January 4th, 2012

[info]arosier in [info]vigilantesrpg

Owl sent to Aidan Rosier, received at lunch on the 3rd )

[info]vigilantesmods in [info]vigilantesrpg

Appears in all journals at approximately 9 A.M. on October 3rd, 1977. )

[info]vigilantesmods in [info]vigilantesrpg

Owl to Aurelia Jones at approximately 9 P.M. on October 3rd, 1977. )
Owl to Thaddeus Selwyn at approximately 9 P.M. on October 3rd, 1977. )

[info]twintuition in [info]vigilantesrpg

Who: Tabitha Smith & Aidan Rosier
What: The two of them have had an exhausting day. Rather than dwell in it they've decided to distract themselves.
Where: The Entrance Hall
When: October 3rd, following this entry [BACKDATED]
Rating: Currently SFW
Status: Complete

I get by with a little help from my friends... ) 

[info]doorcas in [info]vigilantesrpg

Characters: Dorcas Meadowes, Lucas Meadowes and Thaddeus Selwyn
When: October 4th
Where: 2nd Floor Corridor
Summary: Thaddeus encounters the Meadowes duo.
Warnings: SFW.
Status: In progress.

Rain, rain go away? )