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Posts Tagged: '%7Eplot:+npcs'

Sep. 16th, 2024



Log: Astrid & Shadowgast

Astrid Becke & Caleb + Essek Widogast
WHERE. The kitchen of the Xhorhaus
WHEN. Backdated to the NPC Plot
WHAT. Caleb discovers his husband and ex making dinner together, oh boy.
WARNINGS. Spoilers through CR C3E98, otherwise just some wizard sass. Some Undercommon and Zemnian with hover text translation?
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Aug. 24th, 2024



Log: Declan & Ronan

Declan & Ronan Lynch
WHAT. Declan arrives in Vallo.
WHERE. Front porch of the Barns.
WHEN. First day of NPC plot!
WARNINGS. None really, just Declan having a stick up his ass and Ronan getting to hug him after four years.
STATUS. Complete!
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[No Subject]

Carol & Monica
WHAT: Maria disappears and the fallout
WHERE: Loch Laggen
WHEN: Late tonight
WARNINGS: Anger, sadness, mentions of abuse and death
STATUS: Complete

"I just wanted you to come home. And I always swore to myself that everything would be forgiven if you'd just suddenly be there. And then you were, but it turns out it wasn't that easy."
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[No Subject]

Valkyrie & Róta
WHAT: Making the most of limited time
WHERE: New Asgard mostly
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: References to death
STATUS: Complete

These are different stars, but I want this memory with you.
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[No Subject]

Lena Luthor, Elizabeth Walsh & Kara Danvers ft. Theo
WHAT: Mother and daughter reunion
WHERE: Outside the Crossed Quills, then L-Corp
WHEN: Afternoon; Friday, August 16, 2024
WARNINGS: Talk of death/drowning
STATUS: Complete

“Oh my. Lena. I’m told it’s been quite some time, my darling.”
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Aug. 22nd, 2024



[No Subject]


WHAT: Monica tries to sort things out with her aunt (with an appearance by her mom.)
WHERE: Outside, and then Al's
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: References to parental death. Abandonment.
STATUS: Complete

"I just want to know that the two of you will be okay."
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Aug. 21st, 2024



[No Subject]

There are a lot of us here right now and I think that calls for togetherness. I don't make the rules.

I want to suggest we eat at Taste of Tal'Dorei and then run around the damn theme park, but I also recognize that's pretty on brand, so I will take other suggestions. Except now I want that disgusting chicken sorbet and the not disgusting pie flight, so I might argue suggestions.
How are you both doing?

Aug. 20th, 2024



[No Subject]

Catra & Adora
WHAT: Catra tells Adora about the second magicat
WHERE: Darla
WHEN: Friday, August 16th
WARNINGS: None really
STATUS: Complete

“Just—what is it about me that makes it so easy to leave me?”
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netpost - muneeba khan, august 20th

It seems this world has done more to help my daughter grow wiser and more responsible than I thought I would ever be able to do (or maybe that's just Carol's influence). I should like to thank it properly for taking care of her for the two years she has been here. Plus, it seems I had also missed her nineteenth birthday in this world. (In my world, at least, she is still thriving but I will not give you details for Kamala says that is known as a spoiler.)

This Friday, I am making chicken biryani, samosa chaat, and panipuris for everyone who wishes to come by and have some. I have permission and help from the residents of Loch Laggan. I guarantee you will never find anything like my recipes in the streets of this Vallo.



[No Subject]

» Sup.



[No Subject]

Hey make sure you assholes come to the market so Declan can see what a goddamn SUCCESS I am it is. It was way fucking better with Syd around but I can't do anything about that part. If it's only the Donaldson twins arguing with me about the price of ice cream (which has not fucking changed in three years!) I'm going to be pissed tho.

Also uh. Our surrogate's pregnant so. Nora's on the way. Wish us luck and shit.



[No Subject]

Róta & Valkyrie
WHAT: Sunset in New Asgard
WHERE: Docks, New Asgard
WHEN: Last night
STATUS: Complete

“It’s been wonderful, having a bit more time with you. Your life is lovely, Valkyrie.”
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Aug. 19th, 2024



[No Subject]


First of all, it's been far too long since I've had a reason to write you and it feels, dare I say to stay on brand, rather glorious.

I know Vax has been trying to fit in as much as possible with you, but I thought I'd add a little commentary or explanation or oration about what our life looks like here, if you had questions.

Or you can fill me in on years of Tal'Dorei gossip, obviously.



[No Subject]

Ummmmmmmmm. Moshimoshi! I am not totally convinced this is not a dream?

Aug. 17th, 2024



[No Subject]

Valkyrie, Carol, and Maria
WHAT: It's Carol's birthday but her girlfriend is sleeping with her first love who's been dead nearly 2000 years and her dead best friend tells her not to put up with that shit
WHERE: Loch Laggan
WHEN: Today, Saturday
WARNINGS: Some references to death
STATUS: Complete

"Who do I need to fight?"
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[No Subject]


Where is the child? Where is John? The weak one does not know. This world is alive and I feel it, but my vengeance must be delivered upon swift wings or my blood and bones will not be sated.

Aug. 16th, 2024



[No Subject]

Catra & Soraya
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Log: Vax & Keyleth

WHO Vax'ildan and Keyleth
WHERE Welcome area of he DOA
WHEN Morning of August 16
WHAT After four years of not seeing her, Vax goes to the DOA to pick up a newly arrived Keyleth.
"I guess that makes you one of Gilmore's Glorious Goods?"

"Four years and this is the first time that joke's been made."
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netpost - camilla hect, august 16th, evening




[No Subject]

This has surely been an experience of a day.

Where might one go to find spell components and is there potential for metal rods attuned to other planes?