
Layout By

March 21st, 2022



[No Subject]

WHO: Marina (& Bruiser)
WHEN: March 19, Post alerts of everyone disappearing
WHERE: Marina’s apartment to Eleanor’s and back again
WHAT: Just a sad narrative time
Fuck you, Vallo )



[No Subject]

So Disney is... a festival? A kingdom? Somehow... not a horrific kidnapping dimension? Someone with experience please explain.

[ Ostyia ]
I require your assistance, if you've time.



[No Subject]

It's been more than a decade since the last time I went to Disneyland (me and D took my kid brother once one afternoon, even if D just complained the whole time), but my folks used to take me a lot when I was a kid, given the fact that we only lived about 45 minutes from the park.

Kind of a nice treat to wake up to after everything, even if I could have passed on the actual wake-up call we ended up getting.



[No Subject]

Texts to Elsa )
Texts to Mobius )
Group Text to Yelena & Natasha )



[No Subject]

Hargreeves, Dan, and Sabrina]
I know things still kind of suck right now, but Claire asked if we could all go to Disney together for one day.



[No Subject]

Canceled plans is still the best froyo. Don't ask me about Any other suggestion is incorrect.



[No Subject]

Are we
Can we

Do I need to find coverage for the shop this week?



[No Subject]

Okay so idek with this one, but there's an Outlander here who has an issue. Her name is Addie.

Apparently back in her world she made a deal with someone who is probably her world's Lucifer. At least she calls him Luc. And he makes deals.

Anyway. She traded her soul for freedom but her Luc is like my father and rude. He made it so no one remembers her and she's like three hundred years old.

I can remember her, but I think that's cause I'm your daughter? Not entirely sure about that though, but it seems like a good theory.

Umm but she's wondering if you can undo another you's deals. I remember we talked about how all contracts have loopholes. It's how I release the souls in Hell but this feels different. Like she's still living and breathing.

So, thoughts?



[No Subject]

The welcome video was quite catchy. Your minstrels here upon the island are certainly not lacking in enthusiasm! I hope all the artisans in this land are just as spirited. Having spent a few days in the city to get my bearings, I am eager to see the sights on display in that video. Ekera, the coastline and the beach particularly. I say, what other wonders might a new pair of eyes love to see?

My name is Tekēhu, and I come from an archipelago called the Deadfire. The stranger wonders of this place are very unlike my home, I say. Just so, I am glad the tide has brought me to this different shore.



[No Subject]

Please please please please please please tell me someone wants to go to DISNEY??????????



[No Subject]


So I need to come up with a plan that will let me live here fulltime. Do I apply for a job here or do I just hide in a bathroom at the end of each day? Do I find this Mickey Mouse person and see what he has to say about all of this? If I make a compelling case, do you think he'll take me with him to whatever universe he takes this magical place to next???

How do you duct tape...like five other people to yourself without it becoming uncomfortable? This is the important one. Is there a spell for that?



[No Subject]

I am not one to look a gift Vallo in the mouth, so the arrival of this Disney Island has inspired me. It's time for an engagement party, people!

Wednesday, March 23rd @ Disney, please come join us to celebrate the upcoming nuptials of our favorite magical power couple; Dr Stephen Strange and Wanda Maximoff! Party is going to kick off around 4pm and will carry on through the night. Pepper and I are organizing it, so you know it's not something that you'll want to miss. There will be hotel rooms available for anyone who wants to stay the night. Food, drinks, and hijinks will be available for all. Don't miss it.

filtered to Stephen, Wanda, & Pepper )



Briar #1

Hello? Briar Moss here, plant mage, very confused. And me with only a couple knives as well, not even my kit; serves me right for not going around with it strapped to me, I guess, and people think I'm paranoid? The bag gentleman who found me bumbling around like a bleater in some place with abysmally tall buildings said there's no way out of this anyone knows of, but if anyone does happen to know one, I'd be grateful. Things were just starting to get settled. And I thought the weirdest things that were ever going to happen to me had already happened.



Log: Noctis & Prompto

WHERE Their Disneyworld Suite
WHEN March 21st late
WHAT Noct goes to Prompto's room to hang out & look at pictures and it leads to a kiss and some hasty explanations
STATUS Complete
You all have nice butts and the people need to know. Read more... )



[No Subject]

Catra + Glimmer
"Thanks - they’re genocide free. I feel like it makes a difference."

WHAT Catra and Glimmer grab drinks together a few days after the pizza party and make some apologies.
WHEN Wednesday, February 16, 2022; Evening - Backdated!
WHERE Al's Dive Bar
RATING Mentions of being kidnapped, almost destroying the world--taht sort of thing.
STATUS Complete!
Read more... )