
Layout By

April 11th, 2022



[No Subject]

Richie & Adora
WHAT: Adora fills Richie in on The Great Twin Reveal™ and they just catch up and chat
WHERE: Coffee shop
WHEN: This morning
STATUS: Complete

“I think it’s been a little disappointing for Adam. I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy when we found out. And I’ve been afraid I’m going to let him down.”
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[No Subject]

WHERE castle hanger
WHEN mid day sunday april 10
WHAT a little heart to heart
STATUS complete
WARNINGS some sads but nothing too intense
"I don't know who I am without this." Read more... )



[No Subject]

Would you rather have arms that:
  • Shoot lasers.
  • Throw grenades.
  • Emit poison gas.
  • Detach and become missiles.
  • Other (please explain, but it must be murder).
Call this self-improvement.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Dorian & Cullen, WWX & LWJ, Eliot & Quentin, Eleanor, Marina, Jason, Temeraire and LXC]
My dear friends,

This coming Sunday will mark Easter Sunday, a religious holiday in my world that marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and is celebrated with a feast with family and friends. I would like very much to invite you to dinner at the Dragon Covert this Sunday at 6:00.

Do let me know whether or not you're able to attend so that I might prepare accordingly. I hope that you will all be able to attend, though I understand if the last minute invitation is not entirely convenient.

Yr obt srvt,
Wm. Laurence

[Filtered to Zuko]

Mister Zuko,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to inform you that this coming Sunday, I will be hosting an Easter dinner at the Dragon Covert. I have made arrangements, with your permission, to prepare a meal for Druk alongside Temeraire's, provided he has no objections to a lamb.

I would like, also, to extend an invitation to yourself and a guest as well, this Sunday evening at 6:00. I hope you'll be able to attend.

Wm. Laurence of Temeraire



[No Subject]

Hello. I have been told this works similarly to a sending stone. And I can contact—I can type? Is that like, oh! I see. Thank you. With the letters? No, no F.C.G. I didn't mean you, but—Hm? What did you ask? Ah, yes. [Some polite laughter.] I am indeed blue, all the time.

Now excuse me, where do I say we are? The Department of Outlander Affairs office?

Imogen, could you—[There is a few pointed coughing noises, one which sounds suspiciously like the name Fearne and not a cough.]

Orym, Laudna. If you could manage to come to the Department of Outlander's Affairs office, myself, Imogen, Fearne, and F.C.G are waiting. I'm concerned Fearne has acquired some things that might belong to other people. And F.C.G. has refused the money they have offered at least five times.

This is Dorian, by the way. I am not sure if you can tell from the writing. Can everyone see this?



[No Subject]

Leon & Carol
WHAT: Leon has some concerns about Goose, and Carol makes introductions
WHERE: Carol's place
WHEN: Last week sometime
WARNINGS: Language, some talk about cannibalism and man-eating animals
STATUS: Complete

“Oooh, scary. What’s your next move, Detective?”
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[No Subject]

Talos, Carol & Emme
WHAT: Carol gets her first ~dreamland~ experience and sees her Space Dad; Emme gets drawn in for an introduction and bonding
WHERE: Rambeau House in Louisiana
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: Some mention of war/traumatic stuff
STATUS: Complete
NOTES: All the love to Lily for writing Talos! ♥

“Look after other people and look after each other. I think you two have got this.”
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[No Subject]

Hello, friends. Just putting it out there that I have suddenly had the bright idea of hosting the next party at our place. There'll be plenty of room for people to crash if they need to. Lots of room for activities. So if anyone's down for it, why don't we say, hmm, this weekend? That should be plenty of time to get everything ready for a real shindig, if you will.