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Monday, November 24th, 2008

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    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 9
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 9

    [x] [some kind of title] - Merlin Insta-Vid Rec!: Non Lievi Alchun by halcyon_shift. Morgana/Gwen. Really beautiful. (Morgana/Gwen, yaaaay!)

    [x] 12_12_12: Vid Rec and Review: Into the Groove by keewick [Gossip Girl]: Into the Groove by keewick. It's a Blair Waldorf Vid, and I love it to bits. Why I love this vid: Because it focuses on one of the most interesting characters on the show, and three of the most interesting relationships on the show (Blair/Nate, Blair/Chuck, and Blair/Serena), and how these relationships affect Blair herself, and what they mean to her. That's pretty much the single *biggest* hook and draw of Gossip Girl for me, so this vid was like a concentrated package of everything I love about GG in a 3-minute blast. I also love the structure: ... showing what each of these characters means to Blair, paralleling and contrasting them with each other, showing how she changes as a result of each of these relationships. I also love that this vid is playful and fun in a way that is very Blair, i.e. sophisticated and with a girlish touch at the same time, and yet has very complex and layered things to say throughout. [MORE]

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Dance With the Devil by Wolfpup: Dance With the Devil by wolfpup2000. Song/Artist: Breaking Bejamin. It's just perfect for the song and, while I know this song has been done before, I love how well it fits and takes on new meaning with the S4 clips she chose. This version really works for me. Great stuff! :D

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - Insta Rec: Stuck in the Middle With You by deirdre_c. Song/Artist: Stealers Wheel. Comedy. I just love the wit and humour shining through this vid. Perfect song choice, excellent use of clips to lyrics. Absolute joy!

    [x] [some kind of title] - vid recs: firefly, bsg, dw/tw: Firefly/Serenity: Legend of a Cowgirl by shati. Zoe is made of awesome. Battlestar Galactica: Sweet Religion by nnaylime. Laura Roslin has her religion. All These Things That I've Done by kiki_miserychic. Tory Foster's Manifesto. (major spoilers for the last season). Televangelism by beccatoria. Broadcast your brain. Doctor Who/Torchwood: All That I Am by TorchyJH (YouTube) Jack/Doctor. I'm a blind man for a watchdog. I am primed for giving in. Brianstorm by such_heights. Torchwood, yay! I love the frantic feel to the editing. Stripped by mischief89. Martha/Doctor. Shine by humansrsuperior. A feel-good Doctor Who enemble vid. I dare you to watch this without smiling. Glorious by rhoboat. Martha, Donna, and Rose are all awesome. Behold their awesomeness. How Far We've Come [Retrospective] by LinworthNewt (YouTube). A fun, all-encompassing video. The majority of it is New Who, but it does also incorporate some Old Who and some behind the scenes footage.

    [x] daybreak777: Lost Fic Recs: Jawyercita: The Secrets That We Keep by dayln03. Summary: (AU)- Jack, Sawyer, and Claire are in a relationship that they feel they need to keep secret. However, as time goes on, the same secret that once kept them bound together is the same secret that tears them apart. Miles From Where You Are by dayln03. Summary: i pray that something picks me up and sets me down in your warm arms - Jack spins further and further into a downward spiral of desperation and despair, praying only to be back with Sawyer and Claire. Excellent, excellent vid people. I can believe this is happening. Hell, Lost takes so long to air, I believe in anything. Oh, and it's sexy as hell. :-)

    [x] tomomichi: [ Avatar, Bleach, GundamW, Hanadan, Kiva, MoB, Nabari, OP, RK, Tutu, XS, YST ]: Avatar Fanvid - What Have You Done - fantastic look at Katara's character and how massively epic she was in the course of the series. Avatar Fanvid - The Rhythm of Battle - Avatar has such great fighting sequences that you can watch a dozen different videos and hardly feel like you've seen the same scenes over and over again, Avatar Fanvid - Remember the Name. Avatar Fanvid - Water Bending: Concurso. Avatar Fanvid - It's My Life. Avatar Fanvid - Nara. Avatar Fanvid - Unstoppable. Avatar Fanvid - Grease, Avatar Style: Summer Nights. One Piece Fanvid - Just Lose It. One Piece Fanvid - Caramelldansen. One Piece Fanvid - Caramelldansen. One Piece - What Have You Done. One Piece Fanvid - Phenomenon. One Piece Fanvid - Bad Boy. One Piece Fanvid - Can't Help Falling in Love. One Piece Fanvid - Listen to Your Heart.

    [x] j00j: Antique vampire killing kits! Fake, but: Oh, speaking of horribleness... Here's an amusing Doctor Horrible and Doctor Who vid.

    [x] Useless Talent #46 - Vid recs: Supernatural: deirdre_c's Stuck in the Middle with You. Her fabulous take on 4.9 and 4.10. I'm still giggling and wiping happy tears out of my eyes. Really, I can't even. Classic Dean:]sisabet's Staying Alive. One of my favorite Dean vids. I started singing every time that WoW ad with Ozzy Ozbourne came on during Thursday's ep.

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - SPN Vid Insta-Rec - "Stuck in the Middle With You": deirdre_c took the angst of SPN 4x9 and 4x10 and turned it into a sparkly, adorable romp. Now I'm all a-glee.

    [x] ktnb81: Relinked from random_serious: A Newsies: Relinked from random_serious: A Newsies vid set to "Where the White Boys Dance" by The Killers And! Even better, from the same person: Newsies meets Caramelldansen!.

    [x] WWdN: In Exile: 'tis a silly place: If you live in that part of the Venn Diagram where Star Trek and Monty Python overlap, (as I do) I suspect you will be glad you watched this.

    [x] skybound2: HAH!! *loves to Wil Wheaton*: For he hath provided the link to the following clip, which, if you are human, and sane, you will love. It combines both Monty Python and Star trek (TOS) and you should all watch it - RIGHT NOW!

    [x] filkertom: With My Freeze Ray, I Will...: With My Freeze Ray, I Will... ... stop....

    [x] Just Because - Congratulations to my lovely flisters!: leviathan101 for her awesome BtVS vid, Thrown Away, which received runner up for Best Video, winner for Best Editing, winner for Best Character (Spike! Woo! \o/), winner for Best Action, winner for Best Effects, and winner of Judge's Choice. ageless_aislynn for her beautiful Torchwood vid, Winder Sun, which won the Award of Special Merit. kj_svala for Stargate SG-1 vid, Planet Hell, which received runner up for Best Ensemble.

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - The thing I love about laurashapiro's Martha vid: Shut Up and Drive is that it mines the source to give Martha a lot of the power that was taken from her in the actual show. I find Season Three of Doctor Who to be painful to watch at times because of the way Martha is humiliated by her feelings for the Doctor. laurashapiro gives us a Martha who says, "Fuck that, if you can't see my awesome, I've got other things to do."

    [x] kassrachel: Citizen Kane: The Remix: Beneath the cut: embedded video of the movie trailer for Citizen Kane: The Remix. Hee.

    [x] [some kind of title] - Dr. Whorrible Vid Project: So, a little bit ago I recced The Master and the Bad Horse Chorus by jetpack_monkey. Turns out, it was part of a bigger vid project. jetpack_monkey & [info]qkellie are vidding all of (or at least, a lot of) the Dr. Horrible songs to Doctor Who. Here is their Dr. Whorrible masterlist which lists all the vids so far. My favorites are: Brand New Day - Season 4 finale with intense Ten (yikes). The Doctor's Freeze Ray - "The Girl in the Fireplace" and an adorkable Ten. A Man's Gotta Do - "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances"...Captain Jack = Captain Hammer (hee!).

    [x] angstslashhope: Torchwood vid for the episode "Adam" ...: Torchwood vid for the episode "Adam" ... to Hanson's Mmmbop. BEST SOURCE/SONG COMBO EVER!

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 10
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 10

    [x] Annotations of an Anomaly - Vid Recs from Mister A? The hell you say!: Just a Dream by castorsfate (Matrix Trilogy). Castor really has hit a home run with this vid. With a focus on Neo & Trinity’s relationship, he also ramps it up with the music to some stunning action set pieces inbetween, all the while maintaining the story. An excellent example of really capturing the emotion of a song with shot selection & great editing. Stray by balistik94 (Bourne Trilogy). First he gives us a fantastic Crank vid - and then delivers this action/romance love-in, centered around Bourne & his love interests. This one could have easily been included on the official Bourne DVD’s. One Caress by aka_deadman (BSG). This guys LJ may be a little hard to understand unless you know Russian pretty well, but he certainly made his intentions crystal clear in the Giaus/Six vid. The simplistic editing & longer shots just seem to melt into the music, and the 2 virtually become an audiovisual symphony. This one may not be for everyone, but I do think at the very least its worth a look.

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - I am totally not vidding Merlin: Oh, and whether or not I'm vidding it, halcyon_shift absolutely is vidding it - except she makes it look like a beautiful, epic romance, instead of the crack it is. It's really quite an amazing feat; everyone needs to check it out.

    [x] [some kind of title] - 2 SPN Vid Recs: Stuck In The Middle With You by deirdre_c. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to right. For episodes 4x09 & 4x10. I love the lyric interpretations. *g* Low Red Moon by untrue_accounts. Now I got strong arms. Ruby, Sam. The imagery & movement is stunning.

    [x] Lies to Tourists & Lists of Demands - Dr. Whorrible Master list of vids!: qkellie and jetpack_monkey are systematically losing their minds... to the soundtrack of Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-long Blog. With visuals by Dr. Who. The Master List of Mysterious Evvvvil! Four vids so far, two more in progress. Ranging from angst to dark humor to pure silliness to over-the-top cheeeese. Please to be going and feeding them feedback, so they will continue their quest of questionable sanity and silliness!

    [x] Lies to Tourists & Lists of Demands - Instead of content, I bring you links.: Update to the Dr. Whorrible Masterlist! qkellie and jetpack_monkey have updated their site with 3 new vids -- the one to "Freeze Ray" is my personal fave, I think. Schmoopy and silly with great visuals.

    [x] frogspace: Vid Recs: Merlin, SPN, SGA: The Bitch Prince von wistful_fever (MERLIN, Merlin/Arthur). Aus mir völlig unerklärlichen Gründen habe ich diese Vid noch nicht gelinkt, obwohl ich es on- und offline schon einigen Leuten empfohlen habe. Ich bin all meine Merlin-Einträge durchgegangen, konnte es aber nicht finden. Wie kann das sein?! Mit anderen Worten, für die zwei Merlin-guckenden Leute auf meiner Flist, die es noch nicht gesehen haben - das Vid macht Spaß. What About Us? von chayiana (SGA, John/Rodney, a bit Keller/McKay). Eines der besten John/Rodney-Vids, die ich gesehen habe, und es bricht mir das Herz! Nicht, weil es so traurig wäre (das ist es noch nicht einmal), sondern weil das so nahe am Canon dran ist, dass die John/Rodney-Beziehung hier nicht wie Slasher-Realität wirkt sondern echter, weswegen ich umso mehr mit John mitleide, wenn das Vid die Probleme in seiner Beziehung zu Rodney anspricht. *Meep* Das Vid endet hoffnungsvoll, aber dem derzeitigen Canon traue ich das nicht zu, und das macht mich fertig.

    [x] frogspace: Vid Recs: Merlin, SPN, SGA: Non Lievi Alchun von halcyon_shift (MERLIN, Morgana/Gwen, AU). Das erste Femslash-Vid des Fandoms. Erhaben, bewegend und voller Schmerz und Anmut. Klingt nicht nach Merlin, ich weiß, kommt hier aber trotzdem so rüber. Alle Achtung. Low Red Moon von untrue_accounts (SPN, Ruby). First-Time-Vidder mit erstklassigem Vid, auf das ich gleich durch zwei Recs hintereinander auf meiner Flist hingeweisen worden bin. Ich habe die dritte Staffel nie gesehen und dementsprechend auch nicht eine einzige Folge mit dieser Ruby, aber das Vid ist einfach nur faszinierend, wunderschön und bringt eine sinnlich demonischen Ausstrahlung rüber, die einen dazu verführt, es immer wieder von vorne zu schauen. You Will Be Loved von bimosexual (SPN, Dean/Castiel). Eigentlich eher ein Dean-Vid, weil es sein Leben in ein bestimmtes Licht rückt. Irgendwann wird auch er geliebt werden und Castiel ist eine unbekannte Größe, auf die Dean noch nicht zu hoffen wagt.

    [x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps - kill me with the awesome, why don't you!?: top of the food chain - ring by serrico . why hasn't everybody watched this yet? (or have they?) this is so completely awesome, even if you (like me & so many others) have never heard of that movie. it's still all kinds of awesome - with aliens, threesomes & murder myseries on top. this vid makes me so happy, hee... i need to get my hands on this movie somehow! torchwood. tristan by such_heights. oh jack... this is my favorite jack vid, ever. i think. it's so dark & desperate and packed with emotions and awesome edit, and just.. *flails & rewatches* doctor who. shut up and drive (or 'martha > you') by laurashapiro yesss, THIS! why have i only seen this now !!??! it is pure ♥! i really don't often have these girlcrushes, but martha is pure WIN! & so is this vid... crazy fun, action, kickass!martha - and so pretty too.

    [x] obsessive24: vid rec: Insta-rec! Non Lievi Alchun by halcyon_shift, Merlin, Morgana/Gwen. I'm very amazed by the narrative that halcyon_shift was able to coax out of the miniscule amount of available footage. Smart and thoughtful and heartbreaking.

    Locked Post: Vid rec, and vid silliness: Low Red Moon by untrue_accounts (Supernatural, Ruby-centric). (incredibly) a first-time vidder telling a story that has been building since early season 3, but that's seldom gotten this much attention from the show. Gorgeous song choice, and a wonderful job of highlighting the dark, dangerous, tragic but oh-so-hot nuances of Ruby's dance with Sam.

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - The only flaw in this unique interpretation of Citizen Kane: is the misspelling of Joseph Cotton *sighs* Otherwise, it's fairly brilliant. (via kassrachel)

    [x] thevirtualjim: 2 videos: These were two of the videos talked about at the 'subversive cartoons' panel that I really liked.

    [x] filkertom: Loveless (Accidentally In Love): I've mentioned that Anne has gotten big into anime and manga. This morning, she aimed me at this music video. From what she tells me, the creator (VicBond007) is a professional video editor whose girlfriend is into anime. Annoyed by some of the, how shall we put this, enthusiastic but unimaginative editing jobs on many fan videos, he's decided to show everybody how it's done. This is one of several you can find on YouTube. And I fuckin' love this song anyway. NSFW -- nothing any of us can't handle, but a few boys-kissing and girls-touching moments.

    [x] Comment to post-- filkertom: Loveless (Accidentally In Love): Bustin' is a plus, and you'll recognize the source material. A couple of pretty cool Gurren Lagann videos: completely over-the-top to My Chemical Romance, or if that's not your style, try Disney-style. When Kamina says "I'll make a man out of you" he's not kidding around. An old classic: Neon Genesis Rammsteingelion. And here's one beyond the normal: Singin' In The Rain to Lannigan's Ball.

    [x] Comment to post-- filkertom: Loveless (Accidentally In Love): Ah, a few recs... Om Mig Nu (Hold me Now). It's crammed with spoilers for the entire plot, but it's the only way I've been able to convince people (as I was convinced myself) that Princess Tutu is not the Pink Sugar Tweepocalypse everyone expects when they see the cover art and read the title. The Boy Was A Puppet Good ol' Potter. Give it a try past the first minute of video wizardry.... oh, dear. I swear that wasn't a pun. Anything Obsessive24 does tends to be worthwhile both conceptually and technically. The Firefly vids left me gobsmacked (Post-Blue and Body, specifically), though caveat emptor, they are more about subtext in some cases than text (slash, incest, etc.,).

    [x] Comment to post-- filkertom: Loveless (Accidentally In Love): For beauty and editing, I have to go with the boys at kaosandkarnage: Samurai Jack - "Battle Without Honor or Humanity" (Their SJ video to Static-X's "Push It" is also good, but doesn't stir my soul in the same way the other one does.)

    [x] Comment to post-- filkertom: Loveless (Accidentally In Love): does great work in the later years. They haven't made many more AMVs lately, but Appetite for dynamite is what I would consider one of their best ones. (Warning: its on Youtube so its not as top notch if you actually download it and watch.)

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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