
Layout By

April 27th, 2020



[No Subject]

constantine + ray
"He hoped Ray wouldn't mind he'd already started pregaming."

WHAT Drinks and awkward talks abound
WHEN after this
WHERE John's Place
RATING who knows if John gets drunk - will updated as needed
Read more... )



Network Post ➢ Tommy Merlyn

Okay. I think I've sulked about being dead long enough. I'm not too sure what resources we have for job placement but I should probably look into that. Before I go look into what's hiring in the corporate world, are there any bars or clubs looking to hire? I have experience managing a club but I'm willing to bartend or fill in any other role as needed.

Private to Laurel Lance )



[No Subject]

Who: Dan & Allison
What: Dinner without the grandkids and asking important questions (no, not that question)
When: Right after the age plot
Where: Thai restaurant on the waterfront
Warnings: Schmoop
Status: Complete

You’re kind of my favorite person. )



[No Subject]

Is anyone else having a quaestio communicationis communication problem today?



[No Subject]





Text Messages ➢ Ava & Noctis

Texts to Ava Starr  )