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June 16th, 2022



[No Subject]

Everybody doing ok? Anybody want to babysit a rowdy toddler so I can steal Yasha and go punch ooze monsters with my magic fists? We'll pay. Or trade time or whatever I don't know. I'm just itching for a real fight. The library is great, amazing really, but fuck. I miss that sweet pop pop. Nothing has tried to eat my face in weeks. Maybe months!



[No Subject]

Rosalind Walker
Briar Moss
WHO Rosalind & Briar • WHERE Introductions! • WHEN Backdated sereveral weeks - end of University school year
...what’s happening with your tattoos, if you don’t mind me asking? Read more... )



Log: Gladio, Iggy, Noct


WHO: Gladio, Noctis, & Ignis
WHAT: Noct gets caught in a compromising situation.
WHEN: Backdated to last week!
WARNINGS: Nothing aside from some (mostly innocent) finger sucking and a mention of lube.
STATUS: Complete!
"Me? Trouble? When has that ever happened?" Read more... )



[No Subject]

I don't know what's more stressful, trying to wash exploded jello monsters out of your hair and clothes, or planning a birthday party for two year olds, that will have other two year olds adding to the chaos, or the man guy you thought you'd never see again after he was murdered show up. It should be the party, but these monsters are holding their own.