me sleep over it? I'm sorry. might take a little itme - still have work to do.

Good night.








[13:29] lucentstreak: ewww.
[13:29] lucentstreak: not a pleasant mental picture
[13:29] aliciaapricot: what
[13:29] lucentstreak: uathis
[13:29] aliciaapricot: and
[13:29] aliciaapricot: well he's ugly old and smelly
[13:29] aliciaapricot: lol
[13:29] lucentstreak: wrinkly
[13:29] lucentstreak: flabby
[13:29] aliciaapricot: hork
[13:29] lucentstreak: can't see his dick beneath his belly

Elves unite!

Ali and Andy,

Shall I write up the post for Leir, Aeotha and Elemmire at the hotel or should we hang on?

Ranulf Ilyien [userpic]
Storyline: The Exiled

By tonight, a new post will be added to Caeleste -- the third post in a storyline called 'The Exiled'. It's also a group thread, which means that we'll all have to stay on top of it (me included) to keep the storyline going. There's going to be a lot of us - Ali, Andy, Shade, Mila, and me - and I believe that ours is the largest group thread going on in Caeleste.

So! Like most group threads, I'm going to ask that everyone respond to their tag within 24 hours -- and after 48, the next person in line should respond. And if the next person in line doesn't respond within 48 hours, the person after them should respond...and so on, and so forth.

But it's not going to come to that! I'm gonna go write it now. Then I'm going to tag someone. Ali, probably. WATCH OUT ALI!!



Caeleste Mods [userpic]
Modly Update.... TAGS

I am currently working on getting all posts properly tagged by character, and then I will be going through and tagging by storyline. I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if you guys could give me names for the storylines that aren't currently labelled if they belong to you. Once this is done I will be getting our memories up to date.

Even if you have already told me your storyline name please commet below!!

Caeleste Mods [userpic]
Modship Update

It is I, the Fae!

By now, I understand that everyone's aware by one means or another that I'm resigning modship at Caeleste. Yes, this was my decision. No, there wasn't any drama around it. I probably surprised Meg a little when I announced my intentions.

So what's up for real?

There's really not much I want to say about my decision, other than this: after a long pondering, I decided that it was time for me to step back and let things play out as they will.

So.... What's up for the future?

* Will Meg pick someone else to fill in for the Fae? That's her decision. I'm not going to speculate about it; I just couldn't say.

* Is anything else changing in Caeleste? Ehm... Not that I ... know of?

* Will the Fae still be playing in Caeleste? For now, I intend to.

Right.... I think that's all I have.



Uhm. I got called for a 3 day hell road trip with the boss starting tomorrow. No computers because we'll be spending more time in the cars and dashing then the hotels. So. Yeah.

I picked up another character, and his profile is here.

Things about Fenrir:

1) He is very definitely insane.
2) He is very definitely dangerous.
3) He will pick a fight with anyone who annoys him.
4) He will pick a fight with anyone who does not annoy him.

History is wide-open, assuming you find him interesting in some way, as he's traveled far and wide. He's a Grey Elf, but don't make fun of how he speaks Common.

Be sure and friend the journal so it will look super-popular!


Holy crap I have 5 characters, how did this happen.

I mean hello it's Ali with another elf! (finally, gush love elves) This is Lady Ceannah, of the Knighted House Anacleto. (Oh snap!) How did this happen.

You can read up on her here. But here are a few things you should know if you don't feel like reading my app. (don't be lazy! It's not that long!)

She's better than you. (see icon)
She's always going to be better than you. (Didn't I mention the icon? Also she's an Anacleto, duh.)
Don't even bother trying to be better than her, that usually ends in some strange death that can't be explained. (or at least did, blame it on the family absorbed brothers and father)
Flaithriaoh better watch his back or else he's going to die.
Most of her direct family is dead because of Leir (see above).

And her brother wanted to do her. (who wouldn't?)

Yes I hit all the good points (lmao). Go check her out! History is only really open to elves since she doesn't speak common and she doesn't really leave Astarii. (like ever. Who would want to hang out with humans anyway?)

Setting things in place


Just a heads up - I will be off next week (21 -25) my time to somewhere I don't intend to bring my computer. Let's just say I need the break to be away from people and the net. As it is, I will aim to reply to Nieve/Vera/Eragos beforehand.

Few niggling thoughts.

1. Bryce - Are you still free to do the adusta Elemmire/Skandra Ceranarad thread? I'll start writing soon.

2. Ali - Maybe sometime Aeotha and ELemmire could talk.

Let me know



It's the Mog here and I'm introducing a new character known as Lady Gaerelen to you, and Fiaethe to...herself. Confusing I know, but I have posted her history here.

Wut wut. :O

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