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Monday, March 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    Vid Recs via del.ici.ous: March 1-10, 2008 (Issue 1)

    Original poster: par_avion

    [x] kassrachel: Escapade 2008! \o/: Der Komissar, James Bond vid by Gianduja Kiss. Sawatte Kawatte, Heroes vid by laurashapiro. bradcpu's My Hero. Math Prof Rock Star, Numb3rs vid by the Clucking Belles. destina and Barkley's Sell My Soul (SPN). gwyn_r's Broken English (Pros)

    [x] giandujakiss: Look, it's new to me, all right? I am recommending an RPS vid. Chad Michael Murray/Jared Padalecki. Documentary, by wistful_fever. It's really kind of incredible, both technically and artistically - the whole thing is at least as much a comment on celebrity status as it is an RPS story.

    [x] kuwdora: Heroes vid recs: two sides of the same fandom Jaidan Wolf: Fractured, Niki/Micha/DL. Paint the Future, Isaac. bradcpu's My Hero, Hiro/Ando. laurashapiro's Sawatte Kawatte (Touch! Change!) Hiro/Ando. Sunburn, Elle. by winterevanesce. shati's Persona, Bob the Haitian vid. shati - 3AM Niki(/Jessica?)

    [x] kuwdora: Heroes vid recs: two sides of the same fandom: The Noose (Peter) and Gimmie, Gimmie Gimmie (Sylar) by meivocis. Music by A Perfect Circle. Pink Bullets by ghost_lingering. Sylar vid with the backdrop of the entire Heroes ensemble that bolsters a fascinating and charming look at Sylar's arc. [MORE]

    [x] millylicious: Pimp post: Your Love Is A Lie by winterevanesce (Wincest). Stagate Atlantis: The Video Game by starrylizard. You Know You're Right by lierdumoa (Dean). Apparition by butterfly (River). Modern Nature by charmax (Ned/Chuck). The Test by sapote3 (Torchwood: Tosh/Gwen)

    [x] sol-se: TW Vid Rec: Cells Cells by vaeltaa. An Owen vid! This is a really interesting look at his character.

    [x] cryptoxin: Interdepartmental memoone of my coworkers asked me when Friday Night Lights would be back -- but happily could tell her that it would be back for another season. And I sent her a link to Luminosity's gorgeous FNL vid, American Baby, to help with the cravings.

    [x] the_reel: Rec - Small&Misc (Dark Angel) - Girlfriend - bunniqula Girlfriend by bunniqula aka redina. (Logan/Alec and Logan/Max) Gratuitous use of balls, sticks, Jensen Ackles' mouth and other phallic and sexual innuendo. Because it's cracky fun that's also well done! Seriously, it will make you giggle.

    [x] the_reel: Rec - Small&Misc (Dark Angel) - Big City Life - Lithiumdoll Big City Life by Lithiumdoll. Visually stunning, with a pathos that will leave you aching. You really feel the plight of the transgenics in this vid--it's the plight of the disenfranchised everywhere. Awesome song choice--it will give you chills.

    [x] kuwdora: And I guess I could talk about some vids The Test. dynamic exploration of everything Gwen and Tosh have gone through in season 1. Teeth in the Grass. Nine, Rose, Ten, Martha and their issues. all the angst from the show, but different and fascinating because of the music choice--bluegrass.

    [x] sol-se: Vid Recs: DW & BSG: Teeth in the Grass by sapote3. (Doctor, Martha, Rose). Damaged, dark, wonderful. I love this video so much! You Passed By by super_kc. (Starbuck, Starbuck/Lee, Starbuck/Sam) The day you slipped away. Beautiful and heart-wrenching. (Starbuck! Sam! Lee!)

    [x] vonnie_k: Monday random & linkage charmax - Pushing Daisies - OMG ADORABLE: Modern Nature, song by Sondre Lerche, which is a splendid fit for Ned/Chuck. I don't know how she did those nifty transitions but they really add a visual oomph to the vid... giandujakiss-origin stories-btvs.

    [x] Why would you let Starsky talk to Hutch?! You know you've watched a vid too often when John Parr's St. Elmo's Fire comes on and you can replay the clip choices in your head. Curse you, renenet! It's [at] "But you won't break the man!" that I defy you not to gesture to the machines emphatically.

    [x] thatfangirl: Uncharted areas of science and space... Vid rec, albeit a qualified one: Worlds Apart (Catholic Schoolgirls in Trouble). Yup, that's Maria-sama ga Miteru vidded to Journey. I have to warn you that it's too damn long. But the ending kills me and I'm impressed by how he handled the talk-y face.

    [x] cryptoxin: Michelle Forbes, ReGenesis (for fans of...); Britney vid rec obsessive24's fascinating Britney Spears vid-sharp and unsettling commentary on celebrity culture that opens up uncomfortable questions about our complicity with Britney's commodification as spectacle. It's a great example of the power and uses of vidding

    [x] sol-se: Mixed Bag of Random Here is a video documenting what went into VCR vidding (circa 1990). Respect where we came from, y'all! I am so impressed by these women and all the people who made (makes) vids using the VCR method. So much work went into it, so much determination.

    * * *

    Many more recs can be found here: You can search by fandom, vidder, reccer and I've started adding the month&year the rec was made. There are 760 LJ entries and websites entered, many of those discussing multiple vids, so hopefully you can find something interesting.

    Please note: del.ici.ous currently limits to 255 characters in the description box. If the rec post is for one vid I try to pick an interesting sentence. If the rec is for multiple vids then often the only information remaining is Vid Title by Vidder (Fandom).

    I'm still working out the kinks. It will never be perfect, but hopefully it will be useful. Happy vid-watching.
    Vid Recs via del.ici.ous: March 1-10, 2008 (Issue 1)

    Original poster: par_avion

    [x] kassrachel: Escapade 2008! \o/: Der Komissar, James Bond vid by Gianduja Kiss. Sawatte Kawatte, Heroes vid by laurashapiro. bradcpu's My Hero. Math Prof Rock Star, Numb3rs vid by the Clucking Belles. destina and Barkley's Sell My Soul (SPN). gwyn_r's Broken English (Pros)

    [x] giandujakiss: Look, it's new to me, all right? I am recommending an RPS vid. Chad Michael Murray/Jared Padalecki. Documentary, by wistful_fever. It's really kind of incredible, both technically and artistically - the whole thing is at least as much a comment on celebrity status as it is an RPS story.

    [x] kuwdora: Heroes vid recs: two sides of the same fandom Jaidan Wolf: Fractured, Niki/Micha/DL. Paint the Future, Isaac. bradcpu's My Hero, Hiro/Ando. laurashapiro's Sawatte Kawatte (Touch! Change!) Hiro/Ando. Sunburn, Elle. by winterevanesce. shati's Persona, Bob the Haitian vid. shati - 3AM Niki(/Jessica?)

    [x] kuwdora: Heroes vid recs: two sides of the same fandom: The Noose (Peter) and Gimmie, Gimmie Gimmie (Sylar) by meivocis. Music by A Perfect Circle. Pink Bullets by ghost_lingering. Sylar vid with the backdrop of the entire Heroes ensemble that bolsters a fascinating and charming look at Sylar's arc. [MORE]

    [x] millylicious: Pimp post: Your Love Is A Lie by winterevanesce (Wincest). Stagate Atlantis: The Video Game by starrylizard. You Know You're Right by lierdumoa (Dean). Apparition by butterfly (River). Modern Nature by charmax (Ned/Chuck). The Test by sapote3 (Torchwood: Tosh/Gwen)

    [x] sol-se: TW Vid Rec: Cells Cells by vaeltaa. An Owen vid! This is a really interesting look at his character.

    [x] cryptoxin: Interdepartmental memoone of my coworkers asked me when Friday Night Lights would be back -- but happily could tell her that it would be back for another season. And I sent her a link to Luminosity's gorgeous FNL vid, American Baby, to help with the cravings.

    [x] the_reel: Rec - Small&Misc (Dark Angel) - Girlfriend - bunniqula Girlfriend by bunniqula aka redina. (Logan/Alec and Logan/Max) Gratuitous use of balls, sticks, Jensen Ackles' mouth and other phallic and sexual innuendo. Because it's cracky fun that's also well done! Seriously, it will make you giggle.

    [x] the_reel: Rec - Small&Misc (Dark Angel) - Big City Life - Lithiumdoll Big City Life by Lithiumdoll. Visually stunning, with a pathos that will leave you aching. You really feel the plight of the transgenics in this vid--it's the plight of the disenfranchised everywhere. Awesome song choice--it will give you chills.

    [x] kuwdora: And I guess I could talk about some vids The Test. dynamic exploration of everything Gwen and Tosh have gone through in season 1. Teeth in the Grass. Nine, Rose, Ten, Martha and their issues. all the angst from the show, but different and fascinating because of the music choice--bluegrass.

    [x] sol-se: Vid Recs: DW & BSG: Teeth in the Grass by sapote3. (Doctor, Martha, Rose). Damaged, dark, wonderful. I love this video so much! You Passed By by super_kc. (Starbuck, Starbuck/Lee, Starbuck/Sam) The day you slipped away. Beautiful and heart-wrenching. (Starbuck! Sam! Lee!)

    [x] vonnie_k: Monday random & linkage charmax - Pushing Daisies - OMG ADORABLE: Modern Nature, song by Sondre Lerche, which is a splendid fit for Ned/Chuck. I don't know how she did those nifty transitions but they really add a visual oomph to the vid... giandujakiss-origin stories-btvs.

    [x] Why would you let Starsky talk to Hutch?! You know you've watched a vid too often when John Parr's St. Elmo's Fire comes on and you can replay the clip choices in your head. Curse you, renenet! It's [at] "But you won't break the man!" that I defy you not to gesture to the machines emphatically.

    [x] thatfangirl: Uncharted areas of science and space... Vid rec, albeit a qualified one: Worlds Apart (Catholic Schoolgirls in Trouble). Yup, that's Maria-sama ga Miteru vidded to Journey. I have to warn you that it's too damn long. But the ending kills me and I'm impressed by how he handled the talk-y face.

    [x] cryptoxin: Michelle Forbes, ReGenesis (for fans of...); Britney vid rec obsessive24's fascinating Britney Spears vid-sharp and unsettling commentary on celebrity culture that opens up uncomfortable questions about our complicity with Britney's commodification as spectacle. It's a great example of the power and uses of vidding

    [x] sol-se: Mixed Bag of Random Here is a video documenting what went into VCR vidding (circa 1990). Respect where we came from, y'all! I am so impressed by these women and all the people who made (makes) vids using the VCR method. So much work went into it, so much determination.

    * * *

    Many more recs can be found here: You can search by fandom, vidder, reccer and I've started adding the month&year the rec was made. There are 760 LJ entries and websites entered, many of those discussing multiple vids, so hopefully you can find something interesting.

    Please note: del.ici.ous currently limits to 255 characters in the description box. If the rec post is for one vid I try to pick an interesting sentence. If the rec is for multiple vids then often the only information remaining is Vid Title by Vidder (Fandom).

    I'm still working out the kinks. It will never be perfect, but hopefully it will be useful. Happy vid-watching.

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