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[26 Dec 2016|01:46pm]
Hello! I'm coming your way with Cate Delgado, a member of the security team for Astraeus. She's one of the guards and would probably best function as a body guard/rank and file/prison transport sort of role. She's a former pro boxer and joined Project Astraeus just as her personal life began to fall apart. She's someone that responds very well to military style discipline and orderliness, so the training camps and assessment period appealed to her immensely. She's not someone that you're going to find leading a charge unless there's no one else around to do it, and she won't defy orders unless they're undeniably not morally sound. She favors practical solutions and action over introspection, and therefor tends to resolve interpersonal conflict by bulldozing into it. If someone were to accuse her of being very tightly wound, they would not be incorrect. That being said, she does have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, and has been known to deliver bone dry quips with a straight face.

I'm excited to dive in and get to write with all of you, and I'd love to figure out lines of all kinds! Especially ones that will challenge her boundaries and push her outside her comfort zone. You know, even more so than crash landing on an alien planet that has magic and dragons.
9 comment

[26 Dec 2016|07:57pm]
excuse the late intro! so this is hollis van wyk, armory officer of the astraeus security team, and master sergeant in the marines. she comes from humble beginnings on a farm on penglai, where she got pregnant and married too young, then divorced within a few short years and enlisted with the adf. during her long 20-something year career, hollis earned a reputation as a reliable (perhaps even ruthless) soldier who follows orders and always gets the job done--definitely a renegon shepard, if you will. she's not without regrets about her choices or service history, but hollis is pretty reserved, and prefers to maintain a professional distance from most of her colleagues, with a handful of exceptions. she's usually regarded as a hardass with a resting bitch face; most people have never seen her smile and are not entirely sure it's even physically possible. while she'd never admit to it, she has a fierce #space mama bear side, and genuinely cares about the well-being of the crew in her charge. all she wants to do is get everyone home safe and sound.

though she's a bit stranded at the present, i'd be happy to figure out any and all lines with everyone! hollis has a few connections so far, but i'm game for almost anything you can think of.
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