Viggo Muse - September 10th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 10th, 2007

TIFF Reviews/Articles Eastern Promises [Sep. 10th, 2007|12:50 am]


[Current Mood |tired]

Tons of reviews from TIFF referenced here with significant quotes.

Spoilers within... )
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TIFF Portraits [Sep. 10th, 2007|12:53 pm]


One cute pic and lots of TIFF portraits:

lots more here... )

Thanks to Faces Fit!
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Articles and Reviews [Sep. 10th, 2007|02:03 pm]


[Current Mood |happy]

Excellent articles with David Cronenberg, reviews and Viggo.

You need to know, there is a major plot point revealed especially in the first one that you have probably not seen before. Articles now are revealing more of the plot, so beware of:


David Cronenberg and Viggo Mortensen and the Hard Work of Killing
In recent years, his approach has become more psychological if not more naturalistic. He no longer needs to configure agencies of change as parasites erupting from within, bursting through the liminality of the skin. With calm exactitude and a stern eye, he suggests that the propensity for violence within each individual is the truest source of transgression, albeit hidden and disguised beneath the skin, if not within the constructions of biography. )

Eastern Promises: Think shower scene in Psycho
David Cronenberg seems bemused by the notion that people find Eastern Promises, his new movie about Russian gangsters,  )

Eastern Promises
Source: Movie Guy
Every sin leaves a mark )

Space Cases
Source: New Yorker Review

Viggo Mortensen, who starred in “A History of Violence,” appears here in a very different role, and it may be that the director has found his muse. )

TIFF Day 4: Eastern Promises, Religulous, Souffle
Source: Cinema Blend
Viggo Mortenson steals the show... He has a few highly memorable scenes and it is easy to see why he is a favorite tool of Cronenberg’s; they work well together and Mortenson seems to fully become the characters that are created for him. Eastern Promises is bold-faced entertainment with a conscience and it is surely one of the best films of the year.  )

Source: The Globe and Mail

12 p.m.
The female television camera operator waiting for the press conference for Eastern Promises says she is half-Russian, and while she isn't sure what she thinks about David Cronenberg's new film, she offers one endorsement: "Viggo Mortensen's Russian accent? Impeccable."

For Mortensen, who speaks English, Danish and Spanish fluently, and can handle himself in French, Italian, Swedish and Norwegian, one more language on his resumé is apparently no big deal. "When you're speaking a different language, you feel differently," he says. "It's not just the muscles in your mouth, but your posture and the way you present yourself."

French co-star Vincent Cassels says he and Mortensen "tried to use as much Russian as possible because, to be realistic, when two Russian characters are speaking together, they wouldn't be speaking English, so we kept trying to add more Russian phrases. David Cronenberg was going, 'What are you two saying to each other?' "

"It was like some creeping disease," Cronenberg says. "You wake up one morning and everyone is speaking Russian."

Thanks to various people at Viggo-Works!
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