
January 5th, 2021




Looks like DreamRaven has gotten used to the brace.

Finn is also out looking for Clarke, despite the fact that she's in the camp with us. She was brought in the night before and Bellamy showed up in the morning. But Finn wasn't with him.

There's an electric fence around the camp. Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia are going after Murphy and Finn. Seems I have connections with Wick. In order to kill the electricity in the fence. Go us. Even if by Johnny's count, things have gone to hell already where Finn is concerned.

Yay for heart to hearts with Abby that aren't really heart to hearts. The adults need to realize that we're not kids anymore and haven't been since the day we were sent down to the ground to die.




More Alec drama. No truck or phone all because of being a demonstrator. Supposedly the old man wanted us to take care of a broken fence, but dream me is determined to keep calling him a traitor saying he can do things himself.

In other words, we're back to not giving me a lot.




So I guess that fog horn came in handy. It helped me reunite with my brother.

DreamO wants to know what her brother is on, giving dreamMurphy a weapon and letting him go with Finn. Now it's a matter of getting us all back home to the camp. For the most part? The dream was kind of dull.

Save for the part that Lincoln's gone. I'm taking my brother, Monroe and the others back towards camp. And Murphy is going off with Finn.




Looks like in the dreams I've been researching the town for years. Missing family heirlooms is definitely bad. I agree with my dream counterpart on that one.

That can't mean that she's dead here too. Can it? Or that it was his doing?