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Saturday, November 8th, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs posted in November (Part 1)

    Original poster: par_avion

    Vid Recs Posted in November, Part 1

    [x] [some kind of title] - Vidding Is My Fandom!": If you weren't aware, there's been a vidding documentary in the works for a while now. And it's now officially online here, YAY! Go check it out! It's a series of 6 short segments. laurashapiro (who put so much work into this, thank you) has a suggested order of viewing here. I did not film myself for it (although now I kinda regret that), but I must admit...that when it showed people dancing to "Filthy Mind" at the end of "I Like To Watch"...I may have shouted "hee!" out loud and flailed at my screen. Dancing! To my vid! Mostly, I was left with an overwhelming love for vidders and vidding fandom. Vidding is totally its own fandom. How are you guys all so awesome??? Thank you, sincerely, to everyone who put time and effort into this documentary. It is truly wonderful!

    [x] Howling at the Sky - A couple of very cool links to entertain yourself with this weekend, and other stuff: Via laurashapiro: A vidding documentary produced by fans (and starring fans!) is available online. Relevant viewing and other information provided at that link. We saw a preview of it at Vividcon this year and it was fantastic. Anyway, go watch the documentary! Laura and Ces did an amazing job putting it together and it's fun and funny and full of love for this hobby we're all devoted to.

    [x] Talking Back to TV - writing about vids for a film studies audience: Oh, and speaking of representing vids, vidders, and vidding to the outside world: the MIT/OTW New Media Literacies documentary series on vidding that Francesca Coppa and laurashapiro put together is now online, and it's terrific. The audience, as Laura points out, is middle school and high school students, so bear that in mind as you watch. I think the series is terrific, and I am delighted to have been able to participate.

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - So that's what you all look like!: laurashapiro, with OTW, produced these marvelous little videos about vid-making - with interviews of vidders and clips of vids. The credits at the end tell me that most, if not all, of the interviewees are people I know through LJ, but I mostly can't tell who is who (well, Ian's accent kind of gives him away, so that's one down, and there are others I can figure out by various clues. Like having a hard drive named "Starsky."). Anyway, these are great fun, if a bit disorienting - I generally tend to assume that in real life, everyone looks like their default icon :-).

    [x] The Lesser of Two Weevils: being the writings of two nice ladies - On the loaf: PS: Watch this HLOTS video on YouTube. It will make you tear up and remember why it was the best damn show on TV.

    [x] keepaofthecheez: rec rec rec rec rec:YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS YOU GUYS YOU GUYS. I actually just SCARED MY CHILD SQUEALING LOUDLY OVER THIS: The epic love story of Sam&Dean. music: with you. natalie walker. by: proofpudding. FIVE FUCKING STARS. BEST EVER. Ten seconds into it and I was a WEEPING, SCHMOOPY MESS. Go. Watch. FLAIL WITH MEEEE! I think Melissa is my new favorite vidder EVER. And she has single-handedly convinced me WITH THIS VIDEO EVIDENCE, that everything will TURN OUT OKAY. BECAUSE, JUST LOOK AT THEM. OH GOD. ♥ ♥

    [x] deirdre_c: And people wonder why we love the Wincest....: This vid is such perfection, I can't stop watching it. The epic love story of Sam and Dean by proofpudding. Utterly amazing. ♥

    [x] superduperkc - with the! omg! and the!!!: How do I deserve THIS? I don't know. I don't think I actually do! This isn't a true rec. This may be actual gloating. Dayln made me a (very early) birthday present and I am so in awe that I can't even talk about it yet. I can't even comment! (And I don't even know how she managed to keep it a secret from me all this time!) miles from where you are, a Jack/Claire/Sawyer vid, LOST

    [x] Only by leaving our past behind can we then push onward - Shameless Song and Vid Plugging: A few weeks ago, brokenbacktango introduced me to Cobra Starship's remix of Katy Perry's song "I Kissed a Girl." It is now "I Kissed a Boy." The song is sexy and raw by itself, but it is SOOO much better when listened to with the pretty eye candy of Sylar and Mohinder and all of the "honeys" who just cannot have Sylar. In all honesty, I don't know any Heroes vid that is hotter. I wish I had a link to said vid because that would help, wouldn't it? *L* I found the vid, but the maker, kuwdora, is no longer on LJ.

    [x] Fabu's Fantastical Confabulations - Wednesday is for Recs (non-SGA edition): [SPN] "Still Alive" by counteragent is an absolutely fabulous vid about Season 3 SPN fandom. i recommend watching the vid, reading the commentary and then watching the vid again. [House] "Call and Response" by schismuse is a wonderful House/Wilson vid. The clips used in this are interesting, but the affects really make this vid, giving it a weird voyeuristic sense - there's a feeling of great intimacy between House and Wilson, but as a viewer, I felt removed from that intimacy.

    [x] _bettina_: I was the kid next door's imaginary friend.: Once again a Merlin songvid rec: In Praise of a Vulnerable Man [by elandrialore].

    [x] What's the point of a revolution without general copulation? - Polls are tightening in battleground states: watch boom_queen's hilarious multifandom vid, Acceptable in the Eighties.

    [x] obsessive24: vid rec: Insta-rec: Skin by chasarumba, Casino Royale. As I was just saying to Chasa, this is my favourite vid of hers to date. It's a delightful cornucopia of images and sounds, and I never cease to be amazed at Chasa's cutting skills and how that plays off her sense of musicality. (Would be interesting to discuss at some point the boundaries of these two elements and how they interact.) At a base level it's a perfect retelling of the film, but it's also more than that. The scenes are clipped and put together in a way that makes the emotional content seem dizzyingly fresh and new, and her colour selection work at the end, in particular, is sheer perfection. Highly recommended.

    [x] [some kind of title] - 2 Vid Recs: TW & SV: Torchwood: Butterflies & Hurricanes by such_heights. Gwen Cooper's gonna take charge and change the world. I adore this video so much. Gwen is one of my favorite characters, and this video captures everything I love about her into 4 kickass minutes. The cuts, flow, and movement of this vid is fantastic. (The gunshots at 1:20 make me so happy.) Smallville: Intergalactic Friends by bananainpyjamas. Clark/Lex. I stopped watching Smallville in season 3, but this video makes me wish I had stuck with it. My reaction after watching it for the first time was a stunned WOW. First off, she uses an awesomely amazing mash-up of the Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic" and The Dandy Warhols' "We Used to be Friends" and makes use of every beat. The editing is crisp and extremely clever. She uses a comic book-esque set of panels--often with different sections of the song matching different panels simultaneously. I'm so impressed with this video.

    [x] Supernatural Vid Recs - 3 Vid recs: All in Your Hands by secretlytodream (Song: False King by Two Steps From Hell). This is a beautifully made video. It tells an amazing AU story.. The vidder manages to make the story very clear and the vidder's skills just shine. Quite incredible. None of My Fears are as Dear to Me by thandie (Song: The Wild Son" by The Veils). A wonderful look at season four - showing the history of sacrifices the Winchester family has made. The vidding is beautiful, as is the song. Be My Yoko Ono by deirdre_c. This is just so delightful. Guaranteed to put a huge smile on your face.

    This is an inclusive newsletter: I attempt to include all of the vid recs that I find. It is not, however, exhaustive. If you have suggestions for particular communities or journals to watch (particularly ones that use tags) or are interested in helping to collect links, please let us know.

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