Advertise your vampire/lycan games here. Shifter g - October 23rd, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Advertise your vampire/lycan games here. Shifter g

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October 23rd, 2014

Seattle; Drop by Drop - Original Supernatural RP [Oct. 23rd, 2014|12:56 pm]

SDBD is gearing up for another big update, including more powers for vampires, more things to spend our optional points on, new half demon types, fleshed out info threads for all our Shifter types, and more! We're also doing a spooky new storyline, and if you join now, you can get involved in it!! 


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x-posted [Oct. 23rd, 2014|10:34 pm]


Hello! Could I get some vampy PSLs for this girl? I have a list here of the men I like to play against.

I would love a vampy Tom Hiddleston, Norman Reedus, or Tim Skold. Threading, third person, don't aim for brainstorming.
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