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Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 6

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 6

    [x] The Taste of Insanity is Butter-Flavored - I has recs!: Standing in the Rain by milena_d. Last night I watched this very very cool AU Sam/Cam video by milena_d that is phenomenally put together. While I'm not a Sam/Cam shipper I simply had to tell folks about this because of the awesome job she did of creating this AU and it has to be seen. Blitzed over on TF had submitted a fun Farscape video to the Burbank Con that I absolutely adore and I'm laying bets that if you give it a chance you'll be boppin' along with it just as much as I do. I think she has an LJ but I'm not actually sure what it is or else I'd link to that instead. UP by Blitzed.

    [x] kassrachel: Morning miscellany: allow me to rec zoetrope's latest vid, Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, which shows that SGA is really just The Wizard of Oz in spaaaace! ::beaming::

    [x] dsudis: my weekend!: It is possible that iuliamentis and I both still get choked up every time we see destina's vid about space, okay? My love for absolutedestiny's "Heart of Funkness" vid remains unholy and ridiculous.

    [x] See, Vera? -: OMGYAYVIDSQUEE!!! MIT and OTW made a series of short vids about vidding for school kids. It is truly awesome and full of the love of vids. Hi vidders! It's so nice to see your lovely faces and hear your 'joy of vids' voices.

    [x] annakovsky: Recommendations: Brand New Day fanvid for Life -- This vid is so PEPPY and happy and has stuff from season 2 in it and it basically made my life this weekend when I found it.

    [x] frogspace: Merlin Vid Rec:Oh mein Gott, so wunderschön! ♥ Every Fear You've Ever Faced von the_organge_nin (MERLIN, Merlin/Arthur). Poetisch, fesselnd, hypnotisch, märchenhaft. Selten gab es einen treffenderen Titel für ein Vid. Was ihre Ängste über sie sagen, ist bezeichnend, und vom tiefsten Punkt ausgehend wird man auf der Woge der Gefühle mit empor gehoben, wenn die beiden wie Magneten voneinander angezogen werden und man denkt, jetzt, jetzt ...

    [x] c'est dur de mourir au printemps - misc vid recs.: invisible man. stunna glasses by talitha78. bobby & darien are being cool. and i can't believe i haven' recced this yet! it's i-man, which is pure ♥. & so is this vid... oh i miss the slashy h/c fest that was this show so much sometimes, *sigh* merlin. every fear you've ever faced by the_orange_nin. a beautiful, melancholic merlin/arthur vid. beautiful edit & song.. aww, i looove my new fandom! james bond (casion royale). skin by chasarumba. if you haven't seen this yet, you've definitely missed something vital in recent vid history ;) one of the smoothest, shinest vidsi've ever seen, wow. x-files. the rainbow connection by abby82 another old, but treasured fandom of mine, my first big love :) a beautiful, epic vid about mulder's search & struggle, very sweet (well, the song is from sarah mc lachlan), but still filled with a quiet melancholy - wonderful.

    [x] WinterEvanesce @ Lj -: because of this vid.. I want to go and watch the rest of Skins, right this second!!!!! and vid it :D The vidder can be found here: She's very good!! Please take a moment to check out her vids. They are worth the watch.

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - winterevanesce linked to a vid: winterevanesce linked to a vid here, and now I am obtaining "Skins." Wow.

    [x] sunryse00: Vid Rec: Merlin/Arthur: Vid Rec: Merlin/Arthur. I can't get enough of these two crazy kids. When I surf YT looking for vids I know I've got it bad. All My Loving.

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - This vid seriously needs more love: Skin, by chasarumba. Casino Royale. Gorgeous, gorgeous cutting. Gorgeous everything. A stunner, seriously.

    [x] shati: but I did not go to Manderley: Topical vid rec: Hourglass, a multifandom vid by giandujakiss, which expresses the inner pain of my soul.

    [x] [some kind of title] - Insta-Vid Rec! (Prison Break! Eek!): Paralyzer by sdwolfpup. Alex wants to make Michael move. Because he's standing still. It's a season 3 dirty, sweaty, crazy Alex vid! YAY! I have watched this so many times, I've lost count. Good times!

    [x] [some kind of title] - One more Merlin vid rec: Another insta-vid rec tonight. Every Fear You've Ever Faced by the_orange_nin. There is room beneath your bed just for me. Merlin/Arthur. Absolutely gorgeous! I adore this person's style of cutting & sense of timing. Beautiful. (This is going to be one of those fandoms where the greatness of the fanworks far outweighs the actual show, isn't it? *g*)

    [x] The True Story of Matilda Sweetfuck - When fandom pimping goes horribly awry...: So, I was just attempting to repay sdwolfpup's pimping of Prison Break (and her foul, enabling ways! P.S. check out her hot new vid)

    [x] laurashapiro: Shiny pretty things: Also, if you haven't yet caught zoetrope's "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," you're missing out.

    [x] dr_horriblesing: Crossover vid: I've got a crossover vid rec to share- Doctor Who/Dr. Horrible crossover video by jetpack_monkey. Title: The Master and the Bad Horse Chorus. Song: Bad Horse Chorus from Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. Fandom: Doctor Who. Summary: The Master receives a long-awaited phone call. (0:39)

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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