
Layout By

March 19th, 2020



[No Subject]

"It smells better than London, at least."

WHAT The Frye Twins scope out a fight club location
WHEN March 19th
WHERE random basement in Vallo
STATUS complete
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Filter to Dan, Stiles and Ray

Sooo how about trying that peanut butter and bacon burger with me?



[No Subject]

So I've done the whole denial, anger, bargaining, depression thing in coming to terms that this place and my situation are real and I guess I'm at that stage where I've accepted that going home to Hawaii and my kids haven't accepted that isn't happening. At least not at this time.

What do you do after you've been through all that?



[No Subject]

Hey, I need your help with something.



[No Subject]

I have to admit, this isn't remotely what I had in mind when I thought about the idea of an afterlife.

Honestly, I never thought much of anything about it. But it didn't include magic forests and smartphones.

I'm just glad someone saw fit to put me back in my regular clothes before bringing me here. I was not looking forward to having to search for pants.

edited to add: Also, who knows a good place to get a milkshake?



[No Subject]

Being a teenager is very confusing. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

Do I go to school? I'm not dumb but I've never gone. Would I have to start at the beginning?