
September 14th, 2020




Mare has like...10 costumes she wants to be for Halloween this year. The majority of them are princesses, but also on the list is pirate, astronaut, and vampire cowgirl--where she got that last one I don't know. She has insisted we already start decorating for Halloween.




Supposedly I prefer chicken tinga over chicken mole. And my brother doesn't know not to sauce the sauce.

Well, dream version of my brother can be a dick. Okay, or maybe the dream versions of us are a bunch of dicks and brats. Dream me is all about correcting everything Seth says. And huh... seems that the lucky knife in the dreams is one that showed up here.

Dream me also seems to know a lot about... movies, I guess. These dreams are really screwed up. Also, duct tape is not good for injuries. Dream me is an idiot. And dream version of Seth thinks he can be 'fixed.'




I just found out from a Tik Tok that apparently your tongue sticks to dinosasur bones/fossils, which is an easier way to find out if it's a fossil or rock.

Mind blown. Tik Tok can be good for a few things apparently.




Trying to ignore dreams and get all that energy out on baking, which is working out well for everyone else.

I've been craving garlic bread for the last couple days, so I made some cheese stuffed garlic pull-apart bread that I saw online and some garlic knots. They both turned out fantastic and I think they might have to be a more regular menu staple.

Come stop by if you want to try them out or buy a "loaf".




Part of me was hoping when I saw the headline that signs of life were found on the planet Venus, that maybe they saw the ruins of my castle or something, but nope. Just chemicals in the clouds.




New school year, new classmates. And I always like to let classmates know, in case of future group projects, that I'm dyslexic and have ADD. Because I figure that's something important to know in case of future group projects. I'd rather be upfront about it now instead of looking like I'm using it as an excuse later. One of them said I didn't "seem like there's anything wrong with me". First that's... just insulting. There's nothing wrong with me, my brain just works differently. Secondly I've been on medication for it since I was a kid. And they replied asking if I've tried going without it and just "tried harder".

We are in the first year of medical school. How are you even here if you're questioning the legitimacy of medication? And I admit, I'm not perfect. There are mornings I've forgotten my medicine because something was going on and I got distracted. It's ...usually pretty obvious. The fact I usually seem whatever you consider "normal" means it's working.




Okay. I'm not a demon.

I'm exhausted, but not a demon.

My dreams are a mess. Why did I even do this? I shouldn't have come to this network, and there is a part of me that wants to know more. So in the dreams, I am still at the Outpost and I'm continuing the interviews to determine who lives and that seems to be a ruse cause I know I'm not taking any of them, at least I don't think so. I'm fucking with them maybe, but this girl - I touched her and she pushes me back, and I turn into this thing. She's got magic and so do I. Then I go to the basement, cut myself and start pleading for help from my father - in a pentagram. Okay, if that isn't fucked up enough, the leader of the group decides that she wants to kill everyone including me and make the way to the Cooperative herself, along with an android that I seem to have designed. She serves the group poison apples, they throw up all over and die, then she tries to kill me but the android shoots her instead, and I tell her about the woman that was killed for protecting me, my nanny. I created her after the only one who really loved me - and she worships Satan - and apparently HIS SON!

That's me. The son of Satan - the Anti-Christ.

And when I woke up, the glass sitting next to my bed smashed into the wall all by itself. Now weird shit happens when I think about something too hard. Things move, shake, and I've got this weird energy, not like being hyper, but I can feel it.