veni_vidi_vids' Journal
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Friday, November 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 8
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 8

    [x] You look like an angel - this week in what: Merlin: Everything about this show makes me want to type in capslock for ever and ever. Last night I watched wistful_fever's The Bitch Prince vid approximately a billion times in a row, because everyone is this show is so pretty, but Arthur especially looks good in red and also makes some hilarious faces, and wow, does Merlin spend a lot of time dressing him. It's like a fandom made entirely of glittery crack

    [x] qthewetsprocket: things that make me irrationally happy, #948: a fanvid to the ridiculously sombre torchwood episode 'adam', set to the ridiculously perky hanson song 'mmm-bop': you like it too? then go forth and pay worship to the mighty volitaire.

    [x] tencrush: Torchwood Happy Dance: Via qthewetsprocket on my f-list, I bring you my first ever linkage to a FANVID. I never thought I'd see the day I linked to A FUCKING FANVID, but there you go. volitaire creates a fitting ode to the drama and emo depths of Adam, by editing the episode down to a mere four minutes and setting it to Hanson's Mmmbop. Sometimes this fandom makes me smile way too much. Give me more pop/emo Torchwood vid crossovers NOW!

    [x] kassrachel: FNL vid rec: I was poking around in search of notable FNL fanworks to add to the FNL page at Fanlore (which -- psst, go read the page and add stuff!) and found Life for Rent, a Tyra vid made by bop_radar which is so lovely I had to run back here and rec it now. :-) They all feel so young to me, watching this; it's clearly an S1 vid, and I feel like they've all come such a long way since then. (I would actually love to see a Tyra character study done now in S3! I think it would be a gorgeous illustration of how much she's grown. How much they've all grown.) But it's no less beautiful for being a bit dated, canon-wise, and it makes me happy, so I figured I'd share.

    [x] zebra363: House recs, and Fry and Laurie on religion: I discovered a vid on Sunday that I pretty much watched on and off all day: Slow Show by isaytoodlepip (YouTube). I love the song, especially the final third of it. "You know I dreamed about you...for 29 years before I found you." That would just about work with their canon timeline as per episode 5.04, too. I'm a sucker for a deep voice like this. Another rec from the same vidder: This Year's Love, which looks at House's relationships with Wilson, Cuddy, Cameron, Chase and Stacy.

    [x] filkertom: Brand Who Day: Brand Who Day: jetpack_monkey's been busy again: (WARNING: VERY SPOILERY for Doctor Who Season 4 Episodes 12 & 13)

    [x] eye_of_a_cat: House fans, WATCH THIS: It's a House and Wilson vid by stephantom, starring Ethan Hawke as Wilson's brother. No, really. No, you'll see. Recommended viewing for everybody ever, especially that subcategory of Everybody Ever who've dealt with that sibling too.

    [x] madripoor_rose: Doctor Who/Horrible vid: Doctor Who/Horrible vid [by qkellie]. ETA: Doctor Whorrible II: Brand New Day.

    [x] Creature of Mad Enthusiasms -: Remember that brilliant Who/Dr. Horrible crossover vid of jetpack_monkey's? There's a master list for doing ALL the Dr. Horrible songs!

    [x] Scottish Ninjas Love Joe Dick -: So, I don't actually watch American Idol and my entire knowledge of David Cook comes from the rather adorable ramblings of friends. But, greensilver made a vid. Which I watched. And now I am bouncing and grinning and informing you that if you need to be all smiley, point and flail, at absolute ADORABLENESS, you totally need to go watch her David Cook vid. There are hugs! And smiles! And sparkly shinies. Did I mention the hugs? SO MANY HUGS! Some of them involving small children, even. And while it's never going to be my fandom, I now totally get why some of y'all are clappy hands gleeful over this boy. He is precious. So, yes...need cheering up today? Go watch this vid. Then try to wipe the permagrin off your face. I dare you.

    [x] astolat: recs! spn and david cook!: Okay, so first, I am putting greensilver on the spot, because I had to seriously SHRIEK AND PULL TEETH just to get her to post this awesome vid: Dream Big, David Cook/American Idol RPF. It is just pure fun, a rollercoaster ride through all the ridiculousness that is Idol, set to the kind of fabulously super-cheesy coronation song (the one he picked to sing in the finale and not the treacly Time of My Life magic rainbows and kittens song). It is ♥.

    [x] starrylizard: I needed some laughter in my day:: I needed some laughter in my day: Fandom provided!! I think I just literally fell off my chair laughing! *huge grin* Doctor Who (Ten) - Caramelldansen misheard lyrics

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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