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Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

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    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 11
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 11

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - Vidding in the News: Lum is back in NY Magazine again - this time, they asked her to list her five favorite vids of 2008. Here's the article, with links to the vids. Awesome! :-)

    [x] Alchemy without Moles -: Is there anyone in SPN fandom or Vidding fandom who hasn't yet downloaded Melymbrosia's new (first!) vid, Low Red Moon? Because holy cow, it's gorgeous. Also spooky and smart and creative, just like Mely's other fanwork. This is Ruby and Sam and Sam-and-Ruby, and what Ruby sees in Sam, where Sam is coming from and where he might be going. No S4 footage, btw. Seriously, this may be the most beautiful SPN vid I've ever seen. Go watch it, now!

    [x] with my freeze ray i will stop the world - drive by rec: Rodney's Despair by chayiana. Music: Gravity of Love by Enigma. SGA. I spoiled myself a bit by watching this video there were lots of scenes in here I haven't seen indeed, but watching the vid as a whole, I really didn't mind as much as I thought I would. I think the editing in this was wonderful and enhanced the song in a way that really gives you chills. I also really loved seeing a Rodney character study that showed a lot of different aspects to the character. I admit that so far I've viewed him as only the super-genius scientist who has his bitchy streaks - even if they are cute ones. I enjoyed that this vid went way beyond that side of Rodney and really highlighted the more angsty parts of him - his love for his team, what he'd give for them and what they'd do for him in return. A really touching vid and beautifully edited. Go watch!

    [x] with my freeze ray i will stop the world - holy crap awesome vid rec: low red moon by untrue_accounts. So if I'm not mistaken this is their first vid. WOW! You could have fooled me, that's for darn sure. The pacing and movement throughout are spectacular. The whole thing flows beautifully and she doesn't miss a beat. The imagery and visual parallels within the vid are awesome. Plus, Ruby! (the original Ruby) What's not to love?

    [x] untrue_accounts: Ohmygod, people, I am so behind on every: danegen, Used to Love Him (Heathers) - up until BtVS, I did not think there would ever be another work of art that ever captured the American high school experience so well. This vid gets Veronica and everything about Veronica and GODDAMN why can't we have more smart, sharp, mixed-up female heroines like her? halcyon_shift, Non Lievi Alchun (Merlin) - Arthurian myth is not helping me parse this vid, which is not a surprise. I do not care. Windows and fair maidens at windows, facing horrors and turning away from them -- so gorgeous. halcyon_shift, Sea Lion (Supernatural) - I actually have Deep Thoughts about this but am running out of time, so I will just say, "WOW". proofpudding, Pretty (Supernatural) - This gets at the essential wrongness of Sam/Ruby in a profound and profoundly sexy way. I love the claustrophobic close-ups, the tight shots, the chain link backgrounds emphasizing the dead-endedness and entrapment that drive the participants into the relationship. Short, sharp, killer.

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Low Red Moon and On The Darkest Side Of The Sun: Low Red Moon by untrue_accounts. Song/Artist: "Low Red Moon"/Belly. It's beautiful! Not only just pretty with it's bright clips, but it's like a free flow of thought from one scene to the next. Just really quite different. :D On The Darkest Side Of The Sun by Loki (secretlytodream): Song/Artist: 37 Stitches/The Drowning Pool. Genre: AU. Why you’re reccing the vid: Wonderful vid! The colouring, the editing... the use of the typewriter clips and the transitions... It's beautiful and I love it! :D

    [x] [some kind of title] - Another Merlin Insta-Vid Rec: House On Fire by the_orange_nin. Episode 10, Merlin/Arthur. Two insta-recs in one day? *hugs this fandom*

    [x] Merlin, Supernatural, and Supernatural Vid Recs: Born under a bad sign by proofpudding (vid:recs:spn) I loved the song, the pacing, the clip choices this was highly entertaining to watch. :) Still Alive by counteragent (vid:recs:spn) I'm not actually sure what this vid is saying but what I really loved was the use of motion and the song choice. :) Also really loved the montage of the SPN artwork near the end.

    [x] Merlin, Numb3rs, and Supernatural Recs plus Merlin 1 vid rec: Merlin Vid Rec: Every Fear You've Ever Faced by the_orange_nin (vid:recs:merlin)

    [x] Supernatural and Vid Recs: Vids: The Epic Love Story by proofpudding (vid:recs:spn) (SPN vid rec) I really liked this vid. sundrenched world by proofpudding (vid:recs:GilmoreGirls) I keep coming back and re-watching this vid. I love the song, the clip choices, and the effects. It's also without doubt my favorite Rory/Dean vid.

    [x] Iron Man, Merlin Fic & Vid, and Supernatural Recs: Merlin: Only In My Mind by merlinxarthur (vid:recs:merlin) (VID REC) I really liked the song and the clip choices and the effects worked for me.

    [x] Why would you let Starsky talk to Hutch?! - wishlist meme fun! and vid rec: AHAHAHA. One thing I can cross off the ol' wishlist because bop_radar is a MAGNIFICENT HUMAN BEING: I Kissed A Girl - yes, Clark Kent kisses girls. And no, Lex does not like it. (OH MY GOD CLARK KENT IS HOT.) I am using this icon in his honor. If you've ever wondered why perfectly reasonable people continue to watch Smallville...well. This is a very good starting point.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 12
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 12

    [x] [some kind of title] - Vid Recs (Mmm, pie.): I have pie and wine and vid recs. Merlin: Beverly Hills by giandujakiss. That's where Merlin wants to be! Supernatural: Happy Alone by danegen. Incredibly adorable and fun Jensen & Jared behind-the-scenes vid. (Fine, ok! J2 RPS. Dear RPS-loving flist, you'll never take me alive!) I dare you to watch this without smiling. Torchwood/Doctor Who: Tristan by such_heights. The storm is come and I am following. Jack Harkness in all his fucked up glory. I am so in love with the editing style of this vid.

    [x] elisi's humble abode - Bits & pieces.: Break My Fall by mirien3 is the best Jack/Ianto vid I've seen so far. It doesn't sentimentalise the 'ship in any way, and manages to show just how complex the characters are. (And still brings out the tenderness that we sometimes get. Oh and the song is *perfect*!)

    [x] elisi's humble abode - I bring you good things! :): Finally a Doctor Who/Torchwood vid rec: I Know Him So Well is the most perfect Jack/Doctor song & vid I've ever come across - and Jack (JB) singing it just adds that extra level of heartbreak ("Isn't it madness - he can't be mine."). Go watch!

    [x] Xanthe - Iz crazy Tony fangirl!: Changing the subject completely to Dr Who, this music vid is hilarious - so wrong and yet so very right *g*. Fanvid: Doctor/Master -Mamma Mia (crack!vid)

    [x] Bluespirit - Recs & squee: I loved this Dr/Jack song vid done to John Barrowman & Daniel Boys singing 'I know him so well'. Thanks to xanthelj for the heads up.

    [x] Molesk(onl)ine - Vid Rec: Happy Alone (J2, RPS) by danegen: Happy Alone (J2, RPS) by danegen. I've been sitting here for like 20 minutes trying to compose a rec that adequately describes HOW FREAKING ADORABLE this vid is. Yeah. Uh, I can't. So you just have to go watch it! You won't be sorry, I promise!

    [x] Bibbles - Vid Rec: NCIS Clapping Song by Lithium Doll = ♥: Clapping Song by Lithium Doll = ♥. Seriously! I replayed this vid a ridiculous amount of times.

    [x] obsessive24: merlin insta-rec... again: Beverly Hills by giandujakiss, Merlin, comedy. Cracked-out goodness. This is exactly what that show is.

    [x] [some kind of title] - Insta-Vid Rec: Crusoe!: Freedom by talitha78. Crusoe/Friday set to a George Michael song. 'Nuff said. This show looks like it's full of gleeful, cracktastic slash. I stopped watched after the 2nd episode, but, um, I may need to remedy that. I do love my cracky slash. This video just makes me so happy. I can't stop grinning.

    [x] heyiya: links to vids and a pornographic meta rec: kiki_miserychic's Closer (for Jamie). This is a vid about vidding, although that might not be immediately apparent on first viewing to those of you who are easily distracted by hot naked people. That they may not be familiar hot naked people doesn't mean they don't signify the hot people that fandom likes to imagine naked,. If you're familiar with the NIN song, and particularly with TJonesy and Killa's Star Trek vid to Closer, the music will be the first clue. The vid wants to violate, desecrate, fuck up and make new like vidders do. It wants to get inside the gaze: to objectify and perform and fetishize and cut and edit. Characters fuck and wank and watch, staring at themselves and performing for each other and mirrors and being bemused and elated by the weirdness that is sex, commodifying it for the movies and the viewers and the money and each other. The pornographic source makes literal vidding's--and fandom's--erotics of media manipulation. It's not fluffy. But it is stunning.

    [x] sunryse00: Vid Rec: Legend of the Seeker: It's so hard to find Legend of the Seeker vids and even harder to find good ones, so imagine my excitement to find one worthy to show off. This also goes to show that good vids can be made with WMM. Your Guardian Angel.

    [x] thingswithwings: Best vids of 2008 - MEME TIME: Extremely Honourable Mentions: How Much Is That Geisha in the Window? by lieurdoma. Scarlet Ribbons, by Hazel K. Red Moon, by sol_se. Here It Goes Again, by sisabet. Channel Hopping, by Ash. What Is Eternal by Gnine. Sons and Daughters, by heyiya. Hera Has Six Mommies by tallulah71. I'm Your Man, by charmax. giandujakiss's vid "Hourglass, Teeth in the Grass, by sapote3:

    [x] thingswithwings: Best vids of 2008 - MEME TIME: In Exchange For Your Tomorrows, by lim: Snape's life is mapped out for him, and he's trapped in a series of moments from his past. Handlebars, by flummery. Usually Doctor Who vids operate either in the realm of the playful or the realm of the creepy - what I think is truly groundbreaking about this vid is the way that it puts them together, reveals them as two parts of the same incredibly scary man. there's a war going on for your mind, laura, by beccatoria: It's fast and associative and something like a ride through Laura Roslin's subconscious - except better than they did it on the show. Does Cameron Dream of Electric Sheep? by kiki_miserychic: it attempts to capture humanity and technology from the perspective of the robot. Origin Stories, by giandujakiss: It really sells me on a completely new interpretation of LMPTM. The way that the whole vid asks, with its title, "Who gets an origin story on this show? On whose backs are those origin stories built?" is just masterful.

    [x] eruthros: Top Five Vids of 2008 ... so far: Honorable Mentions: laurashapiro's awesome Doctor Who vid Shut Up and Drive. thingswithwings's multi-vid The Glass. kiki_miserychic's Sarah Conner Chronicles vid Does Cameron Dream of Electric Sheep? lierdumoa's Firefly vid How Much Is That Geisha in the Window? fan_eunice and greensilver's Doctor Who/Torchwood vid Papa Don't Preach. giandujakiss's X-Files vid Hell of a Place. gnine's SGA vid What Is Eternal. Honorable honorable mentions: heyiya's post-apocalyptic multi vid The Future Stops Here. sol_se's SGA vid Red Moon. giandujakiss's multi vid Hourglass.

    [x] Excitement! Adventure! Really boring posts! And other stuff! - Top Five Vids of 2008 ... so far: giandujakiss's Buffyverse vid Origin Stories. The editing's awesome, the clip choice is awesome, the narrative is brilliant, and I'm always finding something more. Absolutely one of my favorite vids of the year. charmax's multi-fandom vid I'm Your Man. she finds such joy in all the cliches of women in drag and in all the cliches of queer women in television, and she does it beautifully. sisabet's SGA vid Here It Goes Again. She found so many amazing physical moments in the series that I'd never really seen before and turned them into something that is simultaneously an amazing character study and completely hilarious. Seah and Margie's Doctor Who vid Handlebars. It's a perfect song choice, and then it's so incredibly beautifully cut. The transitions throughout the verses are so perfect that it hurts. lim's HP vid In Exchange For Your Tomorrows. I read this vid as a commentary on the cyclical story of Harry Potter; that this all happened before, and is going to happen again.

    [x] talitha78: Calling All Clark Fans: Here's a vid rec for you: I Kissed a Girl by bop_radar (Who, by the way, is totally famous now. Check out this New York Magazine article, where her "Clint Eastwood" BSG vid is listed as one of the 5 best of 2008. And just think, she started out right here in Smallville fandom! *is so proud*): "I Kissed a Girl" sparkles just like my icon. It's funny, sharply edited, and as an added bonus, HOT LIKE FIRE. Any Clark fangirl worth her salt will be swooning by the end. Seriously, don't forget to bring your drool bucket. :DDD

    [x] crack_van: VID REC: Starsky and Hutch/The Real Slim Shady: The Real Slim Shady by Gianduja Kiss. Musical artist: Eminem. Starsky/Hutch. Yes, I'm a few days early with the vid rec, but I'm leaving town for the rest of the month early tomorrow. This rec also concludes my month here at Crack Van. Why this vid kicks ass: It’s a spot on love song for this fandom, and fandom in general. It's nice, so nice. The Real Slim Shady.

    [x] Merlin, Supernatural, and Sarah Conner Chronicles Vid Recs: Non Lievi Alchun by halcyon_shift (vid:recs:merlin) I loved the song and the pacing and the story told. Low Red Moon by untrue_accounts (vid:recs:spn) I liked the song and clip choices. Dance With The Devil by wolfpup2000 (vid:recs:spn) I really liked the song and clip choices. This was a good Sam and Dean vid for season 4. So Cold by azuremonkey (vid:recs:scc) I liked the song choice and clips.

    [x] Useless Talent #46 - Vid rec: Supernatural: Some days, it's worth being a SPN fan just for the vids. Low Red Moon by untrue_accounts. Belly. HELL yes.

    [x] rm: sundries: I can't stop singing "I Know Him So Well" because of hllangel's vid

    [x] vidding: NY Magazine's Best Vids of 2008: I've kept up a friendly correspondence with the editor, and he asked if I'd be interested in contributing a little something to their year-end entertainment roundup. Would I pick my five favorite vids of 2008, write up a little something, and he'd see what he could do. So, this year? I dragged five of y'all over to NY Magazine with me. First off, I had way more than five favorite vids in 2008, but I have esoteric tastes, and I felt a responsibility to present five fantastic vids that were generally accessible and easily available to the general public but that wouldn't dilute the artistic power and stunning craft that goes into excellent fannish vidding. So, without further ado, The Best Fan Vids of 2008. I picked these from a pool of 35 vids, all personal favorites. I wrote up my reasons why they were so great and submitted it to NY Magazine at the end of last month. They ran with it and also gave me the compliment of putting Fifth Circle at the end of the Top Five slideshow.

    [x] The Best Fan Vids of 2008 -- Vulture -- Entertainment & Culture Blog -- New York Magazine: Let It Die by AJ. The Crow. Technically superb exploration of Eric Draven's descent into madness, using film footage and images from the graphic novel. It's a beautiful, angry, and romantic vid. Piece of Me by obsessive24. A powerful and sympathetic editorial about Britney Spears's public breakdown in 2008. Gloria by sweetestdrain. In what looks like a classic slash fan vid, sweetestdrain seamlessly combines outside source with The Sarah Connor Chronicles to create a sexy, yearning constructed reality between the show's two leads. Tear You Apart by bradcpu. A disturbing look at relationships aboard Serenity. Brad has a deft touch and a great eye for internal movement in this vid about Simon and Kaylee, with a savage twist at the end. Clint Eastwood by bop_radar. BSG. The definitive Gaius Baltar character study, hilarious and kind of terrifying. Gaius is the unreliable narrator who takes himself quite seriously, which allows me to be amused at his antics, afraid for him and of him.

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