Viggo Muse - September 12th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 12th, 2007

Jeremy Irons on Appaloosa!!! [Sep. 12th, 2007|08:49 am]


[Current Mood |excited]

Viggo was just live on Good Morning America and said he was filming a western with Ed Harris, Renee Zellweiger and Jeremy Irons! Oh WOW!

(Viggo just worked with his wife, Sinead Cusack, on EP. Keeping it all in the family...)
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Viggo as Best Dressed? [Sep. 12th, 2007|09:32 am]


Source: Globe and Mail

Viggo Mortensen
The actor takes the skinny suit to a whole new level. This textured pinstripe hugs his arms and we dig the narrow lapel. But this look is mostly about the punchy brick-coloured shirt (this is where he shows his flair, as a bright red would have been grievously wrong).

Thanks to Chrissie at Viggo-Works!
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Viggo on GMA [Sep. 12th, 2007|10:30 am]


Thanks to [info]splatnext for this morning's clip from GMA:

Or you can watch it at the ABC site here.

Mortensen Takes Driver's Seat in New Film
Actor Had to Get Several Fake Tattoos for the Role

His role as the fearless warrior Aragorn in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy shot heartthrob Viggo Mortensen to international fame. But he'll trade the sword for the steering wheel in his latest film, the mafia drama "Eastern Promises."

Mortensen plays Russian-born Nikolai Luzhin, a driver for one of London's most notorious organized families.

"There was a lot I had to learn on this movie, speaking Russian, as we do in some of the scenes," Mortensen said today on "Good Morning America." "But I met some Russian people, including people that have pasts that are not unlike my character's. Once they realized I wasn't going to be making fun of them or judging them, they were really helpful."

Mortensen said he enjoyed working with his co-stars, including Naomi Watts.

"She does such fine work," he said. "It's great to work with someone who is so detailed and so subtle with their acting. It's really a nice dance that you have with a person like that who is that talented.

"But you need a director like David Cronenberg, who takes care of those little hesitations, those little smiles she gives," Mortensen continued. "A lot of directors would go, whatever, get on with it and it wouldn't be in the movie. But she [Watts] gives a very well-balanced performance and she's easy to look at."

In the movie Mortensen said his character has an "interesting relationship" with Watts' Anna Khitrova.

"She's an English midwife and I'm this Russian underworld type," he said. "At first there is the man-woman thing, but there is also a big cultural divide. She doesn't trust me. I don't know when she's making fun of me. Eventually they connect."

In the film, Mortensen sports several fake tattoos that took hours to apply each day. All are on display during the final scene, shot in a bathhouse.

Mortensen said it was only natural to perform the scene nude. "I don't think it's realistic that a towel would stay on the whole time," Mortensen said.

"Eastern Promises" opens in limited release Friday, Sept. 14, and nationwide Sept. 21.

© 2007 ABC News

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[Sep. 12th, 2007|01:23 pm]


[Current Location |computer desk]
[Current Mood |busy]
[Current Music |radio]

Got this news tibbit from [info]theonering_net

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
pic is from Faces Fit Hi res pics

Viggo Mortensen is slated to be a guest on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' tonight on CBS. He is there to promote his latest film 'Eastern Promises', which is currently premiering at the Toronto and Montreal Film Festivals, and opens this weekend. 'The Late Show' airs on CBS at 11:35PM.

Article here

Posted also on my lj of [info]jack4will
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Ha! [Sep. 12th, 2007|06:33 pm]


[Current Mood |giggly]

Thanks to [info]kinseymill

© NY Observer/Victor Juhasz

NY Observer Article here.

Party Lines
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Letterman tonight, NPR tomorrow! [Sep. 12th, 2007|09:23 pm]


Thanks to [info]wwowie:

Per IMDB, David Cronenberg and actor Viggo Mortensen will be on NPR's Fresh Air 13 September:

Sept. 13 · On the next Fresh Air: Director David Cronenberg and actor Viggo Mortensen. The two have teamed up for a second time for the thriller Eastern Promises; their earlier collaboration was on A History of Violence.

Fresh Air link

Radio Time archive page


Viggo on the radio with Rachel Maddow on Air America 9/12:

captured by [info]wwowie:
Download it here (7 MB, wma file)


Video review by Ebert and Roeper here.
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