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Sep. 14th, 2008


Who: Tracey Davis & Aidan Chambers.
Where: A Muggle carnival somewhere near London.
What: They try to go on their first regular date and Aidan, in his infinite wisdom, chooses a carnival to expose Tracey to the Muggle world for the first time.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Rating: TBD.
Status: Closed. Incomplete.

"I could get ye some cotton candy."

Aidan wrapped an arm around Tracey and beamed cheerfully at her. Lately despite his growing fatigue, the Ravenclaw showed an almost uncanny amount of happiness, the source of which he currently held in his arms. "Have ye ever tried cotton candy? Or some of these sugared apples?"

Aidan's smile remained resolute and unmovable even as they pushed past a group of thugs who gave them looks filled with disdain and Aidan, ever eager to evade conflicts, quickened his pace a little to escape their jeers which followed them all the way around the first couple of stalls until they found themselves in the middle of the carnival, right next to a fortune teller's stall.

"So. Where do ye want ter go first?"


Who: Terry Boot and Aidan Chambers
What: Terry comes home early, doesn't know Aidan saw him and Tracey, goes to see Aidan and things take a bad turn.
Where: A bar.
When: A couple days before Terry is actually suppose to come back to London, early evening.
Status: Complete.

Terry was happy to say his trip to Scotland had been cut short by a surprisingly cooperative Sports Department who was actually a bit interested in hosting the next sports tournament, and possibly even the next Quidditch World Cup. Things went so smoothly that Terry had to schedule to come back because he had to go discuss the next step with his superiors, but he would be in contact very soon.

Having stopped by his place and dropped his things off, Terry went over to Aidan's to tell him the good news. Finding that he wasn't there, he drove around to see if he was at one of the bars they regularly visited. Eventually finding him situated in bar a few blocks away from The Leaky Cauldron, Terry smiled and walked up to Aidan.

"Aidan." He said, grabbing the spot next to him. "I have been looking all over for you, mate. How are you doing, because I've got great news." Terry smiled, unaware there was any chance Aidan might not be very happy with him.

Sep. 13th, 2008


Neville Longbottom's Expedition notes as found in The British Journal of Herbology, Volume 2345, Book 5. Published September 5th 2003

Previous Installment HERE

June 19th 2003 )

June 20th 2003 )

June 21st 2003 )

Sep. 12th, 2008


Owl to Sally Anne Warrington )


WHO: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Ernie Macmillan
WHAT: Justin goes to Ernie's uncle's house to drag him out.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Ernie's uncle's place, then off to a pub.

Justin couldn't stand it anymore. He hadn't seen his best friend in weeks and he was beginning to wonder if he was even alive, which he knew was silly but Justin figured Ernie's uncle would have informed him by now if Ernie had gone off the deep end. In a sense he already had which was why Justin decided to drop by unannounced. The way Ernie was going wasn't healthy and he refused to just sit back and watch anymore. Something had to be done.

Knocking on the door, he smiled as Ernie's uncle let him in, guessing the man was relieved there was someone else willing to deal with Ernie at the moment.

"Is he upstairs?" He nodded and Justin muttered a thanks as he walked past him and headed up the stairs to Ernie's room. Justin stopped at the door, pondering whether or not he should knock before deciding that was entirely pointless. He swung open the door and rolled his eyes as he saw his friend still in bed.

"Aye! What are you doing still in bed? Get up and get dressed."

Sep. 11th, 2008


Who: Megan and Aidan
What: Dinner
Where: Meg's (and Seamus') flat.
When: Friday evening

Megan wasn't entirely sure what she was doing. Although she had always thought Aidan was quite fit, and terribly nice, not to mentino the fact that she found it amazing he wanted to be a healer, she had never given an awful lot of thought to what it would be like to date him. He had, however, been on the top of George's list, and George had to have some bizarre form of intuition, right?

So Megan had gone about to preparing a meal for Aidan. This gesture wasn't as over the top for a first date as some might have thought, what with Megan loving to cook and bake. She had a salad waiting on the table, and was in the process of finishing up her chicken pasta. Cookies were in the oven: white chocolate macadamia nut to spite Roger even further. In her skirt and sweater ensemble, Megan brushed a lock of wavy hair behind her ear just in time to hear someone at the door. Grinning, she made her way over to pull open the door. "Aidan!"


Who: Daphne and Tracey
What: Catching up... and a bit of questioning
When: Thursday
Where: Greengrass manor

Turning back she just laughs, the boulevard is not that bad )


Tag to Aidan!

Who: Tracey and Aidan
When: Morning, Sept 10
Where: Aidan's flat
What: Aidan and Tracey finally put strings on their relationship.

Tracey Davis woke up not knowing where she was. This wasn't unusual: given all the travelling that she did and the men she slept with, she tended to lose track of where she was sleeping. At least this time she didn't have a hangover, which was always a bonus. As consciousness slowly returned to her, so did memories of how she ended up here: dancing with Terry; seeing Aidan Chamber snog some blond slag...Aidan Chambers. Whose arms she was currently wrapped up in, and who was still sleeping, his tousled curls falling over his face and giving him a peaceful, boyish look. Aidan Chambers, who actually wanted some sort of relationship with her, which she'd apparently agreed to, somewhere between fevered whispers and breathless moans. She must have gone and lost her mind. That wasn't the scary thing, though. The scary thing was that she didn't really seem to want it back.

With a sigh, she carefully disentangled herself from his arms and slid out of bed. Her lovely indigo dress, the one she'd gone dancing in, was in a heap on the floor, and she didn't even know where her knickers were. She wasn't going to be able to put herself back into the dress, so she went hunting around his closet for a shirt she could borrow. It provided a good opportunity for her to learn more about this annoying yet addicting man.


Who: Tracey Davis & Aidan Chambers.
Where: Some smoky, intimate little pub in the magical part of London.
When: About an hour after Terry takes Tracey dancing.
What: Aidan tries the whole 'no strings attached' concept and finds out that it works. Only very differently from what he expected.
Rating/Warnings: R for Swearing (the "f-word"). A lot of that. And one instance of violence, though not against each other.

Tracey didn't stop to think. She simply marched over, grabbed the slag by her potion-dyed hair, and *yanked* )

Sep. 10th, 2008


Owl to Aidan Chambers )


Who: Hannah Abbott and Open
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
When: Dinner time.
What: Hannah gets some food after finishing an afternoon of shopping.

Read more... )

Sep. 9th, 2008



Who: Terry Boot and Tracey Davis
What: Terry promised he'd take Tracey dancing, and he's a man of his word.
When: First night of Terry's trip to Scotland.
Where: Not Scotland. Back in London, where Terry shouldn't be.
Status: Incomplete.

How in the name of Merlin had he gotten himself into this again? )


Who: Padma Patil & Aidan Chambers.
Where: Malfoy Manor.
When: September 8th. Evening.
What: Padma needs a friend. Aidan needs distraction and they both need to study.

Aidan appeared in front of the gates of Malfoy Manor with a sound like a small explosion, still a bit uneasy from Apparating. )

Sep. 8th, 2008


Tag to Theodore!

Who: Tracey and Theodore
Where: Funeral Parlour
When: Sept 5
What: Theodore attends Tracey's mother's funeral and gets pulled into family drama

They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realize I'm going to miss mine by just a few days. )


Tag to Padma!

Who: Terry Boot and Padma Patil
What: Terry isn't have a great day.
Where: St. Mungos
When: Day before Terry leaves for his trip.
Status: Incomplete.

Oh yes, she'd helped him alright. Helped him right back into stress mode. )

Sep. 6th, 2008


Tag to Alicia!

Who: Tracey Davis and Alicia Spinnet
When: Evening, Sept 5
Where: Some bar
What: Two very unlikely people bond over drinks and drunken antics.

The thing about letting people buy you drinks was that they tended to want something out of it afterwards. Normally this wouldn't have been a problem with Tracey, who had no qualms about letting a complete stranger take her home, but tonight she was in no mood for it. After the ordeal that was her mother's funeral, she wanted to get drunk enough to pass out. Alone.

So when the two wizards who'd been plying her with drinks all night started leaning in and suggesting that they take her somewhere more private, she shoved them away. "Sod off," she snapped. "Go shag each other."

And that was when things got ugly.


Who: Terry Boot and Aidan Chambers
What: Relaxing, talking about lots of things.
Where: Terry's flat.
Status: Incomplete.

Terry was laying on his couch, trying to read, but there was just too much going through his head. The plans with Aidan, who was suppose to be there any minute, along with the meeting with Tracey at the bar. She was certainly a woman in her own league; she liked to push back, and Terry liked that. It wasn't like he was head-over-heels though, he hardly knew the women, but he was intrigued.

Deciding to throw his book aside, Terry instead pulled out the plans for the buildings him and Aidan were using and continued looking them over.

Warehouses could be used for training areas and possibly storage, and the office buildings could be used as places to stay and storage, and meetings could be there too...


Who: Rabastan Lestrange & Aidan Chambers.
What: Two people whose paths should have never crossed run into each other. With disastrous consequences.
When: September 5th. Late evening. ( a few hours after this)
Where: Knockturn Alley.
Status: Closed. Incomplete.

It was late. He was tired and venturing into Knockturn Alley at this time of the day (or rather night) was so stupid that it practically defied description. )


Tag to Aidan

Who Lee and Aidan
Where Lee's place
When Around early noon or early afternoon
What Gawdy furniture and music.

The one where you learn Lee has a banana hammock. )

Sep. 4th, 2008


Tag to Tracey!

Who: Terry Boot and Tracey Davis
What: A random meeting, lots of flirting and whatnot.
Where: An upscale bar in London
Status: Complete.

He grabbed his firewhiskey and tried to find a more appealing topic to distract him. )

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