
Layout By

June 22nd, 2021



[No Subject]

Okay, I've emerged from my cavern of books, maps (so many maps, you guys, I'd say I'm sorry but that isn't even slightly true) and minifigs and I have a campaign plotted out for D&D a multiplayer tabletop RPG. I know some of you have already swung by to talk characters, they're great, everyone is totally different which makes for fun party composition. If you still want to play, awesome, there's some stuff to look at here to get you started, and we can always talk too.

We'll do the first Friday of the month--which is July 2nd--if that works for everyone? Tommy and I can host. Bring snacks and your character sheet we created. I have dice (so much dice) but if you want to buy your own, awesome. We probably won't use figures for this first one, but hey, if you have one of those too it's totally cool. The first session will be getting the party together, possibly heading off on the first mission, but we'll see where and how it goes! You can talk to each other in advance and plan some backstory too so that not everyone is a complete stranger.

Also, someone scream with me that The Doors of Stone AND The Winds of Winter aren't published?? Get with it, epic fantasy writers with epic beards!



[No Subject]

If you had to choose one summer activity that you must do every year or would just recommend others do, what would it be? This could be something from home that you particularly enjoy or more universal.

I'm hoping to pack a lot into this summer break, but I could use all the suggestions.

I know that this is a big in advance, but time seems to just fly by if I let it. Highsummer is coming up on the 15th of July. The Dawnfather played every part in the eventual founding of Whitestone, so it tends to be a highly celebrated holiday for us. (I will spare you the history lesson, unless you really want it.) I am not deeply religious by any stretch of the imagination, but I rather enjoy the traditions and togetherness that come with the holiday -- it reminds me a bit of Thanksgiving and Christmas, from a while back. And so, I was wondering if you all would be at all interested in observing the holiday, in one way or another? I was thinking as simple as just having a feast of a dinner together, which I would happily supply. I thought it might be nice to try to recreate or find dishes that remind us all from home, to bring the different regions together onto one table.

In truth, I had a dual purpose in asking; you have all been very kind and welcoming in the time I have been here. (I know you have not known me as long, Beau and Yasha, but I hope that will change.) I do not have many friends back home due to the nature of things, so I suppose I just wanted to express my appreciation and do something for you all and a nice dinner seems like a good way to do that.



[No Subject]

Lucifer Morningstar
Thor Odinson
WHERE: Vallo: New Asgard, Thor's Cottage
WHEN: June 16th, 2021 (Backdated)
WHAT: Lucifer tries to help Thor with dinner and love. They end up burning down the kitchen instead and that seems very fitting.
STATUS: Complete
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