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July 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

Mimosas Crew Yacht Trip, July 1-5 )



[No Subject]

Eleven & Richie
WHAT: Richie comes with El for a cabin visit
WHERE: Hopper's Cabin
WHEN: A few days before Hopper showed up?
WARNINGS: Talks of grief and death
STATUS: Complete

“Try not to beat yourself up too much. Or hurt yourself, trying to get your powers back - they don’t make you a badass, that’s all you as you are. And we’d miss that badass if something happened to her.”
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[No Subject]

So, due to Vallo shit per my last entry, there's not going to be any new Youtube videos this week. Maybe next week.

I'm starting to run out of material. Maybe I should start talking about other stuff besides werewolfing and knives.

Filter: Sophie, Eleanor, and Thor
Thanks for the company, all of you. Appreciated it a whole lot. I think I'm going to be spending the weekend walking around the grounds with Garfield.